For years, critics have argued about the ancient Greek play Oedipus Rex. Some have claimed that Oedipus knows nothing of his guilt until the end of the play, when it is revealed that he murdered his own father. Others have insisted that Oedipus is aware all along of his guilt. According to this point of view, Oedipus, the brilliant solver of riddles, could not possibly have ignored the mounting evidence that he was the king’s murderer. Just how or why this debate has raged for so many years remains a mystery. The correct interpretation is so obvious. Oedipus knows from the beginning that he is guilty. He just pretends to be ignorant of the truth. For example, when a servant tells the story of the king’s murder, he uses the word bandits. But when Oedipus repeats this story, he uses the singular form bandit. Sophocles provides clues like this throughout the play. Thus, it’s hard to understand why anyone would think that Oedipus does not know the truth about his crime.
1、 Translate this text and summarize the main idea. 翻译并且概括文章主旨.
2、【英文回答】Do you believe that there will be different performances of the characters between the situation that Oedipus knew he was guilty and that he didn't?你觉得俄狄浦斯是否知道自己有罪,对于这个剧本的表演有什么区别?
3、【英文回答】what is your opinion upon the distinction of Greek mythology and Chinese mythology?你如何看待希腊神话和中国神话的差别?
5、【英文回答口头作文】Myths and fairy tales have similar/different influence towards children's education?
(1) According to the author's viewpoint, what is the specific connection between materials and art? Do you agree?
(2) The author mentioned, "The most objective way artistic creation reflections how people live is to look at materials." What other aspects of art do we can look at? Reflects how people live?
(3) The article mentions "The different uses to which societies put these materials are of interest to anthropologists"So, do you think that if it were linguists, what aspects of interests would they have regarding the use of artistic materials?
(4) The meaning of underlined words; Translate the italicized parts.
(5) Why do the author mention the "natural powers of a stone or tree"
(6) Obviously, The author didn't answer, why do the artists in Japan and those in Roman society use sand different? What do you believe are the possible reasons?