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The WebConf Workshop on Graph Foundation Models

Rising Star Awards

The GFM 2024 Workshop will feature a "Rising Star Award" to recognize outstanding contributions in the field of graph foundation models. This award aims to honor emerging researchers who have demonstrated exceptional potential through their innovative research and ideas in the domain of graph-structured data and relational data. The award will spotlight those who are making significant strides in advancing graph-specific foundation models and their applications, particularly in large-scale networks and AI4Science fields.

Call for Papers
We welcome submissions regarding the foundation models for graphs, including but not limited to:
  • Graph-specific foundation models: Innovative ideas and perspectives in building generic foundation models for graph-structured data and relational data. Examples include scaling and extending graph-specific models like Graph neural networks to do pre-training and adapt to downstream tasks. Typical a special focus on the graph foundation model on big network (e.g., Google scale) and AI4Science application (e.g., computational biology, and chemistry).
  • Data-centric perspectives on graphs: Ideas and proofs-of-concept in solving graph-related problems from a data-centric perspective. Examples include how to enhance graph data availability and quality, and how to learn from graph data with limited availability and low quality.


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