#English Study#Election Words A - Z: Absentee VotingAbsentee voting allows individuals to vote by mail before Election Day. It's designed for voters who cannot be physically present at their polling stations, including military personnel stationed overseas, citizens living abroad, or those with illness or disability. Absentee ballots ensure broader participation in the electoral process. Voters must request an absentee ballot, which they then complete and return by a specified deadline according to their place of residence. This system plays a crucial role in enabling a more inclusive and accessible voting process. 
Absentee Application

An application to receive an absentee ballot.
Absentee Ballot Request Form

A form used by a voter to request an absentee ballot.
Absentee Voter

A voter who uses an absentee ballot to vote.
Absentee Voter Status

A term used by election officials when determining whether a voter is eligible for, applied for or voted using an absentee ballot.
Absentee Voting(缺席投票)

Absentee Application(缺席申请表)

Absentee Ballot Request Form(缺席选票申请表)

Absentee Voter(缺席投票选民)

Absentee Voter Status(缺席投票选民状态)

#AmericanEnglish# #2024美国大选# #通向2024之路# 