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在你的心中 握住无限
在一小时里 握住永恒
To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour.
- Auguries of Innocence, Poet, William Blake
主题:Thriving together!
截止时间:星期五,2023 年12月15号, 5:00 p.m. 年龄不限,软件不限,手绘和VI都可以。本次大赛将评选出一二三等奖各一名和优秀奖十名。期待你优秀的创意!

一等奖一名,奖状,奖金 $300
二等奖一名,奖状,奖金 $200
三等奖一名,奖状,奖金 $100
评比结果由莱镇华协 2024 春晚海报评委会在 2023 年 12月 31日 莱镇华协(CAAL)官方网站 上公布。
谢谢您的参与!莱镇华协 2024 春晚筹备委员会祝大家龙年更美好!
Unique gifts for all
时间: 2023年11月26日(星期日)至12月24日(星期日)
地点: LexArt. 130 Waltham St. Lexington MA
一年一度的Holiday Marketplace节日市场已经开放啦!这场艺术和工艺品大卖场是LexArt的天才艺术家们一年工作成就的精彩呈现。
December 1-31
'Illumination' Show
时间: 12月1日(周五)至12月31日(周日)
开业庆典: 12月2日(星期六)下午5:00-7:00
地点: 1963 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 
December 02
Button Spinners
假日体验历史: 按钮旋转器
时间: 12月2日(星期六)下午12:30-3:30
地点: Buckman Tavern, 1 Bedford Street Lexington, MA 02420
December 02
线上活动: Empanadas肉馅卷饼配阿根廷Chimichurr辣酱
讲师Ploy Khunisorn是土生土长的泰国人。他来到美国后,获得了哈佛大学可持续发展文学硕士学位和剑桥学院教育学硕士学位。自2014年开始教授烹饪课。
December 04
Holiday Tree Lighting
时间: 12月4日(星期一)下午4:00-5:00
地点: 汉斯科姆Hanscom空军基地
在活动期间,Taona Enriquez上校和Alan Weary总军士长将与圣诞老人一起正式点亮汉斯科姆AFB圣诞树。
December 05
Winter Registration
Recreation & Community冬季注册
时间: 12月5日星期二下午6点
December 08
Youth Art

时间: 12月8日星期五下午4:00和7:30
地点: Cary Hall
1605 Mass Avenue
Lexington MA
December 9
Youth Art
地点: Munroe Center for the Arts, 1403 Massachusetts Ave Lexington, MA
超过25名18岁或18岁以下的艺术家将出售他们的作品,从绘画到珠宝,陶瓷等等!来看看下一代艺术企业家在做什么,让你的假日购物有个好的开始!在我们楼下的一个工艺室里,还将有机会使用编织轮制作一个免费的手镯或书签,或者为镇上的圣诞树画一个装饰品。我们最新的现场艺术家Amantha Tsaros将举办一个“闪现”艺术工作室,并将出售其新作品。千万不要错过哦!
December 10
Lexington Tea Burning
莱克星顿倾茶事件 250 周年纪念
时间:周日,12/10,上午9:30 - 下午4:00
地点:Buckman Tavern,1 Bedford Street,Lexington,MA 02420
250年后,和我们一起来纪念这个纪念日吧!在十二月期间,我们将举办关于茶和历史的讲座,Buckman Tavern将展示有关茶危机的展览,并重现莱克星顿烧茶叶事件的历史场景!
December 11
Expeditionary Aviation
主讲:Fred Santino
时间: 12月11日星期一下午1点15分
地点: Large Meeting Room Cary Memorial Library, 1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA
演讲人:由前美国海军机组员/航空技术员Fred Santino主持,他是《Milestones, Mishaps, and Management – the Story of Antarctic Aviation》的作者。他将描述美国海军参与“深冰行动”的两次部署的经历,同时也是机组员/航空技术员。他将分享他在1960年代北极探险的早期阶段的个人经历,生活、工作以及如何应对持续的危险、白色暴风雪、坠机、近乎悲剧的经历和营救。他将与现代南极航空进行对比,并回答一个引人入胜的问题:我们为什么在南极?
December 11
What's in Your Mind?
时间:周一,12/11,下午4:00 - 5:00
地点:Learning Center in Cary Memorial, Cary Memorial Library, 1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA
青少年与家庭服务部将为莱克星顿中学生(6-12年级)提供一个可随时加入的小组。并在支持性的学习环境中,讨论具体的心理健康和身体健康问题所面临的挑战。该项目由青少年与家庭服务部经理Penny Tsiounis LCSW主持。
December 11
What's in Your Mind?


地点:Follen Church Sanctuary, 755 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington

15 美元/票 (一次最多购买四张) 支持未来计划的建议费用

十九世纪上半叶,玛丽亚·查普曼领导的废奴主义者主办了一次圣诞义卖,将德国传统中的圣诞树以及绿色圣诞介绍给了许多美国人,也让一直禁锢在家庭领域的女性得以接触到经济的世界。她们的举措,永远改变了妇女在社会中的角色以及我们庆祝圣诞的方式。该讲座由Lexington Lyceum Advocate与LexSeeHer共同赞助, 主讲人:新英格兰历史协会Ken Turino。

December 14
Christmas“Pavuk” Craft
时间:周四,12/14,下午5:30 - 8:30
在这个工作坊中,你将学习制作一个漂亮的麦秸装饰品 - 一个圣诞“Pavuk”(蜘蛛)。根据民间信仰,这种正宗的乌克兰工艺不仅是一种装饰,更是一种宇宙模型,能带来家庭幸福。参与者现场向讲师支付15美元的材料费。
Alona Popova是乌克兰人,也是Pysankarstvo艺术家(制作pysanky艺术),这是她生活中的一个爱好,后来变成了绝对的真爱。
December 14
Jamaican Wildlife Adventure
Mass Audubon’s Joppa Flats 教育中心的创始主任Bill Gette带领一群自然学家在那里进行了为期十天的旅行。在旅途中,他和他的团队参观了蒙特哥湾,洛克兰鸟类保护区,马歇尔围栏,黑河上游沼泽,地狱角,蓝色和约翰乌鸦山国家公园。
December 29
Teen - Afternoon Movie
时间: 12月29日星期五下午2:00-4:30
地点: Cary Memorial Library, 1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA
Miles Morales弹射穿越多元宇宙,在那里他遇到了一队负责保护其生存的蜘蛛人。当英雄们在如何处理新的威胁上发生冲突时,Miles 必须重新定义成为英雄意味着什么。
Free COVID-19 Test Kits
节日的彩灯已经亮起。如果你喜欢假期的节日彩灯,请考虑爱心捐赠。Holiday Lighting 委员会的志愿者与莱克星顿公共活动Public Works 部的人们一起努力,使这一切成为现实,这也离不开很多个人和企业的热心帮助。
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Highlight of the Month
Holiday Pops 
Time: Friday 12/8,   4:00 pm & 7:30 pm 
Sunday  12/10, 3:00pm
Location: Cary Hall, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington MA
Our signature holiday event!  
Every year, our Holiday POPS! concerts explore a different facet of this most wonderful time of the year. Experience the magic of the holidays with Lexington Symphony and special guests, New World Chorale, Lexington Children’s Chorus, under the auspices of Lexington Music School, and Santa Claus!

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Unique Gifts for All
Unique Gifts for All 
Time: Sun, 11/26 – Sun, 12/24 
Location: LexArt. 130 Waltham St. Lexington MA
We've been making and crafting all year to prepare for our annual Holiday Marketplace! This arts and craft sale is the culmination of a year of work by the talented artisan members of LexArt. 
Shop local for unique, one-of-a-kind handmade holiday gifts! 
Open Tue-Fri 11-5, Sat-Sun 10-5. Closed Mondays
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December 1-31
'Illumination' Show
‘Illumination’ Show

Time: Fri, 12/1 to Sun, 12/31 

All Welcome!
Location: 1963 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 
200+ artworks by 60+ New England artists

Our annual ‘Illumination’ show highlights original artwork in many diverse media…

and there is no theme, except that, because of the season, tthere will be lights and candles.

It’s also a celebration of how all art ‘illuminates’ in some way.

Come and enjoy!
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December 2
Button Spinners
Holiday Hands-On History: Button Spinners
Time: Sat, 12/2,  12:30  - 3:30 pm
Location: Buckman Tavern, 1 Bedford Street Lexington, MA 02420
18th century kids had toys too, but most 18th century toys were simple and homemade, using household items as materials. Button spinners were popular and fun to play with. Make one of your own to take home! 
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December 2
VIRTUAL: Empanadas with Argentinian Chimichurri Sauce
Time: Sat, 12/2, 5:00  - 6:30 pm 
Fee: $45.00 
There are many types of Empanadas commonly seen in Southern European, Latin American, Indonesian, and Filipino cultures. In this online interactive class, we’ll make empanadas from scratch. While we bake our empanadas, we’ll make the delicious Argentinian chimichurri sauce.
Instructor Ploy Khunisorn is a native of Thailand. he came to the USA to earn a Master of Liberal Arts in Sustainability at Harvard University and a Master of Education at Cambridge College. She started teaching cooking classes since 2014.
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December 4
Holiday Tree Lighting
Hanscom Air Force Base Holiday Tree Lighting
Time: Mon, 12/4, 4:00 – 5:00 pm 
Location: Hanscom Air Force Base 
Hanscom Air Force Base invites nearby residents to join us in celebrating the holiday season at a tree lighting. 
During the event, Col. Taona Enriquez and Chief Master Sgt. Alan Weary, installation commander and command chief, will be joined by Santa Claus to officially light the Hanscom AFB tree. 
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December 5
Winter Registration
Winter Registration 
Time: Tue, 12/5, 6:00 pm 
Online registration 
We are proud to provide you with our activity registration system and website. To get started please Create an Account with all your household information.

When you’re ready to start registering for activities, be sure to review the How to Register for an Activity page. 
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December 9
Youth Art
Youth Art 
Time: Sat, 12/9, 1:00 pm 
Location: Munroe Center for the Arts, 1403 Massachusetts Ave Lexington, MA
Over 25 artists, aged 18 or younger will be selling their artwork, from paintings to jewelry, ceramics and much more! Come and see what the next generation of art entrepreneurs are doing and get a head-start on your holiday shopping! There will also be an opportunity, downstairs in one of our craft rooms, to make a free bracelet or bookmark using a braiding wheel, or paint an ornament for the Town Christmas tree. Our newest on-site artist, Amantha Tsaros will be holding a pop-up art studio and will be offering her fresh creations for sale. Don't miss it!
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December 10
Lexington Tea Burning
Lexington Tea Burning 250th anniversary 
 Time: Sun, 12/10, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm 
Location: Buckman Tavern , 1 Bedford Street Lexington, MA 02420
On December 13, 1773, three days before the Boston Tea Party, the Lexington Town Meeting resolved to stop purchasing or drinking imported British tea in protest of unfair taxation. The crowd then made a bonfire on the common, throwing the entire town's supply of tea into it.
250 years later, join us to commemorate this anniversary! Throughout the month of December, we will be featuring lectures on tea and history, a pop-up exhibit on the tea crisis at Buckman Tavern and, a reenactment of the Lexington Tea Burning itself! 
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December 11
Expeditionary Aviation
HYBRID: Expeditionary Aviation in the Antarctic: An Aircrewman’s Personal Account of Danger, Whiteouts, Crashes, and Near-Death Experience
Time: Mon, 12/11,  1:15 pm 
Location: Large Meeting Room Cary Memorial Library, 1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA
Presented by Fred Santino, former Aircrewman/ Avionics Tech, US Navy, author of Milestones, Mishaps, and Management – the Story of Antarctic Aviation  Drawing on his experience from two deployments in Operation Deep Freeze as an Aircrewman/Avionics Tech with the US Navy, Fred Santino will describe the early air attempts to reach Antarctica, starting with Admiral Byrd’s expeditions. He’ll share his personal account of the early days of arctic exploration in the 1960’s – living, working, and coping with constant dangers, whiteouts, crashes, near tragedies and rescues.  He’ll contrast this with present-day Antarctic aviation and answer the compelling question: why are we in Antarctica?
Registration is only required if you plan to attend via Zoom. In person attendance is on a first come basis.
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December 11
What's in Your Mind?
What’s on your mind? A drop- in group for Lexington Teens Grades 6-12 
Time: Mon, 12/11, 4:00 -5:00 pm 
Locatoin: Learning Center in Cary Memorial, Cary Memorial Library, 1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA
The Youth & Family Services Department will be offering a drop-in group for Lexington teens grades 6-12. 
This group will meet to address specific mental health and wellness challenges in a supportive learning environment. It will be led by Penny Tsiounis LCSW, the Manager of Youth & Family Services. 
The function of this group will be to provide a safe and supportive afterschool learning environment, and to engage students in activities that both challenge and support their acquisition of skills. 
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Christmas“Pavuk” Craft
Christmas “Pavuk” Craft
Time: Thur, 12/14, 5:30 - 8:30 pm 
Location: LCE Classroom
At this workshop, you will learn to create a beautiful wheat straw decoration – a Christmas “Pavuk” (Spider). This authentic Ukrainian craft is not just a decoration, but a kind of model of the universe and attracts family happiness, according to folk beliefs. A $15 material fee is payable to the instructor upon arrival.
Alona Popova is a Ukrainian and Pysankarstvo (the art of making pysanky), which came into her life as a hobby that turned into an absolute love. 
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December 14
Jamaican Wildlife Adventure
VIRTUAL - Jamaican Wildlife Adventure with Bill Gette Thursday, 
Time: Thur, 12/14, 7:00—8:00 pm 
The island nation of Jamaica is located 90 miles south of Cuba and 118 miles west of Haiti. The island is 116 miles long and 51 miles wide (smaller than Connecticut).  Despite its relatively small size, it has many different habitats, everything from an extremely arid region with cacti along the southeast coast to dense rainforests in the mountains.  
Bill Gette, Founding Director of Mass Audubon’s Joppa Flats Education Center, led a group of naturalists on a ten-day trip there.  During the trip, he and his group visited Montego Bay, Rockland Bird Sanctuary, Marshall’s Pen, Black River Upper Morass, Hellshire Point, and Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park.  
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December 29
Teen - Afternoon Movie
Teen - Afternoon Movie
Time: Fri, 12/29, 2:00 – 4:30 pm 
Location: Cary Memorial Library, 1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA
Join us for a Friday afternoon movie in the Teen Room - Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Snacks will be provided!
Miles Morales catapults across the Multiverse, where he encounters a team of Spider-People charged with protecting its very existence. When the heroes clash on how to handle a new threat, Miles must redefine what it means to be a hero.
No registration required. Must be in grades 6-12.
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Free COVID-19 Test Kits
Health Department Offering Free At-Home COVID-19 Test Kits
The holiday season is a time for gathering with family, friends, and loved ones, Flu season is in full swing, and COVID-19 remains a threat to public health. 
Free at-home COVID-19 test kits are still available at multiple locations in Town. Kits can be picked up a the Health Department (inside the Town Office Building), at the Fire Department headquarters (45 Bedford Street), or at the Community Center (39 Marrett Road).
Test kits are available for pickup during regular business hours. No Appointment or registration is needed.
Kits are restricted to one per person. 
Free at-home COVID-19 test kits are also available through the federal government.  Every U.S. household is eligible to place an order to receive four free kits to be delivered directly to you home. 
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Holiday Lighting Donate now 
The holiday lights are here. If you enjoy the festive lights during the holidays please consider making a donation. The volunteers on the Holiday Lighting Committee work very hard with the folks from the Lexington Public Works Department to make it all happen, but it can’t be done without help from individuals and businesses.
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CAAL Annual Volunteer Appreciation Party
President's Volunteer Service Award Ceremony
Date: Sunday, Nov 12, 2023
Time: 2:00– 5:00 p.m
Location: LexArt
130 Waltham Street
Lexington MA 02120
This year's volunteer appreciation party and award ceremony will be a joint event with LexArt, a cherished institution with a rich history spanning over 80 years. As we honor and express our gratitude to the dedicated volunteers for their selfless contributions to the community throughout the past year, we invite everyone to experience traditional crafts and modern art studio spaces, exhibitions, and interact with local people at LexArt, a vibrant and forward-looking art center.
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Breaking Down Stigma About Mental Health, Neurodiversity & Less Visible Disabilities  
Date: Wednesday, Nov 1, 2023
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Science Lecture Hall, Lexington High School, 251 Waltham St, Lexington, MA 02421
How do we build a community of kindness and support for everyone so they can be open about their struggles, access services, and find compassion here?
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November 4
TriNethra - The Third Eye Festival of Dance
Date: Saturday, Nov 4, 2023
Time: 3:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library, 33 Marrett Rd, Lexington, MA, 02421
Open your “Third Eye” towards dance appreciation in an evening spent experiencing three different styles of classical Indian dance.
Act 1: 3:30 – 4:15 pm: This year the festival pays special tribute to Neena Gulati, Founder, and Artistic Director of Triveni School of Dance, she was the first to bring Indian dance to New England back in the ’70s!
Act 2: 4:30 – 5:15 pm: Also be swept away by the dynamic Kuchipudi Dance performed by Kasi Ayasola and his Student Archana Raja.
Act 3: 5:30 – 6:15 pm: Sonali Skandan is a Bharathanatyam Dancer who is now experimenting with her dance form. She will present works in the style of Shilpanatanam as developed by her mentor Maya Kulkarni.
Also as part of the Festivals goal of promoting young talent, there will be special performances by members of the Bharathakalai Performing Troupe!
Tickets are $25.
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November 4
Raku Workshop
Raku Workshop with Chin Lin and Jasmine Lipman
Dates: Sunday, Nov 4 (Session 1) and Sunday, Nov 18
Rain date for Session 2 (the outdoor firing): November 25
Times: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. (Session 1) and 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Session 2)
 Address: LexArt, 130 Waltham St, Lexington, MA 02421
Join us at LexArt for an exciting outdoor firing experience! Modern raku is a low fire smoking process that produces a variety of unique colors and textures on bisque pottery when pieces are pulled from the kiln. The thermal shot creates the cracks for crackle glaze and the reduction atmosphere allows the possibility of wide range of colors with a single glaze. This workshop will allow participants to create work in the first session and participate in a Raku firing on the second session. 
Students are expected to have some basic knowledge of clayworking skills. Each student is limited to five pieces for this class.
Session 1 will be spent making pieces for the raku firing. Session 2 will involve glazing and firing pieces outdoors. Please dress appropriately by wearing cotton clothing, long sleeves and pants.
The class fee is $205 for non-members; members are eligible for discounts. All skill levels welcome.
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November 5
Me2/Boston Orchestra Concert
Me2/Boston Orchestra Concert
Date: Sunday, Nov 5, 2023
Time: 5 - 6 p.m.
Location: Temple Isaiah, 55 Lincoln St, Lexington, MA 02421
Music Director & Conductor Ronald Braunstein leads the orchestra in works by Beethoven, Brahms, Grieg and Bernstein. Join for great music and conversation, all in a stigma-free zone!
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November 5
GenesisHR Battlegreen Run 2023
This annual tradition is celebrated by the local community for both the spirit of the event and the incredible fundraising achieved by participants for local nonprofits.
Time:12:15pm, 11月5日(Sunday)
Address: Lexington High School 
251 Waltham St 
Lexington MA 02421
We will run as a community on Sunday, November 5th @ 12:15 PM to raise money for a number of deserving nonprofits.  Choose from a 5K walk, 5K run or (almost)10K run….OK it’s only 9.857k…we just want to start and end in the same place. If you prefer to maintain social distancing or just can’t make it to Lexington on race day you can participate virtually.
November 6
Dyslexia: What 21st Century Science Has Taught Us by Dr. Sally Shaywitz
Date: Monday, Nov 6, 2023
Time: 7 - 9 p.m.
Location: Auditorium, Lexington High School, 251 Waltham St, Lexington, MA 02421
World renowned expert on dyslexia and reading, Sally E. Shaywitz, M.D will present on the latest research on dyslexia, one of the most common learning disabilities. She will discuss the neural systems of dyslexia and the reading brain, the signs and symptoms of dyslexia, the importance of early screening to identify children at risk of dyslexia, along with effective evidence-based interventions that are essential to ensure positive outcomes for at-risk, vulnerable children. Dr. Sally Shaywitz is the Audrey G. Ratner Professor in Learning Development at Yale University and Co-Founder & Co-Director of the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity and author of Overcoming Dyslexia, 2nd edition. Signed copies of her book will be available for purchase at the event. Sponsored by LexSEPTA, in partnership with Lexington Public Schools.
Please submit questions for Dr. Shaywitz by through this form. The deadline to submit questions is Saturday, Nov 4th.
This event is sponsored by SEPAC/SEPTA and co-sponsored by the Lexington Human Rights Committee.
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November 8
Intro to Photo Editing
Intro to Photo Editing with Nicole Mordecai
Date: Wednesday, Nov 8, 2023
Time: 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Location: Online
In this two and a half hour online workshop, you will get a broad introduction to photo editing by watching a professional talk through and demonstrate the editing process using two of your own photos. This workshop is ideal for people new to photo editing, or those considering investing in the Adobe Photography Plan (which includes Photoshop and Lightroom).
This workshop is not a how-to session, but rather an overview that illustrates what's possible with photo editing. By the end of the session, you will have a better understanding of how to look at your photos and figure out what needs to be done to improve the images.
The class fee is $25 for non-members; members are eligible for discounts. All skill levels welcome.
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Lexington Field and Garden Club
Lexington Field and Garden Club, Autumn and Winter Gardens
Date: Wednesday, Nov, 8, 2023
Time: 18:30 p.m. Social meeting / 7 pm meeting
Location: Follen Church, 755 Mass Avenue, Lexington

Jana Milbocker is a garden designer, speaker, and author. She inspires and delights gardeners with her expertise. She is the owner of the landscape design firm Enchanted Gardens, a past president of the Holliston Garden Club, and active in the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts.

Jana will teach us to add beauty to our gardens in the sweet golden days of autumn with flowers, shrubs, trees, and vines that shine during the late season.

Discover plants with colorful blooms, rich foliage, and dramatic scent. This talk

will entice you to design a vibrant fall and winter garden.

This is a free event.

Join us for an interesting seminar!

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November 12
Beginner Series
Beginner Series: Bangle Bracelets with Laurie Savage
Date: Sunday, Nov 12, 2023
Time: 10 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Location: LexArt, 130 Waltham St, Lexington, MA 02421

In this beginner- level class, you will create a set of beautiful textured bangle bracelets. Students will learn to develop their fabrication skills.
All materials will be provided, including sterling silver, bronze, and copper (in different shaped wires), saw blades, solder, and sandpaper.
Note: A $40 materials fee is payable to the instructor at the start of class.
Class fee is $85 for non-members; members are eligible for discounts.
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November 12
Jams for Justice
Jams for Justice: A Concert of Inspirational Music for Voices and Jazz Band
Date: Sunday, Nov 12, 2023
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Location: First Parish in Lexington, 7 Harrington Rd, Lexington, MA 02421
The concert, directed by Rip Jackson, will feature the First Parish sanctuary and youth choirs, vocal soloists, and an 11-piece Jazz band (piano, drums, electric guitar, electric bass, saxophones, woodwinds and brass) performing inspirational solo and choral Gospel and Jazz music and selections from Broadway including Godspell, Miss Saigon, Wicked and The Lion King. The concert will take a free-will offering with 100% of the proceeds to benefit the Hamilton-Garrett Music & Arts Academy, a Boston-based non-profit, committed to the development of Boston's next generation of innovative artists through the celebration and preservation of Black music. This vital arts organization provides high-caliber formal music instruction to youth throughout Greater Boston, preparing them for a future in music that challenges inner-city youth to see themselves as positive producers of culture, music, and the arts as a whole, rather than merely consumers of it.
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November 17, 18
Rejuvenating Lexington Center
Rejuvenating Lexington Center!
Date: Friday & Saturday, Nov 17, 18
Time: Day 1: 6:00 p.m – 9:00 p.m.
          Day 2: 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a. m. (part 1)
4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p. m. (part 2)
Location: 1874 Massachusetts Ave, Cary Memorial Building, Battin Hall, Lexington (Day 1 )
 Stars at the Depot building, 13 Depot Square, Lexington (Day 2)
Wow. Help Shape the Future.
Lexington is holding a 2-day workshop on Nov 17-Nov 18 to gather input about how our center should look in the future. There will be discussions, walking tours, open house as we shape our town for the future. Check it out!
Pizza and refreshment will be served on day 1. Light refreshment will be served on day 2.
Scan the QR code for more information:
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November 18
Cooking up Dumplings
Cooking up Dumplings, Social Justice, and Sustainability
Date: Saturday, Nov 18, 2023
Time: 8 p.m.
Location: Cary Memorial Hall, 1605 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA 02420
Chef, entrepreneur, and activist, Irene Li, is a dynamic leader on the Boston food scene who has devoted her career to sustainability, financial literacy, and workforce equity in the restaurant industry. She received the 2022 James Beard Foundation Leadership Award for her efforts to address food insecurity and support independent restaurants. Ms. Li will discuss how she has forged a path as a successful Asian American woman chef and restaurateur while fighting to build a better, fairer food system.
All are welcome to join this free talk.
Scan the QR code for more information:
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November 24
LexGiving 5k run/walk
LexGiving 5k run/walk
Date: Friday, Nov 24, 2023
Time: 9 - 11:30 a.m.
Since 2008, the Lexington High School Cross Country/Track & Field program has hosted an “Alumni Race” on the same nearly all-road course the team has called home since 1970. This year, in the interest of sharing the sport we love with the larger community, the Cross Country / Track & Field team has partnered with the LHS Wrestling team to host the race.
Our teams are excited to welcome the running community to The First Annual LexGiving 5k Run/Walk. All proceeds will go to the LHS Cross Country and Wrestling teams.
The preregistration race fee is $35, the day-of-event race fee is $40, the fee for students and seniors is $25, and the fee for Town of Lexington employees & first responders is $25
Registration ends the day of at 9:15 a.m.
Scan the QR code to register:
Scan QR Code to register
Lexpress is Lexington's own public transit service, open to all since 1979! Bus pass prices have been reduced to encourage more people to try Lexpress out.
For just $20, you will receive unlimited rides any time of day Lexpress operates thru June 30, 2024. Passes can be purchased online at or directly at Lexington Community Center, 39 Marrett Road.
Additionally, cash sales can be made at the Lexington High School front office and at Michelson's Shoes in Lexington Center, 1780 Massachusetts Ave. Get a pass for each member of your family and show support for our local transit system!

Information about where Lexpress goes and how to ride can be found at and the office is happy to answer any questions by phone 781-861-1210 or email: [email protected] Thank you!
Scan the QR code for more information:
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莱镇活动早知道 · 十二月
文稿整理:Lily Zeng & Laura Yang
中文翻译: Junming Zhang & He Huang
翻译审核:Ziyun Wang
封面摄影 & 设计:鱼儿
本期排版制作: 翁瑞敏
莱镇华协公众号总编: 鱼儿