最近,王家卫导演的电视剧《繁花》上映,无论是剧中老上海的迷人风光,还是剧中人物的故事,都引起网友热议。香港英文媒体 South China Morning Post 进行了报道,我们一起来看下。
Famed director Wong Kar-wai’s new 30-episode show Blossoms Shanghai is streaming on Tencent now – the story centres around A Bao, a Shanghainese man living large in the city in 1992.
After much anticipation, Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai debuted his first web series Blossoms Shanghai on Tencent’s streaming platform in China on December 27.
著名导演王家卫的 30 集新剧《繁花》正在腾讯视频热播,故事以1992年上海为背景,围绕着一位生活在这座城市的上海人阿宝展开。
show 此处是名词,指“电视剧”,它的涵盖范围比较广,可表示电影、电视剧、综艺、短视频等。“电视剧”也可以用 TV seriesTV drama 表示。
episode 指电视剧的“一集”,美剧开头经常会看到“S1E1”的字样,其中 S 指 season,E 代表 episode,S1E1 就是:第一季第一集。文中 30-episode show 意思是:30集电视剧。
Blossoms Shanghai 是电视剧《繁花》的英文名。
stream 原本指小溪,此处是一个新含义,源于在线观看视频的原理:将一连串的媒体数据压缩后,经过网上分段发送数据,可在网上即时传输影音以供观赏,由于这种技术使得数据包得以像流水一样发送,因此被称为“流媒体技术”,而 stream 也衍生出新的含义,表示“流媒体播放”“网络直播”,常见搭配有:
live stream(动词)直播
live-streaming app(名词)直播平台
live-streaming celebrity 或 live-streamer(名词)直播网红、网红主播
streaming platforms(名词)流媒体平台、视频平台。
文中 Blossoms Shanghai is streaming on Tencent 意思是:《繁花》正在腾讯视频上播出。
debut 读音 [ˈdeɪbjuː],末尾的“t”不发音。它可以作名词也可以作动词,表示“首映、初次亮相”,可修饰服装、专辑、电影、书、剧、产品等。注意,debut 作动词可攻可受,既可以用主动也可以用被动,如:
The ballet will debut next month in New York.
The ballet will be debuted next month in New York.
Dundee United's Dave Bowman makes his international debut.
重要搭配:make one's debut 首次亮相。
文中 Wong Kar-wai debuted his first web series Blossoms Shanghai on Tencent’s streaming platform 字面意思是:王家卫首次在腾讯视频上播出网剧《繁花》。(字面意思是为了帮大家更好地对应原文,实际翻译时要进行调整,使语言通顺自然。)
再聊一聊 shanghai 这个词,它可以作动词,表示“诱骗或强迫(某人做某事)”。这个词的起源可以追溯到19世纪,当时美国一些港口的远洋商船频繁航行到上海。由于水手多半不愿签约远航,船主及其代理人只好采用卑劣手段把水手拐骗或挟持到船上工作。他们往往用麻醉剂使水手失去知觉或用烈酒灌醉。待到醒来时,水手们发现自己已经在驶往上海或其他远方港口的船上了。这种把人诱骗或挟持到船上工作的做法,水手们用to ship a man to Shanghai一语来形容,后来又直接用to shanghai一词来表示,如今首字母小写的shanghai词义延伸为“诱骗或强迫(某人做某事)”,一般多用于口语。干这种诱拐勾当的人叫shanghaier,千万不要把该词和表示“上海人”的 Shanghainese 或 Shanghailander 二词混淆起来。但现在 shanghai 的“诱骗”的含义很少用了。
The long-awaited series marks a full decade since the director released his last film, The Grandmaster. And in typical Wong Kar-wai fashion, it’s garnering polarising opinions and reviews. While some worry that the cinematic drama he’s known for will get lost on the small screen, others wonder if the often glacial tempo of his works will translate well into a 30-episode show.
long-awaited 是形容词,对应上面的 much anticipation。
The release of Huawei Mate 60 marks two years since the last blockbuster smartphone, Mate 40, came out.
garner 是一个比较正式的表达,意思上相当于 obtain / get “获得”。polarise 的名词形式我们应该都知道,是 polar,指“极地”,所以 polarising opinions and reviews 意思是“两极分化的意见和评论”。(polarise是英式拼写,美式拼写是polarize)
1)Comments on X are polarized
Comments on the controversial policy decision are polarized, with supporters praising its boldness and critics condemning it as impractical.
2)There is a sharp divide in opinions on X
There is a sharp divide in opinions on the proposed tax reforms, with some arguing for their necessity and others vehemently opposing them.
3)Opinions on X vary widely
Opinions on the recent technological advancements vary widely, reflecting the industry's rapid evolution and generating both enthusiasm and skepticism.
4)X has elicited divergent views
The government's handling of the economic crisis has elicited divergent views, with citizens expressing both confidence and frustration in equal measure.(elicit是“引发”的意思,measure在这里是熟词僻义,指“程度”,in equal measure 表示“以相同的程度”)
5)There are extremes of opinion regarding X
There are extremes of opinion regarding the company's new product launch, with early adopters praising its innovation and traditionalists criticizing its departure from established norms.
回到文中来,看下面这句话:While some worry that the cinematic drama he’s known for will get lost on the small screen, others wonder if the often glacial tempo of his works will translate well into a 30-episode show.
he’s known for 是 the cinematic drama 的定语从句,意思是:他所擅长的电影。
glacial 的名词我们应该熟悉,是 glacier 冰川,所以 glacial 表示“冰川的”,引申为“冰冷的”,可修饰温度,也可形容人。看两个例子:
glacial winds
Relations between the two countries had always been glacial. 
tempo 指音乐的“节奏、拍子”,如:
a slow/fast tempo
文中 glacial tempo of his works 可以翻译成“其作品中冰冷舒缓的节奏”。
translate into 在这里不是“翻译”的意思,而是“转化”,其实这两个含义是相通的,翻译就是从一种语言到另一种语言的转化。看个句子:
Not all the hard work will translate into profits. 
X is garnering polarising opinions and reviews. While some worry that…, others wonder if…
Comments on X are polarized, with supporters praising… and critics condemning it as …
The debate over whether a university degree is a necessary prerequisite for success is garnering polarizing opinions and perspectives. While some argue that a college education provides essential skills and knowledge crucial for professional achievement, others worry that the escalating costs of higher education may outweigh the potential benefits. 
  1. 网剧:web series
  2. 首映:sb debut+剧 on 平台
  3. 上映:剧 is streaming on 平台;人 release 剧 on 平台
  4. 故事讲述了…:the story centres around…;the story details…;X tells the story of…
  5. 褒贬不一、观点两极分化:X garners polarising opinions and reviews
  6. 由…改编:be an adaptation of…
  7. 与…不同:This is a stark departure from…
  8. 娱乐圈顶流:be at the top of the entertainment industry
  9. 主持电视节目:host a TV show
  10. 出演:appear in+剧/广告
  11. 翻拍:a remake of
  12. 为…拍摄广告、与…商业合作:lend his image to the campaigns of 品牌,或 work with
  13. 获得多项提名:rack up more than a handful of nominations