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Dear English teachers, 
Thank you for your continued support to Regional English Language Office (RELO). We are pleased to offer the sixth series of TESOL Master Class Webinars which will address Teaching English to Young Learners through Picture Books led by, the English language specialist, Dr. Agnes Tang.  
This series will consist of four 90-minute live webinars taking place from June 5-26, 2024, which aims to explore the dynamic role of picture books in the EFL classroom! From understanding different types of picture books to unleashing their potential in enhancing language skills, each session offers practical insights and strategies. Discover how picture books can ignite students' creativity, boost language proficiency, and foster critical thinking. Don't miss out on this enriching opportunity to transform your teaching approach! 
The 1st session will be held at 19:30-21:00 am Beijing time on June 5, 2024. Please see details below for more information about the topic and the presenter. 
Title: Role of Picture Books in the EFL Classroom  
This session provides an overview of picture books including the various types of picture books and how to choose them, and the many ways picture books can be used in the classroom to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. 
Webinar Schedule 
Speaker Bio: 
Agnes Tang is a participant in the English Language Specialist Program, a U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs exchange program. This program brings experts in the field of English language education to work with host country institutions, ministries of education, bi-national centers, and other English language education institutions to exchange knowledge, build capacity, and establish partnerships benefiting participants, institutions, and communities in the United States and overseas. Dr. Tang currently teaches in the MA TESOL program at Wenzhou-Kean University in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province. She was a Fulbright Scholar (also a U.S. Department of State program) in Taiwan for two years, and before that, an assistant professor at Texas A&M University-Central Texas. She has more than 20 years of teaching experience in U.S. elementary schools and universities and has conducted numerous teaching workshops on using picture books in various locations throughout China. 
The Regional English Language Office works through the Public Affairs Sections of the US Embassy and US Consulates to create and implement projects and programs related to English language teaching methodology by providing training opportunities, expertise and materials. The RELO Office in Beijing is one of 26 such offices around the world and is coordinated by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language Programs. 
For more information, see: https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/relo/


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