The Xu family's old house, built in the 1990s within the urban area of Haining, covers an approximate land area of nearly 600 square meters, with a building footprint of about 170 square meters. Initially, the owners resided with their parents and siblings in this four-story European-style villa. As the family structure evolved, the owners approached us with the desire to renovate the outdated house inside and out to meet their latest functional needs. The original old house utilized a reinforced concrete frame structure, with each floor slab cast in one pour, and the overall structural condition was good. After multiple rounds of deliberation and negotiation, in consultation with the owners, the overall design strategy revolved around renovating while preserving the existing architectural framework.

Designing an Ideal Home:
Upon seeing the current state of the house and setting aside any preconceived design impulses, we believe that as a private residence, it's essential to fully listen to the owners' external and internal needs and anticipate potential future usage changes. The husband and wife owners believe that the most significant thing in life is to have their ideal home. Before finding us, they already had many ideas for this house. So, the overall design process began with extensive discussions with the owners, delving into their envisioned lifestyle, living scenarios, interests, social gatherings, and other specific aspects. Many initial ideas were divergent and fragmentary. Often, each conversation even overturned some consensus reached in the previous one. In our view, many ideas need time to settle. After multiple rounds and layers of communication and dialogue, we gradually helped the owners organize several key elements and reached a consensus. With this approach, the design process lasted for an entire year before finally settling for implementation.
Embracing Nature – Both husband and wife are avid outdoor enthusiasts, describing their love for immersing themselves in nature. With the existing outdoor courtyard, we aimed to leave as much outdoor space for nature as possible, shaping the landscape around the large preserved trees.
Due to the depth of the original rooms, the interior tended to be dim when not lit. Therefore, we redesigned the facade's windows. On one hand, floor-to-ceiling windowswere introduced to maximize the influx of natural light. On the other hand, carefully positioned windows were designed to frame the best views for the owners to enjoy from indoors.
我们认为家庭成员之间的陪伴和交流是极其重要的,它不仅是建立亲密关系的基础,也是促进成员之间情感联系、增进彼此了解和支持的重要方式。所以我们对原有得楼板进行了大刀阔斧得改动, 将二层和三层不同代际家庭的起居室和过道都设置了局部的通高空间,这种开放式的布局,使得不同不同楼层的家庭成员能直接看到彼此,增加了视觉上的交流和互动。
-Feeling Accompanied
We believe that companionship and communication among family members are extremely important. It not only forms the foundation of intimate relationships but also serves as a crucial means to foster emotional connections, deepen understanding, and provide support among family members. Therefore, we made significant alterations to the original floor slabs, creating partial double-height spaces in the living rooms and corridors of the second and third floors, accommodating different generational families. This open layout allows family members on different floors to directly see each other, enhancing visual communication and interaction.


-Simple Living – 
The owners prioritize inner peace, pursue simplicity, authenticity, and spiritual freedom. Through this renovation, they aim to embody a minimalist lifestyle, free from excessive material possessions. In terms of design, we advocate the principle of "less is more," avoiding excessive decoration and complex structures. We integrated storage and service spaces as much as possible to create a more spacious and open overall environment. Additionally, we utilized natural materials to promote a healthy living environment, maintaining a predominantly white color scheme to allow natural light to take center stage and highlight the textures of walls, floors, and furniture.
Throughout the entire design and construction process, the owners invested tremendous passion and effort to realize this ideal home. For architects, the responsibility lies in being diligent listeners, creative implementers, professional technical advisors, and coordinators, ensuring that the residents of this space can experience the beauty of life.
Project information 项目信息

项目完成年份:   2024年
建筑面积:   500平米
建筑室内景观一体化设计:    中国电建华东院林再国工作室 / HDEC AIR-CoLAB Studio
主创建筑师: 林再国 宣万里
设计团队(人名): 孟静亭、 胡思毅、黄楚妮
项目地址:  浙江省嘉兴海宁
审核编辑 | Heloise