To Grow Wealth, China’s Gen Z is Buying Gold — One Bean at a Time

为了增加财富,中国的 Z 世代正在购买黄金———一点点地买

Buying  gold was largely associated with older generations in China, but data  now indicates that over half of gold consumers belong to the post-’90s  age group. For many, it’s the most viable
long-term investment.

在中国,购买黄金主要与老一代人有关,但现在的数据显示,超过一半的黄金消费者属于 "90 后 "年龄组。对许多人来说,这是最可行的长期投资。
For  the past few months, 20-year-old Zhong Yongxin has had a new ritual on  returning home from work each day. She heads straight for a small glass bottle with a few bean-shaped bits of gold and gives it a quick shake.  The soft rattle serves as a daily reminder
that she’s finally saving  money.

在过去的几个月里,20 岁的钟永新每天下班回家都有一个新的仪式。她径直走向一个小玻璃瓶,里面装着几粒豆粒大小的金子,然后快速摇晃一下。这轻轻的响声每天都在提醒她终于存到钱了。
Smaller  than a fingertip and often shaped like lucky symbols like melons or koi fish, gold beans are quickly gaining popularity among China’s Gen Z.  Weighing roughly one gram and priced between 400 and 600 yuan ($54-$82),  they offer an affordable entry point for buyers. Many purchase one or two pieces monthly, likening the cost to their regular milk tea expenses

To  Zhong, gold beans signify more than mere savings — they’re a viable  long-term investment. Traditionally, China’s middle-aged and elderly were the primary consumers of gold, but now, Gen Z is now gravitatingtowards these diminutive
gold products.

对钟女士来说,金豆不仅仅是一种储蓄,更是一种可行的长期投资。传统上,中国的中老年人是黄金的主要消费群体,但现在,Z 世代开始青睐这些小巧的黄金产品。
On social media platforms, young Chinese are even chroniclingtheir  journey of slowly filling these glass bottles with gold beans. While  some bottles have just a few beans at the bottom, like Zhong’s, others  are almost full, with enthusiasts frequently sharing their experiences,  including recommendations for reliable online shops and vouchers

In a 2023 report on  the jewelry and accessories industry, China’s leading e-commerce  platforms Tmall and Taobao revealed that the primary consumers of gold  jewelry are those born after the 1990s. And in 2022, an insight report by  consultancy firm Mob Data found that Gen Z’s inclination to purchase  gold surged
from 16% in 2016 to 59% in 2021 — marking the highest  spending potential among all age groups.

中国领先的电子商务平台天猫和淘宝在  2023 年的一份珠宝配饰行业报告中显示,黄金首饰的主要消费者是上世纪 90 年代后出生的人。而在 2022 年,咨询公司 Mob Data  的一份洞察报告发现,Z 世代的黄金购买倾向从 2016 年的 16% 猛增至 2021 年的 59%,在所有年龄组中消费潜力最高。

Over  the last several months, 23-year-old Zhou Siying told Sixth Tone that  she’d been swept up in a “gold-buying frenzy.” In line with her personal  goals, she purchases at least one gold item every month: either gold  beans or lightweight jewelry. Sometimes, her gold expenses climb to  nearly 3,000 yuan, consuming half her monthly salary. 在过去几个月里,23 岁的周思颖告诉第六声调,她被卷入了一场 "购金狂潮"。为了实现个人目标,她每个月至少购买一件黄金制品:金豆或轻便的首饰。有时,她的黄金支出会攀升至近 3000 元,消耗掉她月薪的一半。
She  said: “There’s an adage: ‘Gold is worn as jewelry when you’re rich and  used as money when you’re poor.’ The gold I buy has two values. I can  wear it daily or hold onto it, opting to trade or sell later.” 她说:"有句谚语说:'有钱时把黄金当首饰戴,没钱时把黄金当钱用'。我买的黄金有两种价值。我可以每天佩戴,也可以持有,选择日后交易或出售。
Gold has long been recognized as a valuable financial hedge. A study by the World Gold Council reveals that, over the past three decades, gold has yielded an annualized return of 5.8%. This eclipses mainstream  assets like cash and bonds during the same time period. And during five  of the past seven economic downturns, gold has thrived, aiding investors  in mitigating overall portfolio

长期以来,黄金一直被认为是一种宝贵的金融保值工具。世界黄金协会(World  Gold Council)的一项研究显示,在过去 30 年里,黄金的年化收益率达到  5.8%。这使同期的现金和债券等主流资产黯然失色。在过去七次经济衰退中的五次,黄金都表现强劲,帮助投资者减轻了整体投资组合的损失。

Speaking  to Sixth Tone, Wang Youxin, a senior researcher at the Bank of China  Research Institute, said, “This year, as the global economy faces  increasing challenges and financial market volatility intensifies, the  hedging demand for gold is on the rise


Wang  added that compared with heavier gold bars, smaller gram-sized gold  products align more with the earning capacity of younger demographics.  Gold beans have a low investment threshold and are visually pleasing,  but also face the risk of future markdowns
down the road.


Having  worked only for a few years now, Zhou says she has limited money for  investments and prefers stability over returns
. For her, owning physical  gold over other gold investment methods provides a unique  “psychological satisfaction.”

工作才几年的周女士说,她用于投资的资金有限,比起收益,她更喜欢稳定。对她来说,拥有实物黄金比其他黄金投资方式更能带来一种独特的 "心理满足感"。

To  stick to her plan, Zhou deliberately cuts back on spending on meals and  clothing, channeling those funds into gold purchases. “While both cost  money, I can recoup
the cost of gold. The rest is just spent,” she  says.


In the first half of 2023, China’s gold consumption increased by  16.37% over the same period last year, at 554.88 tons, according to the  China Gold Association. Mirroring this trend, in mid-September, spot  gold prices reached an unprecedented high, creating the widest gap  with international gold prices in a decade. Following the Golden Week  holiday, prices dipped
to around 450 yuan per gram but have since been  climbing, closing at 475.8 yuan per gram on Oct. 27.

根据中国黄金协会的数据,2023  年上半年,中国黄金消费量为 554.88 吨,比去年同期增长 16.37%。与这一趋势相呼应的是,9  月中旬,现货黄金价格达到了前所未有的高点,与国际金价的差距为十年来最大。黄金周假期过后,金价一度跌至每克450元左右,但此后不断攀升,10月27日收盘价为每克475.8元。
Xia  Yingying, a metals analyst at Nanhua Futures, attributed the September  spike in gold prices to the exchange rate. “The dollar appreciated  sharply, putting pressure on the yuan. While domestic gold supply was  tight, demand remained strong. And the surge
in US bond issuance and  yields in October, both seen as low-risk assets, raised the opportunity  cost of holding gold, leading to a dip in prices.

南华期货金属分析师夏莹莹将9月份金价飙升归因于汇率。"美元大幅升值,给人民币带来压力。虽然国内黄金供应紧张,但需求依然强劲。而 10 月份美国债券发行量和收益率的激增,都被视为低风险资产,提高了持有黄金的机会成本,导致金价下跌。
Experts generally concurthat  the renewed surge in gold prices was influenced by diminished  expectations of the U.S. Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes.  Additionally, geopolitical tensions, like the Israeli-Palestinian  conflict, heightened risk aversion
, prompting investors to turn to gold.

Despite  the price volatility, Xia believes it won’t deter physical gold  investors. “Gold jewelry enthusiasts typically have a long investment  horizon and aren’t swayed
by temporary price changes. It’s not as though  they’d rush to sell their pieces as soon as gold’s value spikes,” she  explained.

Zhong  shares a similar sentiment. Rather than capitalizing on the high prices  by selling the gold beans she’s accumulated, she’s had them crafted  into a gold lock design she’s long admired — a move she says has saved  her thousands of yuan compared to an outright

“For gold, the sooner I buy it, the sooner I can enjoy it,” she said.

