  • 这是一起针对普通民众的血腥的恐怖袭击事件,导致大量人员遇难。
  • 目前相关部门已抓获11人,其中包括4名恐袭事件的直接参与者。
  • 犯罪嫌疑人逃往乌克兰方向,有人为他们准备了逃离俄罗斯的“窗口”,俄方将查明事件并惩罚所有幕后黑手。
  • 莫斯科和其他地区将强化反恐力度,采取补充性反恐措施。
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Saturday all four gunmen in the Moscow terrorist attack were arrested.
Putin, addressing the nation, said that all those responsible for the deadly attack would be punished. He also ordered that Sunday will be a nationwide day of mourning.
A deadly shooting at a concert hall in suburban Moscow Friday killed at least 143 people and injured over 100, local authorities said. 
来源:央视新闻 新华社