UC Berkeley
International Career Fair
UC Berkeley 2024春季国际招聘会
针对这一问题,OAL联合BCSSA、美西南学联,将在 3 月 11 日举办一场针对于国际学生的 International Career Fair!这场招聘会是伯克利第一场由学生发起、运营的招聘会,并得到了来自Career Engagement Center的支持,将云集来自全球各地的优秀企业,为国际生牵出一条直观的、符合我们需求的信息通道,并打破国际生和就业机遇之间的信息壁垒。
本次 International Career Fair 邀请了来自全球各地的公司,涵盖科技、教育、非盈利、金融等不同领域,也包容了各种规模。作为面向国际生的 ASUC 议员办公室,OAL 确保了本次到场公司都接受 OPT/CPT,或将赞助工作签证(H1B Sponsorship)
本次活动主要面向于UC Berkeley 学生和学者,也热烈欢迎来自UCSF、Stanford University、University of San Fransisco湾区高校的学生和学者,参与人群将包括在校本科生研究生
本次招聘会对所有学生完全免费不出售门票,同学们只需要通过填写Google Form提前报名(点击“阅读原文”即可进入RSVP链接),届时即可到场参加。
1. 让国际学生们能够与公司的公司代表或 HR 们平等交流学习
2. 帮助参加招聘会的学生了解到各大公司的基本业务,寻找自己感兴趣的领域,建立有效的社交网络
3. 与公司HR、雇主讨论国际生在求职中所面临的挑战,促进相互之间的沟通,为他们争取更好的待遇
4. 将更多国际学生引入全球公司求职网增加资源流通,为国际学生提供更多福利。
时间:3月11日 PST 1-5PM
地点:Pauley Ballroom (2495 Bancroft Way, MLK Building 3rd Floor)
American Education Advantage
AEA is committed to providing the highest quality, most appropriate and efficient one-stop study abroad application services to the international student population.
Asian Health Association of America
A non-profit organization dedicated to advancing professional healthcare resources and support for the Asian community in the U.S. AHAA serves as a crucial hub, providing a transparent platform for healthcare professionals, patient, and the wider community to interact, work together, and advocate for a healthier Asian community. Central to its mission, AHAA strives to drive positive change by providing professional health resources, bridging healthcare access gaps, and fostering a community that thrives on equal access, expert guidance, and collaborative support.
Asksia AI致力于彻底改变学生的学习方式和教育工作者的教学方式。通过Asksia的人工智能学习工具,我们提供适应每个用户独特需求的个性化学习体验。我们的服务包括识别和针对个人学习差距的智能辅导系统,强化知识点的人工智能实践课程,以及学习进度的深度分析。
我们的使命是让教育在世界每个角落都更容易获得、更具吸引力、更有效。无论你是一名追求卓越学术的学生,还是一名努力提高课堂参与度的教师,亦或是一所寻求增强教育项目能力的机构,Asksia AI都是你在教育转型中的有力合作伙伴。
Centent Consulting Company LLC
Centent Consulting LLC is a reputable Business and IT consulting firm dedicated to delivering professional consulting services to clients and partners globally. Since our establishment in 2023, we have collaborated with clients of varying sizes and across diverse industries, including IT, Data, Finance, BioTech, and Human Resources. Our commitment is to assist them in achieving their business objectives by deploying our value-added professional staff, either remotely or on-site.
Tencent is a Chinese multinational conglomerate founded in 1998, headquartered in Shenzhen, China. Renowned for its diverse range of internet-related services and products, Tencent is a major player in the technology and entertainment sectors. The company's portfolio includes popular platforms such as WeChat, QQ, and Tencent Video, along with investments in gaming, e-commerce, social media, and artificial intelligence. With a significant global presence, Tencent is one of the world's largest and most influential technology companies.
Dreame Technology 
科技成立于2017年,是一家不断求索和成长的全球化科技公司,致力把尖端科技用于生活普惠。目前,追觅科技已经成为智能清洁行业领导品牌,凭借扫地机器人、无线吸尘器、智能洗地机、高速吹风机四大品类,以科技解放用户双手,让用户有更充足的时间与精力去关注自我,享受生活,追觅梦想人生。在高速数字马达、智能算法等方面,追觅科技拥有一系列授权专利并处于全球领先地位。截至2023年12月,追觅科技全球累计申请专利达4256件,已累计获得授权专利2206件。目前,追觅科技旗下产品已经覆盖 120 余个国家和地区,包括中国、美国、德国、法国、韩国等,全球线下实体门店入驻已超4000家。2023年,追觅科技全渠道会员总人数已突破750万人,在全球市场累计服务超过2100万家庭。科技普惠用户生活的一小步,推动人类社会和文明迈进一大步。
Double Rainbow, Inc
Double Rainbow is a Venture Studio that incubates early stage companies. We are currently hiring for 1.vertical SaaS company, 2. AI in healthcare, 3. Fintech for SMB, 4. Travel and hospitality startup.
Easy Transfer
EasyTransfer is the leading online tuition payment services platform for international students, trusted by 280,000+ students and families, processing over US$3 Billion in transactions every year. We partner with Tencent, UnionPay and Cashfree Payments, and is the exclusive international education payment service on WeChat.
Education for Change Public Schools
Education for Change Public Schools has six school in Oakland, grades Tk-12th. Our mission is to provide a superior public education to underserved children by creating a system of schools that focuses relentlessly on our students’ academic achievement and socio-emotional well being. We are hiring team members who are passionate in working with students and in Education field. We are looking for teachers (all subjects), classified support staff, and specialists (OT, SLP, School Psych). We offer H1B Visa sponsorship for qualified candidates.
JP Morgan Chase
JPMorgan Chase & Co., one of the oldest financial institutions, offers innovative financial solutions to millions of consumers, small businesses and many of the world’s most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients under the J.P. Morgan and Chase brands. Our history spans over 200 years and today we are a leader in investment banking, consumer and small business banking, commercial banking, financial transaction processing and asset management.
Hyperbound is a simulated conversational AI roleplay platform that allows sales people to build interactive AI agents that simulate a buyer in less than 2 minutes. Hyperbound trains and ramps your sales reps faster, keeps them warmed up, and allows you to personalize coaching for each rep, increasing conversion rates on cold and discovery calls.
NAVEE is dedicated to creating cutting-edge micro-mobility solutions that enhance world transportation, leisure experiences, and professional productivity. core members are all graduates of world-class universities, and more than 50% of our people are experienced engineers.
Student Medicover
Student Medicover, established in 2013, addresses a critical gap in international students' healthcare education in the U.S. Despite proficiency in various fields, many lack essential knowledge about healthcare due to concerns about the country's complex system. In collaboration with UnitedHealthcare, Student Medicover offers affordable, high-quality insurance plans to over 20,000 students from 43 countries and 167 universities. With an impressive annual sales growth of over 160%, the organization is committed to providing compassionate and professional care. Partnering with 120+ student organizations, Student Medicover fosters supportive, vibrant communities, ensuring the well-being of international students nationwide.
Traini is an AI company that develops the next generation pet care platform based on Vertical Large Action Model (V-LAM). Users can talk and interact with machines using natural language. The world's first PetGPT can not only understand the complex intentions of pets and people, but also understand the complex intentions of pets and people. It can also directly help users operate the search process to complete tasks - replacing the current information interaction between users and traditional search, and further revolutionizing the efficiency and experience of human-computer interaction.
Uoffer provides a one-stop job-seeking service for North American international students, with a gold-medal mentor team from top-tier companies. We offer personalized services tailored to meet the needs of different job seekers, including one-on-one guidance. We analyze students' backgrounds and career development directions, and develop a complete job application plan.
Office of ASUC Senator Andy Liu
Associated Students at University of California (ASUC)是加州大学伯克利分校唯一的官方学生政府,创立于1887年。作为一个自主、非营利性的学生组织,ASUC在学校内拥有广泛的影响力,并且负责代表伯克利校区的学生群体。
刘雨滢Andy Liu是2023~2024学年代表国际生和东亚学生群体的学生议员。她的办公室,即Office of Senator Andy Liu,通过切实的项目促进超过6000选民(即国际生和东亚学生)与校方之间的沟通,同时为国际生和东亚学生创造机遇和福利。
伯克利中国学生学者联合会 Berkeley Chinese Students and Scholars Association 是湾区最大的学生组织之一。组织自1989年成立至今已三十余年,致力为伯克利华人学生学者提供最贴心的服务,为广大留学生们搭建一个沟通交流的平台,团结一心,互帮互助,让莘莘学子们在异国他乡学习的同时,感受来自祖国同胞的温暖。
任何疑问,请联系SWCSSA:[email protected]