09.24 | 敬请期待
Michelle Ling Yang 杨玲
Ms. Yang is an established performing artist of Peking Opera and Kunqu. She is the president and founder of Oriental Operatic Artists Association.
Ms. Yang had received Peking Opera and Kunqu performance professional education at Tianjin Institute of Performing Arts in China and performed several years with the nationally leading Tianjin Peking Opera House taking the lead roles. During her career, she earned many renowned awards and prizes in Peking Opera and appeared in several popular Chinese movies and TV series.
After she came in US, Ms. Yang actively participated in many professional and cultural events in the areas of traditional Chinese performing arts. She played many different leading roles in a number of Peking Opera and Kunqu performances and hosted several events and activities in Chinese traditional performing arts at many distinguished venues, including but not limited to Lincoln Center, Essex Peabody Museum, Freer and Sackler Galleries, Columbia University, Yale University, Princeton University, Brown University and New York University.
Xuefeng Wan 万雪峰
Xuefeng Wan, Baritone, has received Music Education from vocal professor, Hengtai Wen, at the Xinghai Conservatory of Music and was honored as Valedictorian in the graduation ceremony. In 2017, he won the Honorable Mention Award at the 6th Metropolitan International Vocal Competition. In 2019, he hosted his solo concert at Nicholas Music Center.. In 2018, he performed at the multiple stops of the Global Concert Tour of the Works of Composer Liping Wang. During his academic years, he made his debut at the opening ceremony of the 4th Golden Bell Awards of China. After that, he was given the opportunity to present a duet with Lanqing Li, the former Vice Premier of the People's Republic of China. He was a judge of “Culture of China Water Cube Cup Chinese Songs Contents” in 2021 and 2022. At the present, he is the vocal coach and soloist at choruses in NY, NJ and PA.
万雪峰, 青年男中音歌唱家——以专业成绩第一名毕业于星海音乐学院,师从著名歌唱家温恒泰教授。在校期间担任学院合唱团男低音声部长并举办了优秀毕业生独唱音乐会。2017年,“第六届大都会国际声乐大赛”中,获得歌剧类比赛第二名。受邀全奖学金参加意大利西西里歌剧学院大师班;广州歌剧学会荣誉毕业学员。曾受邀与中国前国家主席李岚清,在其音乐讲座上二人同台演唱。参与中国金钟奖开幕式演出。受国际音乐艺术协会邀请在卡内基音乐厅“乐坛名人音乐会”中担任独唱。2019年在Nicholas Music Center举行个人独唱音乐会。2018年王立平作品全球巡演的美国多站担任独唱。在庆祝中美乒乓外交40周年大型开幕式上担任两国国歌独唱。曾担任2021和2022年《水立方杯中国歌曲大赛》评委。曾参演歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》,《费加罗的婚礼》,《塞维利亚的理发师》,《唐卡洛》,原创音乐剧《南越王》等。担任纽约,新泽西和宾州多个合唱团的声乐指导和独唱。
Yi Ming Sofyia Xue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Boston, Massachusetts
Born in Kuwait and raised as a Chinese American, Yi Ming Sofyia Xue is an aspiring, vocalist, performer and entertainer of the new generation. Yi Ming Sofyia Xue has had the privilege of being raised in both vastly different cultures and so she works to mend the gaps that politics and economics have caused between these two countries and cultures. Her lifelong goal is to be a bridge that will better connect these two international music and entertainment markets and to once again prove: music is its own language and has no boundaries.
Wissahickon High School - High School Diploma with Honors
Berklee College of Music - Voice principle, Bachelor of Professional Music (concentrations in Vocal Performance, Songwriting, and Production)
GPA: 3.90; Dean’s List; anticipated graduation: 05/2022
Latin and Ballroom Assistant Dance Instructor at Spotlight Dance Banana Culture Entertainment Recording Studio Intern
ACX Audiobook Narrator for Audible
Demo Recording Artist for Boston-based Songwriter, Joe Pagliarulo Berklee College of Music English Tutor
Performed Chinese Opera selection on China’s CCTV tv series “Learn With Me”
Performed Chinese Opera selection at the “Opera Ball” in the Chinese-US Embassy, Washington, D.C. UDCA Singing Competition - First Place
CCTV “Avenue of Stars” - American Finalist
Latin and Ballroom Competitions Nyemchek and Paragon - First in Division and Level
Performed Chinese Opera fight excerpt from “Hu Family Warrior” at Lincoln Center, NYC
Supernova Singing Contest - Bronze Medalist
Sinovision’s “Teens Talent Show” - First in Singing Category
“The Voice of China” - American Top 10
“Water Cube International Chinese Singing Competition” in Beijing - Bronze Medalist
Soloist at Berklee College of Music – Radio Disney Berklee Concerts, and AAIME Concert
Guest Artist for Chinese Singer, Wang ZiFei’s, “Fei Ru Jun Xin” solo concert
Lead Vocalist in New York’s “Happy Chinese New Year & 2022 Winter Olympics Beijing” Flash Mob Soloist at UDCA’s “2020 Chinese New Year Gala”
Bilibili Channel Uploader – total of 24K followers and total video viewership of 1.4M
Cast as Mimi Marquez in New Light Theatre’s Summer production of RENT
Featured Vocalist for Disney’s Harmonious Live, now streaming on Disney+
➢ 2000年2月19日出生于科威特
➢ 祖籍中国上海
➢ 1-4岁住在中国
➢ 2004随父母亲技术移民到美国
➢ 小学 - 大学全程就读于美国
➢ 7岁起随国家一级演员李淑媛老师习练京剧刀马旦
➢ 12岁起(五年)随俄罗斯/乌克兰全美全欧冠军级老师习练拉丁舞及国标
➢ 13岁起师从著名声乐老师 旅美歌唱家 吕坤老师 美声歌唱家 费越老师
美国教授 Elayne Soltz-Penn 美国老师 Katie Pelletier 美国教授 Darcel Wilson
➢ 毕业于波士顿伯克利音乐学院(2018-2022) 声乐系
○ 专业:ProfessionalMusic(主修课程:声乐表演, 作词曲, 音乐制作) 
➢ 拉丁舞/国标助教
○ Spotlight Dance Center 俄罗斯和乌克兰老师助教 - 初级班舞蹈学员
➢ 中国上海香蕉娱乐公司音乐录制/制作实习生
➢ ACXAudible有声小说书籍朗读
○ “Mac and Madi’s Surprise” - 儿童书籍朗 读者
○ “The Amplified” - 青少年书籍朗读者
○ “Be Conscious” - 心灵鸡汤书籍朗读者
○ “The Screaming of the Tyrannosaur” - 成人科幻微型小说
○ “Hidden Realm: Legends of Lightning” - 成人奇幻小说
➢ 试唱歌手为波士顿内地的作词爱好者Joe Pagliarulo 录歌曲 demo
➢ 伯克利音乐学院英文补习班老师
○ 表演京剧选段或者流行歌曲 ○ 费城京剧社前票友 ○ 费城东方艺术团团员
➢ 2011 CCTV 戏曲频道《跟我学》出演 京剧《霸王别 姬》
➢ 2011 中国驻美国大使馆《Opera Ball》出演 京剧 《霸王别姬》
➢ 2012 UDCA《亚都好声音》冠军 – 此时开始追寻声乐表演
➢ 2014 CCTV《星光大道》美东总决赛 – 获优秀奖
➢ 美东地区《Nyemcheck》《Paragon Open》国标舞比赛 – 获其年龄组冠军
➢ 2015 纽约林肯中心《我要上林肯》出演 京剧《扈三娘》选段
➢ 2016 纽约《美国春晚》- 出演 京剧《金猴迎春》
➢ 2016 纽约《一带一路》出演 京舞《天女散花》
➢ 2017 美国中文电视《天生我才》青年声乐组– 获冠军
➢ 2017 第五届 纽约《超新星》华人新秀歌唱大赛 – 获铜奖
➢ 2018《中国好声音》美东地区–决赛组 – 美国前十名 
➢ 2018《水立方杯》海外华人中文歌曲大奖赛 (成人组) – 获铜奖
➢ 2019 王紫菲《菲入君心》个人演唱会 - 应邀担任演唱嘉宾
➢ 2019 伯克利音乐学院 – Radio Disney Berklee Concerts; Asian Americans in Music and Entertainment Concert
➢ 2020 纽约迎接北京冬季奥运会 千人快闪《万众一心》- 主唱组
➢ 2020 UDCA《名家精品迎春晚会》- 独唱
➢ 2020 Bilibili B站音乐UP主 – 现有近2.4万粉丝 –单曲最多播放量为 32 万
➢ 2021 伯克利音乐伯克利音乐 - Singer’s Showcase –Tina Turner: Simply the Best – 独唱表演者
➢ 2022 伯克利音乐伯克利音乐 – 毕业典礼演唱会featured vocalist
➢ 2022 迪士尼+/Disney+ 平台 上演《Harmonious Live》
Chunhe Xue 薛春和
Chunhe Xue
Philadelphia Chinese Performing Art Troupe
UDCA 2020 名家GALA 总导演

All by 文化中心宣传组
Pittsburgh Chinese Cultural Center