(1) The space journey is long, choosing the appropriate route and transportation will maximize the reduction of time wasted on the road.
这句话主要有三个问题:流水句、表达累赘以及搭配不当。所谓的流水句(run-on sentences)是指用逗号连接两个完整句子。流水句属于语法错误,平时应该避免。比如上面the space journey is long是一个完整句子,choosing the appropriate route and transportation will maximize…也是一个完整句子。这两个句子不能用逗号连接,而应该用分号,或者用连词来连接。
maximize the reduction of time wasted on the road则属于表达累赘,作者想表达的意思类似于“最大化减少花在路上的时间”,英文可以直接精简为:minimize time spent en route
choosing the appropriate route and transportation可以改为更自然的说法:choosing the right route and means of transportation
整个句子修改为:The space journey can be quite lengthy, but by choosing the right route and means of transportation, you can minimize time spent en route.

(2) Before going on vacation, it is necessary to adjust the corresponding physical functions for the destination planet, wear appropriate protective clothing, train the ability to survive in the wild, and minimize the dangerous impact of the journey. 
这一句的主要问题是搭配不当。adjust the corresponding physical functions for the destination planet读起来让人不知所云,作者想表达的应该类似于“调整自己的身体状态,以便能够适应目标星球的环境”,可以改为:align your physical capabilities with the conditions of your destination planet
train the ability这一搭配也有问题,train一般不跟ability搭配,更加常见的说法是improve the ability。train the ability to survive in the wild可以精简为hone your survival skills
句子可以改为:Prior to embarking on your journey, it's essential to align your physical capabilities with the conditions of your destination planet, wear protective clothing, hone your survival skills, and minimize potential safety hazards.

(3) It is important to understand various factors such as the terrain, climate, transportation, popular attractions, entertainment projects, etc. of the destination planet in advance to avoid missing important experiences. 
这一句话的主要问题是用词不当,entertainment projects可以改为更准确的说法entertainment offerings
understand various factors such as the terrain, climate…改为更地道的说法do some research on the terrain, climate… 
句子改为To ensure you don't miss out on essential experiences, it's crucial to do some research on the terrain, climate, transportation options, popular attractions, and entertainment offerings on the destination planet before your trip.
