1. Michael is the smartest student in the class. 迈克尔是班上最聪明的学生。
2. The actress looks younger than she really is. 这位女演员看上去比实际年龄年轻。
3. Miles came to Paris the day before yesterday. 迈尔斯前天来到巴黎。
4. I don't want to go to school tomorrow. 我明天不想去上学。
5. I speak Chinese, he speaks Chinese, too. 我说中文,他也说中文。
6. I have been to China three times. 我去过中国三次。
7. I have a dog. She has a cat. 我有一只狗,她有一只猫。
8. I go to the supermarket with my wife. 我和妻子去逛超市。
9. You shouldn't play the game for so long. 你不应该玩游戏这么久。
10. I don't know that man talking with Alice. 我不认识那个正在和爱丽丝说话的男人。