- 社区好活动推荐 - 
为 2022年 诺贝尔和平奖得主
Center for Civil Liberties Ukrine 
日期:2023 年 9 月 30 日 星期六
下午 3 - 5:00pm
地点:Christina & George Gamota's residence in Lexington
我们诚挚地邀请您参加我们为2022年诺贝尔和平奖获得者 - Center for Civil Liberties Ukrine(CCL) 举办的筹款慈善活动。

慈善会将在《莱镇人文》焦点人物之一Christina Gamota 家美丽的花园举行。众所熟知,Christina Gamota 的名字都会与优雅精致完美和极高的艺术品味联系在一起。走进她的莱镇家居,人们彷佛走进入了一个博物馆。她亲自打理的后花园。和她精心设计幽雅充满艺术氛围的家居一起,集高雅的艺术品味和完美于一体。
CCL的执行董事 Sasha Romantsova 将出席筹款活动,与善心人士见面和互相交流。纽约女低音歌手Vira Slywotzky 将现场与钢琴家 Paul Carlson 合作演出。本次活动还有一场小型旅行摄影展,展示艺术家们在战火中保存下来的乌克兰传统服饰。

2022年春天,乌克兰牵动了全世界热爱自由的人们的心。如今战火已经持续一年,乌克兰民族以它的勇气与坚韧赢得了全世界的尊重,“Center for Civil Liberties”也因为它半个世纪对民权的坚持不懈赢得了诺贝尔奖评委的青睐。


时间:3:00-5:00pm, 2023年9月30日
地点:17 Solomon Pierce Rd, Lexington
门票:$150 per person
Limited capacity,购票从速
Scan QR Code for ticket
- 慈善会出席嘉宾- 
Sasha Romantsova
Sasha Romantsova 是Center for Civil Liberties(CCL)Ukrine的执行董事。CLC 是2022年诺贝尔和平奖得主,也是乌克兰唯一一个授予诺贝尔和平奖的获奖者。
2022 Nobel Peace Prize laureate
Christina Gamota
Christina Gamota 出生于乌克兰西部的里斯科(Lisko – Western Ukraine) . 17岁时随父母移民美国,1986年从密西根州安娜堡(Ann Arbor MI)迁居莱镇,是莱镇的老居民。克里斯蒂娜喜欢艺术,拥有长达近半世纪的经典现代风格家具和艺术品收藏经验。她热衷参与社区活动,长年帮助莱镇各社团组织出力筹款,是一名长期的志愿者。克里斯蒂娜在家居设计、艺术设计以及艺术品收藏界享有盛名,更因以艺术带动慈善活动在慈善界独树一帜,被她人格折服的人们视她为一名终身奉献者。
Vira Slywotzky
Vira Slywotzky 是一位纽约女低音歌手,在国际舞台上表演歌剧、音乐会和歌舞表演。她是一名乌克兰裔美国人,在马萨诸塞州剑桥出生和长大,致力于保持乌克兰歌曲表演的蓬勃发展。从2022 年 2 月开始,她加大力度将乌克兰歌曲带给更广泛的听众,并为乌克兰发声和为乌克兰的人道主义援助筹款。
Paul Carlson
钢琴家Paul Carlson 在戈登学院获得音乐学士学位,是波士顿大学的音乐硕士和音乐艺术博士, 并在戈登学院和波士顿大学坦格伍德学院曾经任教. 作为独奏家和合作音乐家,他的表演具有新鲜感,经常在熟悉的传统曲目与新的或被忽视的作品之间取得令人为之兴奋的平衡。他还对十九世纪末和二十世纪初的音乐特别感兴趣。他的研究重点是德彪西钢琴音乐的早期演奏风格。
Paul 目前担任The Peregrine Consort 音乐总监,并在莱镇音乐学校任教和担任莱镇高中合唱团的伴奏者。 
Ksenia Lesnaya
克谢妮娅·莱斯纳娅(Ksenia Lesnaya)是乌克兰摄影师,乌克兰被俄罗斯入侵之后成为难民,目前居住在德国。莱斯纳娅拍摄的是流离失所的乌克兰合唱团Volia(乌克兰语“自由”)的成员,她们穿着传统的刺绣衫(vyshyvanki)。这些刺绣衫跨越了100-200年的历史,在战争爆发前被一位普通公民收集和保护起来,是乌克兰地区、文化和历史的传统象征。这个互动式的教育性展览让我们得以一瞥乌克兰文化的编织之美以及编织历史。它从一个与众不同的视角展现出乌克兰人民的文化以及作为人的力量,这与主流媒体所描述的痛苦和斗争的形象形成鲜明对比。
- Fundraiser for the Center for Civil Liberties - 
UKRAINIAN VOICES: PRESENT AND PAST: Stitching Life and History Together
This timely and relevant world-class event is a ticketed fundraiser for the Center for Civil Liberties, the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize winner. CCL is the first Ukrainian organization to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. The ticket purchase price is tax deductible as permitted under US IRS regulations.
The event features:
  • Sasha Romantsova, Executive Director, Center for Civil Liberties (https://ccl.org.ua/en/team-2/)
  • Vira Slywotzky, contralto (https://www.viraslywotzky.com/bio/)
  • A traveling photo exhibit of traditional Ukrainian clothing by Ksenia Lesnaya 
About the Event Participants:
The Center for Civil Liberties is a leading global human rights charity. CCL has been actively working for the protection of human rights in Ukraine and the OSCE region for 15 years, and is a 2022 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. In 2014, CCL became the first human rights organization to send its own mobile teams to document war crimes in Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions. To this day, CCL continues to do this in all regions where crimes are committed by Russian troops. The main priority of CCL is the restoration of justice for all victims of war crimes. As a human rights defender, CCL is convinced that sustainable peace is impossible without justice. 
Vira Slywotzky, a New York based contralto, enjoys an international career performing opera, concerts and cabaret. She is a Ukrainian American, born and raised in Cambridge, MA, and is committed to keeping the performance of Ukrainian song thriving. In February 2022, her efforts to bring Ukrainian song to a broader audience intensified, and took on new meaning as she began advocating for Ukraine and fundraising for humanitarian aid in Ukraine. 
Ksenia Lesnaya is Ukrainian photographer currently living in Germany as a refugee from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The women depicted in Lesnaya’s photos are displaced members of the Ukrainian Choir Volia, (meaning "freedom" in Ukrainian), as they wear traditional vyshyvanki. The vyshyvanki, collected and protected by a private citizen prior to the onset of war, are 100 to 200 year old traditional symbols of Ukrainian regions, culture and history. This interactive, educational exhibit provides a glimpse into the woven beauty and history of Ukrainian culture. This exhibit will also provide a differing human perspective on the peoples of Ukraine, shed light on the culture and human strength contrary to the portrayal of pain and struggles provided by mainstream media.
The Ukrainian American Educational Center of Boston, Inc, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, establishes and maintains programs for the promulgation of Ukrainian culture, history, language and heritage. Toward this end, UAEC promotes, supports, and conducts educational, religious and social service programs that serve individuals of Ukrainian descent residing within the New England area and the community at large.
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- 慈善活动相关活动图片- 
乌克兰传统服饰 - Photo by Ksenia Lesnaya
Christina的花园 - 多年为莱镇各大团体组织筹款的地方 
艺术品现场拍卖: 艺术家陈颍捐赠的银杏叶画  
Art Works for Auction
Gingko Leaves, Sunflowers, Wars, Hopes
Train station, Przemyśl, Poland
1) Size: 11 x 8.5 inch, Original Ginkgo leaf drawing in a frame with dake velvet underling;
2) Size: 14 x 11 inch, Collage of the leaf drawing with an image from Ukrain war.
Sunflower , a symbol of peace,
Seed, hope for future and life. 
Background Image
Baby strollers left at a train station in Przemyśl, Poland,for Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war.The photo was captured by Francesco Malavolta, an Italian photojournalist, who arrived in Przemyśl two days after the war.
陈颍 Ying Chen
陈颍,自由艺术家。有译作《艺术史:1940年到今天》,作品集《石头与爸爸》,《医院组画》。其独创银杏叶画系列深受中外艺术爱好者喜爱。乌克兰战争的爆发引发了最新银杏叶画作品集《银杏、葵花、战争与希望》的创作,并于2022年4月在Palo Alto图书馆展出(拍卖作品是展览主题作品原画)并将继续展出直到战争结束。
Center for Civil Liberties Ukrine 
Ukrainian American Educational Center of Boston
Chinese American Assocition of Lexington
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作者和翻译:Elizabeth Xu
英文:Alex Gamota
图文编辑 & 制作:鱼儿 
Website: caal-ma.org
Facebook: caal1983
Twitter: CAALsince1983
Youtube: CAAL