It's becoming more and more clear to me it's the Taiwanese forces pushing xifen all over U.S. I didn't believe this for a long long time, but the pattern is just becoming more and more clear. 
"It's for medical research, it's to study your diet, it's to give you language help, it's to help the southeast Asians..." They jump around giving you all kinds of excuses , saying anything they need to say to get xifen passed all over u.s.
Guys, don't be deceived. Politicians are not angels risking their careers for the southeast Asians. I get a good sense it's Taiwanese money pushing xifen, carried out by lobbyists they bought. 
We just focus on our fight. Ignore the noises.

Taidu is the enemy of the American Constitution. To achieve the purpose of separating Taiwanese from Chinese, and gaining support from American politicians in the future for taidu, they don't hesitate to buy government officials, and go through the whole song and dance of pushing Asian-xifen all over America under all kinds of pretenses: studying the relationship between rice-eating and getting diabetes, giving language help, helping people get Chinese food from Meals on Wheels, etc., etc., spewing all kinds of lying garbage, saying anything they need to say to get xifen to pass. They don't hesitate to ruin the American Constitution, invading citizens' privacy, trashing human rights, wasting American taxpayers' money, lying and morally coercing American politicians to achieve their ulterior purposes. 
Source: http://taiwaneseamericanhistory.org/blog/12-taiwanese-american-citizens-league-tacl-census-2010/
三年前,我问 Tackey Chan(在麻省推行亚裔细分的华人政客)就基于种族的强制优待做点事情。他说他不代表亚裔美国人,他代表全体美国人。现在,我要问他为什么只为亚裔推出细分法案(细分法案),而不是为所有的麻省居民。他告诉我,以他所有的撒谎专长,他只代表亚裔和在意我们。但当我们第一次就该法案致电他的时候,他最大的担心是:你们怎么发现的?他甚至都不想让我们知道这个法案,只是想让它类似于罗德岛那样悄然通过。他欺骗了麻省的政客们,告诉他们他提出这个议案时因为他想帮助柬埔寨人。可是,我们从未见到有任何一位柬埔寨人集会和要求被细分。当我们联系推动细分的组织时,我们只是不断地发现台湾人、台湾人、台湾人。这提醒了我们在加州发生的事情,在那里,细分由台湾政客提出,为台独铺路。
Three years ago, I asked Tackey Chan to do something about the race-based AA. He said he doesn't represent Asian Americans; he represents all Americans. Now I asked him why he proposed this bill only for AsiAms, not for all MA residents. He told me, with all his lying proficiency, that he only represents the Asians and cares about us. But when we first called him about the bill, his biggest concern is: how did you find out? He didn't even want us to know about this bill and wanted to pass it silently like in Rhode Island. He cheated MA politicians, telling them he proposed this bill because he wants to help Cambodians. But we never saw any Cambodians rallying and asking for xifen. When contacting the organizations pushing for xifen, we kept finding Taiwanese, Taiwanese, Taiwanese. It reminds us how in CA, xifen was proposed by Taiwanese politicians, laying the ground for taidu.
We must stop taidu from ruining the American Constitution and endangering all Americans' equal protection and Constitutional rights."

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