编者按:历经三年的等待,燕来舞蹈学院年度公演重磅回归!本次公演的主题是:“孔雀舞:亚洲舞蹈表演”。您将从主题舞蹈《孔雀舞》中体会到 “间窥水鉴精神出,静刷金华羽翼开” 的视听震撼!另外本场演出也将以西藏山区、傣族和敦煌古洞窟,中国古典和民间舞,以及韩国流行音乐现代歌舞和芭蕾舞等多元化风格,展示来自大匹兹堡地区的专业舞蹈学生和不同年龄段的舞蹈爱好者的超越梦想的精彩表演!一年仅此一次机会,不容错过。购票链接见文末。
宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡:由于 COVID-19 大流行,中断了两年的燕来舞蹈学院将于 2023 年 2 月 25 日周六晚7点在奥古斯特·威尔逊非裔美国文化中心举办“孔雀舞:亚洲舞蹈表演”。
    PITTSBURGH, PA — Yanlai Dance Academy will present ‘Dancing Peacock: an Asian Dance Performance’ taking place at the August Wilson African American Cultural Center on February 25, 2023. ‘Dancing Peacock’ is the studio’s annual public performance, returned to the stage after a 2-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
此次公演将以西藏山区、傣族和敦煌古洞窟的风格和服饰为特色进行舞蹈表演。这些表演讲述了亚洲的历史故事,并揭示了通常鲜为人知的少数民族文化。这些表演融合了中国古典和民间风格,以及韩国流行音乐和芭蕾舞,将由来自大匹兹堡地区的学生展示。表演者还有 Matthew Saggiomo,吴女士以前的学生,现在是 Groundworks Dance Theatre 的一名舞者。
‘Dancing Peacock’ will feature dance performances in styles and costumes from the mountain regions of Tibet, to the Dai minority group, and to the ancient caves of Dunhuang. These performances tell stories of the history of Asia and bring to light minority cultures that are often overshadowed. The performances in Chinese classical and folk styles, as well as K-pop and ballet, will showcase students from the greater Pittsburgh area. The performance will also feature Matthew Saggiomo, one of Ms. Wu’s former students and now a dancer with Groundworks Dance Theater.
Yanlai Dance Academy is Pittsburgh’s leading dance studio in the art of Chinese dance. The studio was founded in 2004 and is directed by Yanlai Wu, an awarded graduate of Bejing Dance Academy. Ms. Wu was selected as one of 25 students selected from all over China to enter the Beijing Dance Academy. As an awarded dancer she traveled and danced throughout many counties including China, Japan, France, and New Zealand before moving to the United States to start her own dance school.
Maids of Changan
燕来舞蹈学院现在是匹兹堡华人社区的知名品牌,并受邀在农历新年期间在全市各地演出。燕来舞蹈学院是匹兹堡唯一一家教授中国民族舞和古典舞的工作室。该工作室位于 2260 Babcock Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15237,还提供从 4 岁到成人的芭蕾舞、现代舞、K-Pop 和普拉提课程。
Yanlai Dance Academy is now a standard name to hear in the Chinese community of Pittsburgh and is asked to perform at venues all throughout the city for the Lunar New Year. Yanlai Dance Academy is the only studio in Pittsburgh that teaches Chinese folk and classical dance. The studio, located at 2260 Babcock Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15237, also offers classes in ballet, modern, K-Pop, and Pilates from ages 4 to adult.
可在 yanlaidance.eventbrite.com 获取
普通入场费 25 美元
预留 35 美元
VIP 50 美元
    All by 文化中心宣传组
Pittsburgh Chinese Cultural Center