7. High School(高中)…36
8. Civilized Society(文明生活)…42
9. Freshman(大一)…49
10. Sophomore and Junior(大二和大三)…54
11. Wild West(西大荒)…60
12. Europe and After(欧洲及以后)…68
13. Transplanted(迁居)…75
14. Graduate Study(研究生学业)…82
15. Sheldon Fellow(谢尔登研究员)…86
16. Vienna(维也纳)…92
17. Prague and After(布拉格及以后)…96
18. Warsaw and After(华沙及以后)…101
[1922] In January 1922 I graduated from Portage Path and entered West High School, a mile and a half from Orchard Road. Within the limits of my generally unenthusiastic attitude toward schoolwork, I was comparatively happy with grammar—with the diagramming of English sentences and my introduction to Latin. Also I liked algebra. After a year, the time came to choose among four programs: Classical, Scientific, Technical, and Commercial. It was time, or so I supposed, to think about a career.
There is that which one wants to do for the glory of having done it, and there is that which one wants to do for the joy of doing it. One can want to be a scientist because he wants to see himself as a Darwin or an Einstein, and one can want to be a scientist because he is curious about what makes things tick. The crackpot is motivated in the first way. He extols some shabby idea which he has conceived for the purpose not really of clarifying the world to himself, but of shaking it. Such being his purpose, he is not his idea’s severest critic. In normal cases the two kinds of motivation are in time brought to terms. In early youth one aspires to be president and millionaire and cowboy, independently of any interest in state or business or cows. Later, substantive interests contribute increasingly.
In me the glory motive lingered sufficiently to prevent my {37}contemplating a career as a cartographer or stamp dealer, despite those substantive interests. In school I was doing well in mathematics, a domain with more scope for ambition; so there was the thought of engineering. The insides of machines bored me, but there remained, I was told, civil engineering. No one thought of an academic career.
I chose the Scientific Course. It meant stopping Latin after Caesar. It meant laboratory work, which I disliked. Mathematics went well, but still, in reaction perhaps to the main trend of my course, I began to look to writing. Here I was moved more by the glory motive than by taste or talent. In my stamp paper my style was straightforward, but it turned labored and pretentious when I wrote for writing’s sake. However, I wrote for the school paper and became editor of the senior annual.
I even won the school poetry contest. Little was required.
In the limpid lunar light of a sleepy summer night
Down a winding stream we glide in my canoe.
Hoary oaks with branches spread form a lattice overhead
And a mottled mat of moonlight filters through.
To the paddle’s drowsy drip, o’er the liquid glass we slip
Down a silhouetted aisle of black and white
While the locusts’ distant wheeze ’mid the dank and dripping trees
But intensifies the stillness of night.
In this last line, so incongruously good on the heels of its outrageous precursor, the teacher sensed a familiar ring. I was offended. She could not place it, but perhaps I did unwittingly plagiarize the line. If so, one of my well-read readers can identify the source. I cannot.
My mother’s revered brother Willard had liked Poe, from whose stories she recoiled with a tolerant shudder; so it was commendable and indeed manly to like Poe. I read all of Poe. I was enthralled by some of his poems, but I suspect that my taste for his tales was somewhat self-induced. {38}Anyway, a summer midway in high school found me effortfully writing, trying to evoke a mood of horror in a style yet more pompous than Poe’s.
An interest in philosophy, foreshadowed slightly perhaps by two insights already noted, was abetted by Poe’s “Eureka.”Then, at the end of high school, I acquired two philosophy books from Bob, who was studying at Oberlin. They were Max Otto’s Things and Ideals and William James’s Pragmatism. I read them compulsively and believed and forgot all. Also I read Swami Vivekenanda’s Raja Yoga. It was not a notably philosophical phase; I was also doing other pretentious reading, including Ibsen, Edward Young, and Samuel Butler.
Thus when I finished high school in January 1926 my interest in philosophy was partly spurious and partly real. “Eureka,” for all its outrageousness, fostered the real thing: the desire to understand the universe.
But I conceived a new interest at about the end of high school: word origins. It did not issue from school; my enthusiasms seldom did. My source was George H. McKnight, English Words and their Background, which I borrowed from the public library. I do not know why. Naturally the subject proved fascinating. An interest in foreign languages, like an interest in stamps, accorded with my taste for geography. Grammar, moreover, appeals to the same sense that is gratified by mathematics, or by the structure of boundaries and road networks. Etymology, more particularly, was a bonanza. Here one can pursue scientific method without a laboratory, and check one’s hypotheses in a dictionary. Each etymology is a case, in miniature, of the strange road home.
但我在高中毕业前夕有了一个新的兴趣:词源。这个兴趣不是来自于学校教育;我的热情很少是由学校教育激发的。这种兴趣的来源是我从公共图书馆借来的乔治·H.麦克奈特(George H. McKnight)的《英语词及其背景》(English Words and their Background)一书。我不知道我为什么要借这本书。自然,这个书名是非常吸引人的。对外语的兴趣,与对邮票的兴趣一样,都是与我对地理的兴趣相吻合的。而且,从语法中得到的满足感,也和在数学中,在边界和道路的结构中得到的满足感有相通之处。词源学尤其是一个丰富的矿藏。这里,人们可以运用科学的方法,对提出的假说进行检验,不过不需要实验室,只需要一本词典。每一个词源都是一条具体而微的引领我们回家的陌生的路。
Besides closing out my enterprises in stamps and maps during high school vacations, I had jobs. One summer I worked in my father’s factory, on tire molds—perhaps for Firestone. After the molds had been cast, the tire manufacturer had had second thoughts and decided to indent his tires with suction cups. To adapt the molds to this innovation, little steel bosses were to be riveted along the inner surfaces of the molds, one boss for each suction cup. My job {39}was to drill two little holes in each boss, for rivets. With my left hand I would hold the little chunk of steel firmly in pliers, and with my right I would lower the fierce drill press onto it, while a trickle of wet graphite played on the grim contact. Sometimes the thin drill would snap in two, a resounding response to a moment’s clumsiness. It was harsh work, exacting and violent.
The next summer I worked in my father’s office, preparing payroll. My father’s second-in-command looked at my accounts one day and told me they should be in ink, not pencil. I retorted that they were in ink. He was annoyed; he had to believe his eyes. In fact my ink was old and watery, and looked like pencil. What strikes me in retrospect is my resentful reaction, where I might have pleasantly replied that it was bad ink and that I would change it. It seems that unconsciously I have always resented a boss. My tendency to be impatient with schoolwork, while intellectually active in other lines, was perhaps part of the same syndrome.
In one of those summers I worked for J. Koch, clothier, at the haberdashery counter. I acquired a skill there: how to loop a necktie quickly about the fingers so as to show how it would look knotted.
I worked in the post office for a week or two with Bob and a classmate of his, sorting mail during the Christmas rush. We stood before banks of pigeonholes, busily reversing the entropy that kept billowing in. it was not unpleasant as routine work goes, but it left me subject to hemorrhoids.
Another painful affliction was boils, big and frequent. A third torment has been hay fever, which, like the hemorrhoids, dates from an identifiable occasion. Joe Weller came to Ellan Vannin and we took my mother for a canoe ride. There is a narrow canal called the Raceway that winds gently, despite its name, for a shady mile from a dam in the Tuscarawas to supply the East Reservoir. We paddled the length of it serenely from lake to dam, as I had often done. Then we were moved by a spirit of adventure to lift the canoe over into the Tuscarawas at its outflow from the dam and try paddling down that little river. Fallen trees soon {40}barred our way, so we had to carry the canoe over to the Raceway. It meant crossing a broad field of ragweed, breathing heavily as the two of us lugged the canoe, heavy with its layers of paint. The allergy has plagued me intermittently over the subsequent sixty years.
In high school the lump of learning was leavened by nonsense, thanks largely to Charles William Ufford. We were schoolmates of long standing. I called him Charlie Bill, in retaliation for a Billy Van. He was a studious-looking boy and was at or near the top of the class through all the years. He was a wag, taking after his father, whom he would quote appreciatively: “the duck was so tough you couldn’t stick a fork in the gravy.”“You could float one of those Mississippi steamboats on a heavy dew.”Before Charlie could talk plain he is said to have declared something to be poddidickus, and his parents at length determined that he meant “positively ridiculous.”It was in character.
在高中阶段,学业上的负担被诙谐的笑话所冲淡,这多亏了查尔斯·威廉·厄福特。我们是多年的老同学。他叫我比利·范(Billy Van),我则针锋相对地叫他查理·比尔(Charlie Bill)。他是一个学习用功的孩子,成绩在班上一直名列前茅。他是个幽默的人,像他父亲一样。他经常满怀赞赏地引用他父亲的话:鸭子硬得无法下箸。”“只要有一滴重露水,你就可以让密西西比的轮船浮起来。在查里能流利地说话前,他经常发出poddidickus的声音来形容某个事物,他的父母后来弄明白他想表达的意思是太荒谬了positively ridiculous)。这是他的个性使然。
My brother Bob was exposed to high-school French before I was, and saw fit to teach me to say “Est-ce que je ne trouve pas le livre?”followed by two gurgles which, he lied, expressed interrogation. I passed my gentle accomplishment along to Charlie Bill. He Anglicized it as “Ask the cushion of truth when Polly leave,”though admittedly uneasy over the subjunctive.
我哥哥鲍勃先于我在高中学习法语。他认为他适合教我说:“Est-ce que je ne trouve pas le livre?”我就找不到那本书了吗?)接着他咯咯地笑起来,他撒谎说,那是用来表示句子的疑问语气的。我把这一小小成就通报给了查理·比尔。不料他将它英语化为“Ask the cushion of truth when Polly leave”(当波利离开的时候,向垫子问明真相),只是对改写的句子中的虚拟语气感到不安。
Charlie and I were given to farfetched word play. A frequent dish in the high school cafeteria, peas-and-carrots, was for us zankieson the strength of its second syllable. Girls who crowded ahead in the cafeteria queue were entomological American Indians, for bee plus redskin, for breadskin, for crust. Outrageousness as such seemed somehow amusing. We collaborated twice in nonsense literature, and I venture to reproduce one of the pieces.
The sun beamed patronizingly upon the glowering earth. Much as the lark at twilight,, Olaf O’Hara might have been seen that bright September morn doggedly picking his way along the boulevard. The brilliant lights of Broadway flooded the Stygian gloom with beckoning {41}beams of iridescence. Like sirens of Charybdis, they lured the weary wayfarer to Elysia of rabid revelry. But the stalwart Olaf heeded them not, for his thoughts were all of little Audrey. Audrey, pinnacle of dreams! Audrey, fairest flower of a fled youth!
Grim determination cast a migratory shadow over Olaf’s finely chiseled features. Shifting his quid in the interests of enunciation, he muttered desperately, “Audrey is the sweetest, sunniest little thing. You’ve no idea.”Liberty, equality, fraternity—was it worth it? Olaf had decided. One course lay open to him, and he would follow it or die in the attempt. Groping his way franticly through the gathering gloom, he emerged victorious on the topmost crag.
“More! More!”shouted the rabid rabble in ecstasy as his frenzied wails of agony glided stealthily over the rapidly receding horizon. Olaf bowed modestly and continued. “Friends, I repeat: true democracy should ever be contempered with due regard for the Newtonian hypothesis of nebular ratiocination. Should we allow our homes to be devastated, our children led into slavery, our very beingspromulgated, by the mailed fist of tyranny? I offer you an opportunity, the chance of a lifetime. I stammered once myself; now look at me! All I am or ever hope to be I owe to little Audrey.”Convolving deliriously, the maddened throng united in eleven resounding cheers for Santa Claus and the fatherland and bore Olaf away triumphant.
Clowning was rife, and not just with Charlie Bill. Prompted by the “Charlie Bill”and “Billy Van”bit, a group of us took to calling one another by our middle names or, in the case of J. Rollin Chenot, by first name. A comic club, the Greeters, came into being with this usage as one of its customs. Greeter greeted Greeter boisterously and with a prolonged and vigorous handshake, which would continue throughout a joint incantation of a piece of nonsense called the Greeter Truce. It began, “Books, ties, vests, flies, shoelaces, socks, collars, snaps, trips, cards, ink, Eskimo Pies”and wore on to fifty places. It was a compact not to violate {42}one another’s person or effects in any of the enumerated particulars. If the truce was violated within twenty-four hours, the victim would cite the offense and the culprit would proffer his upper arm saying “Please hit me five times, Billy Van”—or Johnnie Rol, or Billy Bellman, or Eddie Art, or whoever. To my sorrow Charlie Bill was never a Greeter; someone kept blackballing him.
We had a clubroom over a member’s garage. Of an evening we were given to pounding concrete, which was to say, trooping along the sidewalks. When one of us departed at last for home, there was effusive and boisterous valediction. Having gone our respective ways, we would turn and run back repeatedly, howling, to resume the farewells. It was happy hilarity, unsupported by alcohol except for a few occasions when we found access to hard cider.
In my case the Greeter custom of favoring the middle name became entrenched, and I have regretted it. Knowing me as Van, people reasonably construe my surname as “Van Quine.”I get listed under the wrong letter. Even apart from this mistake, my middle name is a nuisance. My name in full is excessive, and reduced forms “W. Van Orman Quine,”“W. Van O. Quine,”“W. van O. Quine,”and “W. V. O. Quine”strike an American ear or eye as affected. If my first name had remained dominant, then “Willard V. Quine”or “W. V. Quine”or, best of all, “Willard Quine”would have prevailed as a matter of course. When at last I proposed to cut the Gordian knot and publish as Willard Quine, my wife and friends told me it was too late; I had published too much.
就我本人而言,对中间名的青睐这一致意者的习惯根深蒂固,我后来后悔了。由于大家都知道我叫范,所以人们合理地推测我的姓是范·奎因。所以在姓名索引中就把我排错了队。即使撇开这个错误不谈,我的中间名也让人厌烦。我的全名太长了,而它的简化形式“W. Van Orman Quine”“W. Van O. Quine”“W. van O. Quine”“W. V. O. Quine”,一般的美国人听起来会觉得不自然。如果我的首名在使用中一直处于优势,那么威拉德·V.奎因“W.V.奎因,或者更好的威拉德·奎因会自然而然地成为我名字的缩写形式。我后来终于果断地建议,把威拉德·奎因作为我在出版物上的署名。但是我的妻子和朋友告诉我,这个建议来得太迟了,因为我已经发表了太多的东西。