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波士顿 51 艘帆船展盛会 (Sail Boston 2017)将于6月17日到21日在波士顿举行,届时一系列的大型庆祝活动将在波士顿各个地方推出。一共有51艘船舶参与这次盛会,是否有盛况空前的期待?这样盛大的海上游行是值得期待的,因为你不仅可以远观,还可以上船参观,想想就兴奋!这样浩浩荡荡的船舶游行可谓壮观且还真是可遇不可求!17日至21日还有音乐娱乐节目和美食节。
活动是免费的哦!活动地址有Boston Harbor、Boston Fish Pier、World Trade Center、South Boston Maritime Park 和Charlestown Navy Yard等。
JaneJane 为你准备了一些精彩活动介绍,如果你亲临现场了,别忘了投稿完美之旅,和大家分享心得!

1. Grand Parade of Sail 帆船海上大游行

Saturday, June 17 | 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Boston Harbor

17日周六早上9点到下午3点将有51艘船舶在波士顿海港 Boston Harbor进行大型游行,大家可以在海港沿岸各处可看到。最好的海岸观看地点是Castle Island, the Seaport District, the Downtown Waterfront, the North End, Charlestown and East Boston.下午四点到十点还可以登上帆船参观,登船地点请看活动2。
The Grand Parade of Sail will highlight the day’s activities as vessels parade in flotillas from Broad Sound into the main channel of Boston Harbor, along the Boston waterfront, turning at Charlestown, before proceeding to their assigned berthing areas.
The best landside viewing locations will be from Castle Island, the Seaport District, the Downtown Waterfront, the North End, Charlestown and East Boston.

2. Public Boarding of Ships  免费登船参观

周六 Saturday, June 17 | 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM

周日 - 周三  Sunday, June 18 – Wednesday, June 21 | 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM

登船地点:Boston Fish Pier, World Trade Center, Fan Pier and Charlestown Navy Yard
Following the Parade of Sail on Saturday, June 17, the Tall Ships will be berthed at various piers for the public to view and board. Boarding times will be posted closer to the event and may vary at the Captain’s discretion.

3. Crew & Cadet Street Parade 船员游行

Presented by Downtown Boston BID

时间:Monday, June 19 | Noon – 2:00 PM

地点:Seaport Boulevard to Downtown Crossing
6月19日12点到2点船员们的游行队伍将从Seaport 一直走到Downtown,当然少不了音乐陪行!
The Crew & Cadet Street Parade presented by Downtown Boston BID is an opportunity to celebrate Sail Boston 2017 and to welcome crew, cadets and guests from around the world. Marching bands and cadets from the visiting ships will parade from Seaport Boulevard to Downtown Crossing.

4. Sail Boston Festivals 音乐娱乐和美食节

时间:Saturday, June 17 – Wednesday, June 21 | 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM

地点:Boston Fish Pier and Charlestown Navy Yard
Come see the Tall Ships and enjoy music, entertainment and food for purchase.

5. Patriot Run

Sunday, June 18 | 8:00 AM

North Jetty
Watch 200 Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen run from the North Jetty pier to Christopher Columbus Park and back.

6. Sail Boston Worship Service

Sunday, June 18 | 10:00 – 10:30 AM

Chapel of Our Lady of Good Voyage
Ecumenical service for the general public, cadets, crew and guests associated with Sail Boston.

7. Massachusetts Fallen Heroes Memorial Wreath Laying

Sunday, June 18 | 11:00 AM

Massachusetts Fallen Heroes Memorial
The U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps accompanied by Naval forces from Canada, Chile, Ecuador and Peru will lay wreathes in honor of the men and women from Massachusetts who served in Iraq and Afghanistan and gave their lives for our nation.

8. Crew and Cadet Soccer Tournament

Tuesday, June 20 | 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM

Moakley Park
Crews and cadets of the Tall Ships will participate in a friendly competition in a soccer tournament at Moakley Park. We welcome you to come cheer on the competing crews from the sidelines!

9. Sunset Salute

Tuesday, June 20 | 7:00 – 9:00 PM | Charlestown Navy Yard

Come see the Tall Ships and enjoy a night of musical and military entertainment.

Participants Include:

Constitution Color Guard

Irish American Police Officers Association Pipes & Drums

William Diamond Jr. Fife & Drum

10. Tug of War

Wednesday, June 21 | Noon

South Boston Maritime Park

11. Sunset Salute

Wednesday, June 21 | 7:00 – 9:00 PM | Fan Pier
Come see the Tall Ships and enjoy a night of musical and military entertainment.

Participants Include:

Chilean Band

Dan Clark the Singing Trooper

Lynn English ROTC

Middlesex County Volunteers Fife & Drum

Sweet Harmony

U.S. Coast Guard Drill Team

Wheelhouse Rodeo

12. Tall Ships Depart

Thursday morning, June 22
The Tall Ships depart Boston Harbor. The majority of the Tall Ships will continue on the next leg of the Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta to Canada.

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254 Quincy Ave,Quincy, MA 02169,USA
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