
大家好,我是Yosepha,InGenius Prep的学生推广主管。我身边是我们的前招生官顾问之一Tracy Matthews,她来自普林斯顿和斯沃斯莫。Tracy在斯沃斯莫学院招生办工作了8年,给我们讲一讲文理学院教育的特点吧。

My name is Yosepha and I’m the director of student outreach for InGenius Prep. I’m here with Tracy Matthews, one of our former admissions officers from Princeton and Swarthmore College. Tracy worked in the admissions office at Swarthmore for 8 years, so I was hoping you could tell us a little bit about your experience in the liberal arts education.
Okay, great. Actually both Swarthmore College and Princeton University offer a liberal arts education for its students. Swarthmore is a small liberal arts college and Princeton is a research university, but also has elements of liberal arts. Liberal arts is a concept that requires students to take a variety of courses across the curriculum, typically in the natural sciences, the social sciences, the humanities, and the fine arts and performing arts, so that they are exposed to a variety of coursework. A lot of students when they apply to college are not quite sure what they want to pursue as a major, many students apply undecided, or just have a broad idea of what they want to study. But taking, in most colleges what they call either a core curriculum or a distribution requirement, students are forced to take courses across the curriculum and explore subjects that they may not have known existed. So that when they have to decide on a major in their sophomore year, they are more knowledgeable, they make a wiser decision as to what they want to pursue, and they graduate knowing a broad range of academic areas. Certainly they have their major so they have an opportunity to study in depth, but they are also able to study in a broad way as well. Another goal of a liberal arts education is to know how to think critically, how to think and read analytically, and how to write effectively
So I actually have a lot of students say to me that they don’t think that they can find a job after graduating from a liberal arts college, what do you think about that?
I don’t think that’s the case at all. I know that in this job market, students and parents are very anxious about majoring in something practical to ensure employment. Certainly there are majors that have a higher rate of employment right out of college and/or that lead to high-paying jobs, like engineering or business/economics. But even as an English major or psychology major, as long as you start building your resume as soon as you get to college, making that connection with the career services office at your institution, and working with people in the career services office to find those internships and jobs, to build your resume skills, and to build your interviewing skills, you will gain the skills and have some practical experience that will ensure that you secure a job after graduating from college.
And to that point I have had a lot of classmates at Yale and my friends and colleagues from other top liberal art schools, they are English majors and they ended up going into investment banking and consulting, so I know that liberal arts colleges really teach you how to think, how to think critically, which is really helpful in the professional world.

关于 InGenius Prep
InGenius Prep是一家创办于耶鲁大学,服务于全球的教育咨询机构。拥有业界人数最多的前招生官顾问团队。每位梦想导师都来自哈佛、耶鲁、普林斯顿、哥伦比亚、伯克利等顶尖院校,用一对一的交流,提供给广大学生最直接的来自招生办的信息。通过入学申请的指导来传递国际化人才选择的理念,帮助学生更好地成长。

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