
YG:大家好,我是Yosepha,InGenius Prep的学生推广主管。我身边的是Tracy Matthews,我们的前招生官顾问之一,她来自普林斯顿和斯沃斯莫学院。谢谢你来到这里。大家都很好奇一个问题:你有没有拒绝过SAT满分的申请者?
Hi everyone my name is Yosepha and I am the director of student outreach for InGenius Prep. I am here with Tracy Matthews, one of our former admissions officers from Princeton and Swarthmore College. Thank you for being with us. So everybody always wants to know, have you ever rejected a student who has a perfect SAT score, 2400?
Yes, it happens. Working at highly selective institutions you will see a lot of students with perfect SAT scores. But admissions officers look for more than that. Having high scores is like having your foot in the door, it’s a threshold. It’s something that’s expected. But highly selective colleges are looking for more than that. They are looking at in an application, the whole student, how the student has done academically within their high school, so admissions officers at highly selective colleges look at the transcript, the courses, they like to see that students are challenging themselves within the context of their school's curriculum, and their scores. They all come into play, but they are also looking at students who are interesting, those who have something that they can bring to the school. So admissions officers look at the student's personality through their essay, through what teachers have to say about them. Also through the teacher’s recommendation, they are looking for students who are engaged in class, participate in class, know how to collaborate with other students in order to work together and to work together efficiently and effectively. Admissions officers are also looking for students who can bring something to the campus as a student and as a community member, looking at their extracurricular activities, what they do, the types of things that they do, and whatever they decide to do they like to see the qualities of leadership, commitment, achievement, and initiative.
Ok great. I am sure you have had a lot of students tell you that the whole summer they are going to be studying the SAT or the TOEFL. What do you have to say to those students?
I would say standardized test preparation is important, but it doesn’t need to be the whole summer. I think the summer is a good time to explore other interests, whether it’s an academic interest or extracurricular interest. It’s prime time to really demonstrate whatever it is that you’re passionate about. Leave some time for SAT prep, but don't devote the whole summer to just a small portion of the application process that will be evaluated.
On the other hand, have you ever admitted students that have less than stellar SAT scores and if so, why were those students admitted?
Yes, certainly I have accepted students that have the lower 25% of the average SAT scores, mainly because they are interesting people. They are people who anyone would love to have on their campus because they have done something unique, they bring something that’s unique to the campus whether it’s their passion about a particular area of study, they are different, they belong to a population that is underrepresented at the school, or they have accomplished something quite amazing whether it’s something in the arts, something in athletics, or something in service. If they have qualities that the admissions committee love to have on campus, that will enrich the campus, and their score is kind of on the lower side, that’s ok, they are still quite appealing.
Sounds like there are a lot students can do to balance out lower SAT scores and GPAs.

关于 InGenius Prep
InGenius Prep是一家创办于耶鲁大学,服务于全球的教育咨询机构。拥有业界人数最多的前招生官顾问团队。每位梦想导师都来自哈佛、耶鲁、普林斯顿、哥伦比亚、伯克利等顶尖院校,用一对一的交流,提供给广大学生最直接的来自招生办的信息。通过入学申请的指导来传递国际化人才选择的理念,帮助学生更好地成长。

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