Please respond to the following questions, keeping your answers to about 150 words each. 请家长回答下面的问题,每个问题约150字。
  • Describe your child's strengths. 请描述您孩子的优势。
  • It is normal to face challenges in life and in school. Can you speak to a challenge in your child's life and what was learned as a result?  在学校和生活中面对挑战是正常的,您能否谈谈孩子生活中面对的挑战,并从中学到什么?
  • Tell us about your child’s recent school experience and how your child’s strengths and challenges have been supported. 请告诉我们您孩子最近在学校的经历,以及您是如何支持孩子发挥其优势及面对的挑战。
  • Our schools strive to be inclusive communities for all. We invite you to share about your family and how you may foster and/or contribute to a diverse school environment. 我们学校致力于更具包容性,请分享一下您家庭以及您如何培养和或对所在学校的多样性上做出的贡献
  • Please introduce us to your family. 请介绍一下您的家庭。
  • Describe your child's personality, temperament, distinctive qualities, hobbies and educational interests. 请描述您孩子的个性、气质、独特品质、爱好和对学业的兴趣。
  • What qualities are you hoping to find in a school for your child? 您希望为孩子找到的学校具有什么特色?
  • (Optional) Please articulate any additional information about your child that will help us support his or her educational needs. (可选题)补充任何您孩子的其他信息,让我们更好地帮助他/她的教育需求
  • What three words best describe your child? 三个最能形容您孩子的词语是什么?

  • Describe how your child’s experiences have shaped who they are today. 描述一下您孩子的经历如何塑造了他们今天的样子。
  • Please list any activities they have been involved in during the last three years, including frequency and duration.请列出他们在过去三年参与的任何活动,包括频率和持续时间。
  • Among Our school’s core values, our commitment to honor and character is paramount. Please read and think about Our School’s Honor Code, which asks members of our community to work for the common good, rather than solely for personal advantage. What kinds of challenges and benefits might this responsibility present as you think about your child’s development? 在我们学校的核心价值观中,对荣誉和品格的承诺是至关重要的。请阅读并思考我们学校的荣誉准则,该准则要求我们社区的成员为共同利益而努力,而不仅仅是为了个人利益。当您考虑孩子的发展时,这种责任可能会带来哪些挑战和好处?
  • How would you describe your child? 您如何描述您的孩子?
  • Why are you seeking admission to our school? 您为什么要申请我们学校?
  • Give an example of a difficult issue related to your child's educational experience you have encountered in the last year. How did you handle it? What was the outcome? 举例说明您去年遇到的与您孩子的教育经历相关的难题。您是怎么处理的呢?结果如何?
  • Please list all extracurricular activities and hobbies in which the applicant has been involved in the past year. 请列出申请者过去一年中参与的所有课外活动和业余爱好。
  • 如果申请8所以上学校,需要回答的问题就是几十个,即使问题有相同或相似的地方,在短短四个月申请季中用英文写好挑战不小。有家长说用中文写完都得脱一层皮,更何况用英文撰写啦,所以此环节是最值得找留学机构协助的,如果您申请的学校数量不多,英文水平和写作能力都比较强,自己完成也是有可能的。
  • 尽管各所学校的文书题目有些不同,但无外乎是在三个时间轴(过去、现在、未来),四个维度(学生、家庭、学校、社会)上考察孩子和父母,所以K~12阶段要申请海外学校,提前三年准备为最佳
  • 平时对孩子的一些重要事件进行记录是个好习惯比如最难忘的事,最有挑战的事等等,这样撰写文书会节省回忆的时间,也会更容易在众多原始素材中进行取舍。