乔强纳斯(Joe Jonas)和苏菲特纳(Sophie Turner)相爱7 年,但在9 月初时宣布结束婚姻,并透过法院文件表示:「双方婚姻已无可挽回地破裂。」原以为既然两人都在社群上发表相同的声明「我们共同决定和平结束我们的婚姻」,至少会好聚好散,但没想到近日两人却开始「互撕」、展开攻防战。
9月21日外媒《Today》取得纽约法院文件,爆出苏菲特纳以乔强纳斯「非法扣留两个孩子」为由对他提起诉讼,声称乔扣留两个女儿的护照,阻止她们返回「在英国的惯常住所」,甚至引用《海牙公约》暗指乔强纳斯绑架女儿!此外,苏菲更透露自己和所有人一样,是透过媒体报导才知道乔提出离婚诉讼,她表示两人在 8 月 15 日争吵,而 9 月5日透过新闻才发现乔要离婚。
然而根据声明,苏菲在9 月17 日两人会面后「不到24 小时」,突然就要求乔交出女儿们的护照。「苏菲表示,她想把孩子们永久带到英国,」声明继续说道,「此后,她通过这份文件要求乔交出孩子们的护照,以便她能立即带孩子们离开英国。但如果他照办,乔就会违反佛罗里达州法院的命令。」
而针对苏菲表示9 月5 日从媒体报道中得知他们将要离婚,而这距离9 月6 日提交正式文件只有一天时间的说法,乔透过声明也否认:「在与苏菲多次交谈后,乔在佛州启动了离婚程序,因为佛州是该案的适当管辖区,」乔的阵营声明称:「苏菲知道乔将提出离婚。佛罗里达法院已经下达命令,限制父母双方重新安置孩子。
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Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas have reached a temporary decision over their daughters' residence a week after the "Game of Thrones" star sued the Jonas Brothers singer.
Turner and Jonas share 3-year-old daughter, Willa, and a second daughter, who was born in July 2022 and whose name remains private.
The former couple filed an interim consent order on Monday in the southern district of New York amid Turner's lawsuit against Jonas for the return of their children to England.
In the consent order reviewed by USA TODAY, the parties agreed that they will not remove their daughters from "jurisdictions of the United States District Courts for the Southern & Eastern Districts of New York pending further order of this Court." This includes all five boroughs in New York City, Long Island and counties up to Westchester.
Turner and Jonas – who are in the midst of divorce – made the agreement "without prejudice," meaning they cannot use this decision against one another at their upcoming court date.
A pretrial conference with regard to the actress' lawsuit is scheduled for Oct. 3.
The "Game of Thrones" star claims in a lawsuit filed Thursday in the southern district of New York that she met with the Jonas Brothers singer on Sunday where they were "to discuss their separation," according to documents obtained by USA TODAY.
Jonas disputed the claims via his rep Thursday, alleging a Florida court issued an order blocking either parent from relocating their children. Jonas alleged that if he complies with Turner's request to let the children go to England, he "will be in violation" of the court order, a copy of which USA TODAY has obtained and reviewed.
Turner alleged the children were supposed to be returned Wednesday, but said Jonas withheld their daughters' passports and "refuses to send the children home to England." Jonas' rep Jeff Raymond said in a statement to USA TODAY that the couple "had a cordial meeting" in New York, "when Sophie came to New York to be with the kids. They have been with her since that meeting."
Jonas filed for divorce against Turner in Miami-Dade County court on Sept. 5, according to court documents reviewed by USA TODAY. In the petition, Jonas requested "shared parental responsibilities" between himself and Turner for their two daughters as well as enforcement of their April 2019 prenuptial agreement.
The singer claimed the children have been living with Jonas in Miami "and other locations throughout the United States" in his petition, something the "Dark Phoenix" actress refutes in her filing.
"The children have lived in England since April 10, 2023," Turner's filing states, adding that in December 2022 when they were in England for Christmas, she and Jonas confirmed they would make the country their "forever home."
Sophie Turner's lawsuit in detail:Actress sues for return of 2 children, ex Joe Jonas disputes claims amid divorce
"All throughout their marriage, and particularly after their children were born, the parties often discussed their desire to raise their children in England and for their children to attend school in England," Turner's suit says, adding that the couple "regarded England as a safe location to raise their children."
Thursday's petition was filed under The Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and the International Child Abduction Remedies Act, both of which provide solutions for children internationally abducted from one parent.
"When language like 'abduction' is used, it is misleading at best, and a serious abuse of the legal system at worst," Jonas' rep said in the statement Thursday. "The children were not abducted. After being in Joe's care for the past three months at the agreement of both parties, the children are currently with their mother. Sophie is making this claim only to move the divorce proceedings to the UK and to remove the children from the U.S. permanently."
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