In China’s Latest Hit Film, Family Downfall Meets Bloody Revenge


Adapted from a 2015 novel, “Across the Furious Sea” joins a wave of successful suspense and crime films in China this year.


Blending a gritty narrative with shades of horror and heartbreak, a new Chinese thriller film — “Across the Furious Sea” — is captivating audiences for its stark portrayal of a family’s downfall. Since its release late last month, the box office hit remains among the most discussed on social media in recent weeks. 

“Across the Furious Sea” is part of a growing trend of successful suspense and crime films in China this year. Its predecessors, including hits like “Lost in the Stars,” “No More Bets,” and “Under the Light,” have all grossed
over 1 billion yuan ($140 million). 

"《涉过愤怒的海》是今年中国悬疑和犯罪电影大获成功的趋势之一。该片的前几部作品,包括《人再囧途之泰囧》、《无证之罪》和《灯火阑珊处》等,总票房都超过了 10 亿元(1.4 亿美元)。
Featuring an award-winning cast including Huang Bo and Zhou Xun, the film earned
200 million yuan within just three days of its release on Nov. 25, helping the film market rebound from a two-month lull after the Golden Week Holiday peak in early October. Its projected final box office revenue has now been adjusted to 668 million yuan, up from an initial estimate of around 500 million yuan by the online ticketing platform Maoyan.

该片由黄渤、周迅等获奖演员主演,11 月 25 日上映仅三天就获得了 2 亿元的票房,帮助电影市场从 10 月初黄金周假期高峰后两个月的低迷中反弹。目前,该片的预计最终票房收入已从在线票务平台茂研网最初预计的约 5 亿元调整为 6.68 亿元。

The 144-minute thriller — adapted from a 2015 novel by Lao Huang — centers on a father’s quest for justice after his daughter, studying abroad in Japan, dies from 17 stab wounds. Initially suspecting her boyfriend, her father embarks on a bloody revenge spree. But in a surprise twist, the film concludes with the revelation that the daughter actually took her own life following years of familial neglect. 

这部长达 144 分钟的惊悚片改编自老黄 2015 年创作的小说,讲述了在日本留学的女儿身中 17 刀后,父亲为女儿伸张正义的故事。女儿的父亲起初怀疑是女儿的男友所为,于是展开了血腥的复仇行动。但影片最后却出人意料地揭露,女儿其实是在被家庭忽视多年后自杀身亡的。
While the film’s graphic depiction of violence and sexual content captivated audiences, it’s the candid portrayal of her father’s lack of affection and the resulting family trauma that truly resonate. A particularly poignant scene, illustrating the daughter’s imagination, features the father hanging upside down from a power pole, sparking widespread discussion among viewers.

“He’s been trying to find the murderer, but he has forgotten to find his own daughter,” read
one highly upvoted comment on the review site Douban. 

“A commercial film centering around the themes of silent paternal love and self-indulgence deserves extra credit,” wrote another. On Douban, the film has received a score
of 7.6 out of 10 from more than 227,000 reviewers as of Wednesday. 

"另一位网友写道:"一部以沉默的父爱和自我放纵为主题的商业片值得加分。截至本周三,该片在豆瓣上获得了 22.7 万多名评论者 7.6 分的高分(满分 10 分)。

The film’s director, Cao Baoping, told
Beijing Youth Daily that while the original novel didn’t delve into family dynamics, these themes were deliberately incorporated into the movie to create a more engaging story. “(We) hoped to infuse the film with deeper ideas, social values, and relatable issues, and transform it into a narrative that’s not just fast-paced and intense, but also fulfilling, memorable, and thought-provoking,” Cao said.

Best known for his exploration of subtle human emotions, Cao won best director at the 2015 Shanghai International Film Festival. His notable works include “The Equation of Love and Death” and “The Dead End,” with the latter receiving the best film award at the Hundred Flower Awards, one of China’s most prestigious film honors.

曹文轩以探索微妙的人类情感而闻名,曾获得 2015 年上海国际电影节最佳导演奖。他的著名作品包括《爱与死的方程式》和《死胡同》,后者获得了中国最负盛名的电影奖项之一——百花奖的最佳影片奖。



 课 程 内 容 
《马斯克传记》一共95章,外加有一定长度的前序。整本书从马斯克的备受欺凌的童年开始, 先详细讲述了马斯克家族的故事, 之后围绕那些影响马斯克成长轨迹的人和事依次铺开,娓娓道来。读这本书, 你会发现,少年时的马斯克也曾困惑迷茫, 青年时的马斯克也曾面临继续学业还是投身工作的困难抉择, 以及面对家庭一地鸡毛时的苦恼。原来,这个“钢铁侠”一样的男人其实也有那么多缺点,那么多苦恼, 那么多悲伤。但他终究是马斯克, 一个永不认输的创业者, 一个鼓舞了太多人的人类明星。

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