Kabosu, the Japanese dog who inspired the Doge meme and influenced internet culture for more than a decade, died Friday after a long illness, according to her owner. She was 18 years old.
Her owner, Atsuko Sato, said Kabosu passed away at 7:50 a.m. on Friday when she fell into a “deep sleep” at her home in Japan. “Kabosu is at rest now,” she wrote in a message she shared online.
“Through the window, the soft light was shining in. Outside the window, birds were singing on a beautiful morning,” Sato wrote in Japanese. “As I caressed her, as if she was sleeping, she passed away quietly.”
“Everyone who loved Kabosu, thank you very much. Kabosu was the happiest dog in the world. And I was the happiest dog owner in the world,” she added.

2008年11月,柴犬卡波苏被现主人——日本一位幼儿园的老师佐藤敦子(Atsuko Sato)养。主人还特地为它开通了博客“和Kabosu酱一起散步”,记录它的日常生活。
2010年2月13日,主人佐藤敦子(Atsuko Sato) 在自己的博客上发布了卡波苏的一系列照片,其中一张照片中,它倚靠在沙发上,前爪相叠,侧身瞪眼竖起眉毛,传神的表情令人忍俊不禁,照片迅速在如Reddit等社交媒体上走红。
Kabosu was a female Shiba Inu dog who was adopted by Sato, a kindergarten teacher, in 2008. Photos of the dog went viral after they were shared on Reddit in 2013, kicking off a popular meme called Doge in which a photo is overlaid with inner monologue in broken English.
A picture of Kabosu is also used as the logo for the Dogecoin cryptocurrency. And in April 2023, Elon Musk briefly changed the Twitter/X logo to an image of Kabosu, causing the price of the cryptocurrency to surge.
2022年12月,佐藤敦子(Atsuko Sato)在社交媒体上发布帖子称,这只17岁的柴犬在圣诞节前夕就不再主动进食或饮水,并被诊断出患有急性肝胆管炎(acute cholangiohepatitis)和慢性淋巴细胞白血病(chronic lymphoma leukemia)
Kabosu was in poor health in recent years. Her owner announced in December 2022 that Kabosu was diagnosed with acute cholangiohepatitis and chronic lymphoma leukemia after she stopped eating and drinking. Her condition later improved.


综合来源:BNOnews 美国有线电视新闻网 红星新闻 
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