关于加州要推行全民强制参加long term care insurance这个事情,估计大家都不陌生了。最近加州long term care法案委员会小组召开了第二十三次会议,进一步讨论了开展全民long term care program的种种问题和精算报告。我们今天就来和大家讲一讲,加州long term care法案有什么新update。
Long term care tax会以什么形式来收?
官方回答:A progressive payroll tax, perhaps split between employees and employers, with an income-based tax for self-employed individuals is the prevalent design recommendation at this point。
其实说得很明白了,最recommend的形式就是用payroll tax来收
收税虽然有很多形式,可以用income tax, sales tax等,但是都没有payroll tax收税来得直接:工资还没发到手的时候,直接就把税收了,简单粗暴又方便。而且每半个月发工资就顺便收一次,现金流极度稳定。而且,几乎没有什么避税手段能避掉payroll tax。不行的,连放401k都躲不掉payroll tax。
相比之下,如果采取income tax的方式来收,不但有可能被各种避税手段冲减效果,最关键的是一年才一次,其他11个月都收不到钱,旱时旱死,涝时涝死。
所以,payroll tax是税务局的心头好。
而且,两年前已经在华盛顿州通过并且开始实行的long term care tax,也是按payroll tax的形式来收的。虽然在征收过程中出了各种幺蛾子,但最终还是在今年七月开始以payroll tax的形式顺利征收了,给各个其它州提供了一个很好的借鉴。

所以,这可就最苦了拿W2的人群了,特别是有大量的RSU等equity comp的高income人群。不管发的是工资奖金还是股票,甚至是non qualified option,全部包含在W2里,还没见到钱,税先被扣掉。
Long term care tax会收多少?
目前的官方分析报告中,提出来五个方案,最低的是income的0.6%,最高的是3%,"mid-range comprehensive LTSS benefits"中等方案在1.6%。 
当然,这个五个方案,都是proposal,draft version,最后会是哪个方案,或者是这五个方案的合体,谁也不知道。说不定,最后这五个方案全部被否定,再搞出个第六个方案,也不是没可能。
Long term care tax收取的income会有上限吗?
在目前的五个方案中,其中只有一个方案,也就是这个收1.6%的中等方案"mid-range comprehensive LTSS benefits"是没有contribution cap的,其他的四个方案都是建议有contribution cap的,也就是收入在一定level以上的部分不再被收这个税,这个cap目前建议是40万。当然,这也是draft version,最后通过的法案也可能这五个方案都不采纳,搞出个其他的cap来。
另外,华盛顿州目前已经在实行的long term care tax,是没有income cap的。不管年收入是多少,都是乘以0.58%固定税率。
The Task Force will make its final recommendations to the Legislature in the Actuarial Report, which will be submitted by January 1, 2024. At that point, legislation would be required to establish and implement a statewide program. January 1, 2024, is not the program effective date. It is the deadline for the Task Force to submit the Actuarial Report to the Legislature. Neither the Feasibility Report nor the Actuarial Report have the authority to establish any program.

帮大家翻译整理一下:负责推进long term care insurance tax的专案小组会在2024年1月1日之前,给立法部分递交最后的分析报告。2024年1月1日,不是programm effective date。
20241月1日并不是什么program生效日。而且,目前的精算学报告和可行性报告也不一定是最终的方案。要estabilish the program,是需要经过立法程序的事情,并不是一个精算学报告和可行性报告就行的。
有什么方法可以不被收这个long term care tax呢?
官方回答:The Task Force is recommending that individuals who own eligible private insurance as of a certain date on or before the program effective date (TBD) be permitted to opt out of the program. Any new policies sold after this deadline would be ineligible for program opt out, but could qualify for reduced program contributions. To be eligible to opt out, or receive reduced program contributions, the policy would have to meet certain standards (yet to be determined) and would be subject to periodic recertification.
帮大家翻译整理:估计很多人都问有什么办法可以避掉这个long term care tax,专案小组一共建议了三点:
1. 如果个人在法案生效日或者生效日之前某天已经自己买好private insurance的,而且这个private insurance policy符合一定条件的话,可以不被收这个税。
2. 如果是在deadline之后买好的,就必须被收这个税了,但是鉴于自己已经买好了private insurance,只是买得晚了而已,所以酌情考虑,这个税可以被少收一点。
3. 如果要能不被收这个税,或者被少收一点,自己买的private insurance policy必须要

1. 这个法案生效日或者生效日之前某天,到底是那天?回答是TBD (to be determined)

2. 自己买的private insurance policy要满足一定的条件,那么这个条件是什么?回答是
yet to be determined。
到底什么时候是能不能opt out的deadline?
官方回答:At this time, there is no deadline. The Task Force is recommending that the deadline be on or before the effective date of any program the Legislature may choose to propose. It is up to the Legislature to determine the details of any program they may recommend, including the effective date of the Program and the deadline (if any) to opt out. The Legislature may choose to follow many, some, or none of the recommendations of the Task Force. The Legislature has not yet made any decisions about a public program and there is currently no “optout” date. Any communications that suggest otherwise are factually untrue.
翻译整理:怕大家之前一个章节没看明白,又来给大家重申一遍:目前没有opt out的deadline。专案小组建议立法部门把deadline设在program effective date或者之前。但是,又把话各种花式收回来:
立法部门会不会不采取“把deadline设在program effective date或者之前”这个方案?有可能。
立法部门会不会不设立opt out deadline,也就是根本不能opt out?有可能。
立法部门会不会根本不采取,或者只部分采取专案小组的建议,甚至完全不设立long term care tax program?有可能。

官方回答:If a person works in California, but lives in another state, they would be eligible for the program

在2年多前通过的华盛顿州的long term care tax实施过程中,其实就碰到了这个问题:如果一个人的雇主在华州,但是住在别的州,比如微软的员工住在Oregon,在最初的法案中,还是会被收这个税的,因为是直接用payroll tax的形式来收,直接就在工资里面扣掉。

后来,在立法生效后又拖了一年多才开始正式征收,其中解决的一个重要问题,就是如果一个人目前既不住在华州,之后也不住在华州,但是只是目前雇主在华州,是不是应该交这个税?最终的解决方案是:华州政府给这个long term care tax program打了个补丁:如果是非华州居民,或者是持有非移民工作签证的华州居民(比如H1b, L1),可以申请不交这个税。


加州政府知道大家都打算去买private insurance来opt out吗?
当然知道啦。Feasibility report来来回回好几处写到,如果让大家通过买private insurance to opt out,高收入者就会opt out, program可能收不到足够的revenue。随便摘几处出来给大家看看:

“It could lead to a disproportionate share of higher-income residents deciding to opt out of the Program given that they would be contributing more to the Program than low-and middle-income residents for the same benefits, and they can more easily afford private isnruance."

"Care must be taken to minimize opt-out adverse selection, as any adverse selection could jeopardize the Program's sustainability. An example of how adverse selection may arise is if the value proposition (benefits relative to premiums) of private insurance far outweighs the value proposition under the Program, which may incentivize individuals to purchase private insurance and opt out of the Program, thereby significantly reducin Program revenues. This scenario is more likely to occur among higher-income individuals under a progressive tax construct."

所以,立法部门现在心里很清楚,如果开了opt out这个口,估计将来的revenue要大大折扣,所以,即使允许opt out,很可能也会把能opt out的policy的要求定的严一些,不会是随便买一个金额很少的就能opt out。

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