  1. 痛苦+反思=进步
  2. 把失败变成好事。
  3. 不要为你自己或他人的错误而懊恼,要珍爱它们。
  4. 不要降低标准。
  5. 在无法充分完成职责时,向上级提出,将问题升级,同时确保你的下属也会主动这样做。
  6. 接受结果。
  7. 明白了解真相一点也不可怕。
  8. 记住在经历痛苦后要反思。
Many of you have asked about how to deal with perceived setbacks, so I wanted to share some of the principles that have helped me in moments like this.
  1. Pain + Reflection = Progress
  2. Fail well.
  3. Don’t feel bad about your mistakes or those of others. Love them!
  4. Don’t lower the bar.
  5. Escalate when you can’t adequately handle your responsibilities and make sure that the people who work for you are proactive about doing the same.
  6. Own your outcomes
  7. Realize that you have nothing to fear from knowing the truth.
  8. Remember to reflect when you experience pain.
瑞·达利欧官方微信公众号: raydalio_
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