自从成立以来,桥水的价值观和战略目标就没有变过(通过极度求真和极度透明,创造佳绩,从事有意义的工作,保持有意义的人际关系),但随着公司经过40多年从只有1人演变为有1 500名员工的大机构,公司的人员、系统、工具等都发生了变化,而且当年青一代取代年老一代,它们仍在持续变化中,但公司的价值观和战略目标不变。对家庭如此,对社区如此,对机构来说都可能做到。为了强化这种认识,最好继续强调传统和理性的作用,并确保让接班的领导者和整个公司的员工都受到价值观和战略目标的感化。
Bridgewater's values and strategic goals have been the same since the beginning (to produce excellent results, meaningful work, and meaningful relationships through radical truth and transparency) but its people, systems, and tools have changed over forty-plus years as we have grown from a one-person company to a 1,500-person organization-- and they can continue to change while maintaining values and strategic goals as newer generations replace older ones. That can happen for organizations in much the same way as it happens for families and communities. To help nurture that, it is desirable to reinforce the traditions and reasons for them, as well as to make sure the values and strategic goals are imbued in the successive leaders and the population as a whole.

瑞·达利欧官方微信公众号: raydalio_
《每日原则》为瑞·达利欧(Ray Dalio) 原创,
