While the popular Taiwanese band’s management company denied any allegations of lip-syncing, authorities in Shanghai have launched a probe.

Popular Taiwanese rock band Mayday is being investigated for allegedly lip-syncing during a concert in Shanghai, a claim that has triggered widespread debate and became a top trending topic on Chinese social media over the weekend.

State news agency Xinhua reported
Monday that the Shanghai Cultural and Tourism Bureau is working with the event organizer to conduct an investigation into the allegations of lip-syncing, a practice banned in China. 

国家通讯社新华社周一报道称,上海市文化和旅游局正与活动主办方合作,对 "假唱 "指控进行调查。

In a statement
Monday evening, Mayday’s management company, B'in Music, strongly denied the allegations of lip-syncing. They described the online accusations as “malicious attacks and rumors” and stated that these claims have seriously damaged the band’s image. The company also confirmed its cooperation with authorities and expressed confidence that the investigation would set the record straight.


The allegations stem from a post
made on the video-sharing platform Bilibili last week by a popular vlogger named Maitian Nongfu, who claimed that five of the band’s 12 songs performed at the concert were lip-synced. In the video, Nongfu stated that he had used software to analyze the band members’ vocals during the performances.

这些指控源于一位名叫麦田农夫的热门视频博客作者上周在视频共享平台 Bilibili 上发布的一个帖子,他声称乐队在演唱会上演唱的 12 首歌曲中有 5 首是对口型伴奏的。农夫在视频中称,他使用软件分析了乐队成员在演出时的唱腔。

The controversy gained traction last Thursday when Nongfu’s post appeared on the trending
search list on the microblogging platform Weibo. By Sunday, the issue had escalated, becoming a major topic of discussion on Weibo and amassing hundreds of millions of views.


Nongfu’s influence
on the platform increased too, with his follower count reaching approximately 55,000, following which he published two more videos analyzing the Mayday concert, which drew almost one million views. He has produced nearly 200 videos, mostly with an emphasis on live music performances and audio equipment. 

在该平台上的影响力也随之上升,他的粉丝数量达到约55,000 人,随后他又发布了两段分析五月天演唱会的视频,吸引了近一百万人观看。目前,他已制作了近 200 个视频,大多以现场音乐表演和音频设备为主。

In his video on Mayday’s concert, Nongfu claimed that the vocals fluctuated between being out of tune and suddenly in tune within the same song. He argued that such a significant variation in the quality of singing is unlikely in a single concert. 


In China, lip-syncing is strictly prohibited in commercial performances. Regulations
explicitly forbid performers from deceiving audiences by lip-syncing, pretending to play instruments, or similar methods. Furthermore, regulations mandate that concert organizers appoint dedicated personnel to supervise and prevent any lip-syncing during the events.


Yu Long, director of the Intellectual Property Professional Committee at W&H Law Firm, told
domestic outlet Cover News that organizers and performers implicated in lip-syncing could face penalties or have their licenses revoked. Additionally, audiences have the right to seek compensation if it is proven that lip-syncing took place.


A recent poll
on Weibo asked, “Should fans be compensated for lip-syncing?” Over 90% of the survey’s 67,000 participants agreed that fans should receive compensation for lip-synced concerts.

最近,微博上的一项民意调查问道:"假唱的话,粉丝应该被赔偿吗?在参与调查的 67,000 人中,超过 90% 的人都认为歌迷应该因为演唱会上的假唱而获得赔偿。
This isn’t the first such controversy for the band. In 2007, Mayday faced similar
accusations during a concert in Xiamen in the southeastern Fujian province. Then, the band had attributed the alleged lip-syncing to technical issues with the microphones, sound system, and computer technology at the concert venue. They expressed feeling “hurt” by the doubts raised about the authenticity of their performance.

这并不是五月天乐队第一次遭遇此类争议。2007 年,五月天在福建省东南部的厦门举办演唱会时也曾面临类似指控。当时,五月天乐队把被指控的假唱归咎于演唱会现场的麦克风、音响系统和电脑技术问题。他们对演出的真实性受到质疑表示 "很受伤"。


 课 程 内 容 
《马斯克传记》一共95章,外加有一定长度的前序。整本书从马斯克的备受欺凌的童年开始, 先详细讲述了马斯克家族的故事, 之后围绕那些影响马斯克成长轨迹的人和事依次铺开,娓娓道来。读这本书, 你会发现,少年时的马斯克也曾困惑迷茫, 青年时的马斯克也曾面临继续学业还是投身工作的困难抉择, 以及面对家庭一地鸡毛时的苦恼。原来,这个“钢铁侠”一样的男人其实也有那么多缺点,那么多苦恼, 那么多悲伤。但他终究是马斯克, 一个永不认输的创业者, 一个鼓舞了太多人的人类明星。

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