Philosophy primers tell of two opposing doctrines as to the nature of truth: the coherence theory and the correspondence theory. Neither theory, when naively stated, can be taken seriously. The coherence theory would have it that the truths qualify as such simply by all hanging together as a logically consistent system. The correspondence theory would have it that they qualify as true by corresponding to reality.
The coherence theory, thus baldly stated, seems to rest on an irrational rationalism -- on the absurd idea that the infinite totality of possible statements admits of only one overall distribution of yesses and noes that is logically consistent. Moreover, the theory makes no visible demands on observation and experiment. On this showing we can receive it only as a dummy doctrine, a straw man or whipping boy.
On the other hand the correspondence theory, as thus far stated, is vague or vacuous. What on the part of true sentences is meant to correspond to what on the part of reality? If we seek a correspondence word by word, we find ourselves eking reality out with a complement of abstract objects fabricated for the sake of the correspondence. Or perhaps we settle for a correspondence of whole sentences with facts: a sentence is true if it reports a fact. But here again we have fabricated substance for an empty doctrine. The world is full of things, variously related, but what, in addition to all that, are facts? They are projected from true sentences for the sake of correspondence.
But let us ponder this last maneuver for a moment. The truth of 'Snow is white' is due, we are told, to the fact that snow is white. The true sentence 'Snow is white' corresponds to the fact that snow is white. The sentence 'Snow is white' is true if and only if it is a fact that snow is white. Now we have worked the fact, factitious fiction that it is, into a corner where we can deal it the coup de grace. The combination 'it is a fact that' is vacuous and can be dropped; 'It is a fact that snow is white' reduces to 'Snow is white'. Our account of the truth of 'Snow is white' in terms of facts has now come down to this: 'Snow is white' is true if and only if snow is white.
但让我们在上面这个用事实来定义真理的做法上驻足片刻。语句“雪是白的”的真理性,据说就在于雪是白的这一事实(the fact that snow is white。真语句“雪是白的”符合雪是白的这一事实(the fact that snow is white。语句“雪是白的”是真的当且仅当这是一个事实:雪是白的(it is a fact that snow is white。现在,我们终于把事实这个捏造出来的东西逼到了墙角。对它予以最后歼灭的时机到来了。“这是一个事实”(it is a fact that)这个语词组合是空洞的、可以删除的;“这是一个事实:雪是白的”可以简化为“雪是白的”。我们用事实对“雪是白的”的真理性的解释,到头来不过是说:“雪是白的”是真的当且仅当雪是白的。
Here, as Tarski has urged, is the significant residue of the correspondence theory of truth. To attribute truth to the sentence is to attribute whiteness to the snow. Attribution of truth to 'Snow is white' just cancels the quotation marks and says that snow is white. Truth is disquotation. An ignominious end, one may feel, to the correspondence theory of truth. But we shall see later that it is more ignominious than it looks.
A place remains also for something like the coherence theory. The significant contrast between the correspondence theory and the coherence theory, when we set the untenable details aside, is that correspondence looks to the relation of the true sentence to what it is about, such as the white snow, while coherence looks to the relations of the true sentence to other sentences. Some sentences, to begin with, we accept as true directly on the strength of observation; the essential mechanism here is a conditioning of strings of words to sensory stimulations. Further sentences are rated as true on the strength of systematic connections with the observation sentences. We work out the neatest world system we can that conforms to the record of observations, and we tighten the squeeze by multiplying the observations. (See ATOMS; PREDICTION; THINGS.) Here is the reasonable place to appeal to coherence, in a vaguer but richer sense than logical consistency.
Coherence and correspondence, properly considered, are not rival theories of truth, but complementary aspects. The coherence aspect has to do with how to arrive at truth, by the best of our lights. The correspondence aspect has to do with the relation of truths to what they are about.
We saw the correspondence theory dwindle to disquotation. The attribution of truth to a statement is equated to the statement itself. This has been called the disappearance theory of truth, but unjustly; the quotation marks are not to be taken lightly. What can justly be said is that the adjective 'true' is dispensable when attributed to sentences that are explicitly before us. Where it is not thus dispensable is in saying that all or some sentences of such and such a specified form are or are not true, or that someone's statement unavailable for quotation was or was not true, or that the libel laws do not apply to true statements, or that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God. In such contexts, when paraphrased to fit PREDICATE LOGIC, what stands as subject of the truth predicate is not a quotation but a VARIABLE. It is there that the truth predicate is not to be lightly dismissed.
The disquotational account may be said still, in a sense, to define truth. It intelligibly demarcates all our intelligible truths, by rendering the truth of each sentence as intelligible as the sentence itself. But in a stricter sense it does not define truth. It does not tell us how to eliminate the adjective 'true', by paraphrase, from every context in which it can grammatically occur. It only tells us how to eliminate it when it is attached to a quotation. Definition in the strict sense is elimination, and this is not wholly forthcoming. We can be thankful, for we know at least one context where its definability would involve us in self-contradiction. See the final formulation of the Liar Paradox in the piece on PARADOXES. It is remarkable how nearly definable we just now found truth to be, and how trivially, and yet how lethal its genuine definability would be.
Tarski undertook to press the definition of truth. The "object language," whose truths were to be covered, comprised the notation of PREDICATE LOGIC with an unspecified lexicon of predicates. His strategy was RECURSION: start by defining the concept in application to atomic sentences, and then show how the definition, when achieved for sentences of any given degree of complexity, can be extended to the next. But he could not define truth in this way, because of the variables. Atomic sentences are neither true nor false; 'Fxy', say 'x inhabits y',is true of certain pairs of objects as values of the free variables 'x'and 'y', and false of others. It is only when all the variables in a sentence have been bound by quantifiers that we have a closed sentence, true or false.
塔尔斯基着手制定真理的定义。“对象语言”(定义所要覆盖的就是其中的真语句)由谓词逻辑的符号系统和未具体指定的谓词词汇所组成。他的策略是递归:先定义如何把有关概念应用到原子句,再表明如何把定义从应用于某个级别的复杂性语句,扩展到应用于高一个级别的复杂性语句。但他不能用这种方式来定义真理,因为含有自由变项的原子句是谈不上真假的;模式“Fxy”的例句,例如“x居住于y”,并不是无条件地是真的,而只是对于某些作为自由变项x y 的值的对象对是真的。只有当语句中的所有变项都被量词所约束时,我们才会得到有真假可言的闭语句。
What Tarski does define recursively is satisfaction of a sentence by an object or sequence of objects as values of its free variables. Truth falls out afterward, trivially; a closed sentence is true if it is satisfied by the sequence of length zero, so to speak.
It is a masterly construction when seen in detail, and it goes through. Why then does it not saddle us with the Liar Paradox after all? The answer emerges when we try to write the paradoxical sentence in the object language, using symbolic logic and whatever elementary devices go into talking about appending expressions to quotations (see end of PARADOXES). The word 'true' figures in the paradoxical sentence in such a way that in the explicit reconstruction it has the context 'x is true' where 'x' is subject to a quantifier. But the recursive definition of satisfaction and truth does not show how to eliminate 'satisfies x', or 'x is true'; it eliminates 'satisfies' and 'is true' only when these are predicated of explicitly given open or closed sentences. We are emphatically reminded of the gulf between recursive and direct definition.
We know how to turn a recursive definition into a direct one (see RECURSION), but the method draws on resources of set theory which, in the present instance, the object language must be presumed incapable of supplying. Add them and you do get a language in which truth and satisfaction for the old object language can be directly and fully defined; but still further set theoretic resources would then be needed for direct definition of truth and satisfaction with respect to this strengthened language. We are headed up the hierarchy of levels of truth and denotation that was glimpsed under PARADOXES.
I must end on a somber note by reporting that all is perhaps not well in the hierarchy. What if two men say of each other on a given day that everything he said that day was true? Each of these two statements, then, would have to rank higher in the hierarchy than the other. Saul Kripke argues[5] that quite casual and useful ascriptions of truth can get lodged crosswise in the hierarchy in similar but more complicated ways. He devises an alternative concept of truth that is univocal, rather than hierarchical, and yet can consistently be expressed within the language to which it applies. It avoids paradox by neither holding nor failing of certain sensitive sentences. Thus it suspends the law of EXCLUDED MIDDLE. Also it is discouragingly complex. Let me just say again that all is not well.
[5]Journal of Philosophy, 1975.
[6]以下是克里普克的两个例子:Everything Dean says about Watergate is false. (迪恩关于水门事件所说的一切都是假的。)、All of Nixon's utterances about Watergate are false. (尼克松关于水门事件的所有言论都是假的。)——译者注