#English Study#Idiom: Get Roped Into. To “get roped into” something means to be persuaded to do something. Often something you do not really want to do. The use of the word “rope” probably comes from cowboys, who use a lasso to rope young cows while riding a horse. Here is an example: “I got roped into playing on the company softball team. I don’t like softball, but Nate convinced me to try it.” #AmericanEnglish#
#英语学习#英语俗语:Get Roped Into (被拉拢/说服做某事)。“Get roped into”指被说服去做某件事情,而这件事往往是你并不想做的事。在这个俗语中,“rope”一词可能来自牛仔,他们可以边骑马边甩起绳索套住小牛(rope young cows)。例句:“I got roped into playing on the company softball team. I don’t like softball, but Nate convinced me to try it.(我被拉去参加公司的垒球队。我不喜欢垒球,但Nate说服我去试试。)” 