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Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, juct once, with beauty and courage.  Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.
-- Letters to a Young Poet, Poet, Rainer Maria Rilke
一起体验现场讲故事 - 成人工作坊
日期:2023 年 9 月 13 日星期三晚上 7-8:30
1874 Massachusetts Ave
Lexington, MA 02420
在这个有趣的互动研讨会中,学习讲述精彩故事的基本要素,无论是在咖啡馆里向朋友讲述还是在舞台上向观众讲述。 在结识新邻居的同时扩大您的个人故事库。
Voices on the Green 是一个现场讲故事和音乐系列的社区建设活动,成立于 2017 年。其主要目标是在社区中培养新的声音和新的关系,并在表演者和观众之间建立一种真诚的联系感。过去节目的录音可以在 Voices on the Green 和 YouTube 上观看。
该活动将由 Stellar Story 公司总监 Cheryl Hamilton 主持,该公司帮助个人和机构发掘非凡的故事和难忘的事件,赋予故事更多的意义。 该活动由 CAAL(莱镇华协)和绿色之声共同主办。
欲了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件至 [email protected]
Sep 1- Sep 30
Looney Lexington Scavenger Hunt
地点:Peet's Coffee, 1749 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA, 02420
September 1
It's Grant Time
1.     项目必须与马萨诸塞州的艺术、人文或科学相关。
2.     拨款必须展示对莱克星顿社区的公共利益。
3.     项目不得以年龄、能力、种族、宗教、性取向、性别认同或表达、国籍、地理起源或移民、军事或社会经济地位为基础进行歧视。
欲了解更多信息,请联系LCA主席Steve Poltorzycki,电子邮件:[email protected]
September 9
Grandparents' Day
地点:Lexington Munroe Center for the Arts, 1403 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA, 02420
艺术家爱丽丝·德尔多诺(Alice DelDonno)将引导我们进行有趣且简单的书制作活动。这些书可以简单地作为共同完成的艺术作品,也可以作为捕捉代际记忆、人物、事件等的载体。
September 9
30th Annual Fine Arts & Crafts Festival
日期:2023年9月9日,星期六,上午10:00 - 下午4:00
地点:Lawn of the Lexington Visitors Center, 1875 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA, 02420
September 12
Sing With Lexington Pops Chorus
地点:Hancock United Church Of Christ
1912 Massachusetts Ave
Lexington, MA, 02421
莱克星顿流行合唱团是波士顿合唱协会的成员,正在为潜在的新成员举办非试音的开放排练。两次免费的开放排练将于9月12日和19日的周二晚上7:30在Hancock Church, 1912 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington举行。歌手必须能够识乐谱。 合唱团活动进入第42个年头,充满着来自15多个地区城镇的成员的热情。他们演唱各种各样的音乐,包括古典、百老汇、爵士、民谣和福音。 欲了解更多信息,请访问,或致电Roseann,电话:781-365-0576(请留言)。
Sep 12, 19, 26
LexFun! 6-Week Farm Friends Program
地点:Lexington Community Farm, 52 Lowell St, Lexington, MA, 02420
如有关于课程的任何问题,请联系教育主任Rachel Curtin,电子邮件:[email protected]
September 12
Bike Corral 
地点:Lexington Community Farm, 52 Lowell St, Lexington, MA, 02420
如有关于课程的任何问题,请联系教育主任Rachel Curtin,电子邮件:[email protected]
September 13
A Philosophy of Garden Design
克里斯蒂·达斯曼 (Christie Dustman) 的应对干旱、害虫和气候变化的花园设计哲学讲座
日期:2023 年 9 月 13 日星期三
上午 9:30 会议前社交,上午 10 点正式会议
地点:福伦教堂(Follen Church),755 Massachusetts Ave,Lexington,MA,02420
Christie Dustman 是一位拥有 25 年认证景观设计师经验,在波士顿地区拥有自己的景观设计公司。 她曾获得设计奖项,并在许多场所任教,包括花园联合会、当地花园俱乐部和国家舞台。 她对针叶树景观设计的热情令人回味且实用。
克里斯蒂将讨论她的花园设计理念。 她仔细考虑植物在哪里会产生最大的视觉冲击力,同时注意水资源的利用。 她建议将植物与非植物物体配对,以进一步增强花园的美丽和节水。 她还将谈论她为 LFGC 成员 Phyllis Kominz 的花园所做的设计。
此活动向所有人开放! 来吧,带上你的朋友一起来。
September 14
Understanding Gender Identity
了解性别认同 - LexPride
日期:2023 年 9 月 14 日,星期四,晚上 7:00 - 8:30
地点:查阅 LexPride 网站以获取更新信息
随着莱克星顿公立学校严肃话题课程引发的争议,许多人表示希望更多地了解性别认同,还有一些人发布了不准确的言论。我们认为富有同理心的教育活动会有助于相互理解。 LexPride 正在组织一场了解性别认同会议(与我们前几年举办的其他会议类似),以帮助感兴趣的社区成员了解这一主题并以尊重和富有同理心的方式回答问题。 LexPride 希望本次会议能够加强我们社区的理解和尊重。
欲了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件至 [email protected]
September 17
3rd Annual Herb Festival
日期:2023 年 9 月 17 日星期天下午 12 - 4:00pm
地点:Buckman Tavern
1 Bedford Street
Hancock-Clarke House
莱镇历史学会将再次携手莱镇园艺俱乐部在巴克曼酒馆 (Buckman Tavern) 举办第三届莱镇香草节(Herb Festival). 来自Lexington Bee Company、Provisions By Kat、The Queen of Spice 以及 Tasty Harvests Kitchen Gardens等当地展商将在这里展示各种花草、香料以及相关衍生品。汉考克-克拉克之家药草园的教育空间也将向公众开放,让所有家庭有机会了解植物在历史上如何被用于食品与医药。
莱镇华协(CAAL) 也将在Buckman Tavern(Visitor Center 前面的草地) 设置展台,展示义卖包括木槿、君子兰等传统花卉与瓜菜种子。届时还有精湛的中国茶艺展示以及动人心弦的现场中国民乐演奏。
September 19
Understanding the Minds of People with Alzheimer's
日期:2023 年 9 月 19 日星期二下午 6:30 - 7:30
请在 9 月 18 日之前注册。
● 为什么他们一遍又一遍地重复同样的事情?
● 为什么他们在熟悉的路线行驶时会迷路?
● 为什么他们今天做某事有困难,但第二天就能轻松完成?
● 我该如何回应?
● 如何创造更多的联系时刻?
● 我怎样才能继续这样做?
September 20
All About Tomatoes Supper Club
日期:2023 年 9 月 20 日星期三下午 6:00
The Inn at Hastings Park
2027 Massachusetts Ave
Lexington, MA, 02421
欢迎来到晚宴俱乐部! Inn at Hastings Park 每个月都会举办互动主题晚宴。 在Inn烹饪团队的指导下,客人将学习如何准备当晚的三道菜。 在9月20日星期三的秋季首个宴会上,Inn的烹饪专家将以番茄为特色原料设计菜单。
在三个小时的过程中,客人尝试新食谱、学习新烹饪技术并享受美味佳肴。 晚上 6 点开始,您可以享用节日茶点,同时品尝开胃小菜,然后烹饪并享用三道菜的晚餐,并搭配葡萄酒。
September 21
Farm to Vine Dinner
Terrazas de los Andes
地点:The Inn at Hastings Park,2027 Massachusetts Ave
Lexington MA 02421
为了向拉美文化遗产月致敬,厨师Alissa Tsukakoshi及其团队将呈现一份独特的四道菜单,以拉丁美洲风味为特色,并配以Terrazas de los Andes的葡萄酒选择。作为Relais & Châteaux对可持续性的承诺的一部分,The Inn at Hastings Park的烹饪团队正在与莱克星顿社区农场合作,使用本地产的农产品制作当晚的菜单。
September 24
LexArt and LexHAB 'Home' Exhibition
September 29
5th Annual Golf Classic
地点:Stow Acres高尔夫球场
58 Randall Road
September 30
Ukrainian Voices
日期:2023 年 9 月 30 日星期六下午 3 - 5 点
地点:17 Solomon Pierce Rd.,莱克星顿,Lexington, MA, 02420
欢迎加入公民自由中心 (CCL) 举办的乌克兰筹款活动,其中包括 CCL 领导人、女低音歌手维拉·斯莱沃茨基 (Vira Slywotzky) 以及展示乌克兰传统服装的巡回摄影展!
请致电 781-863-8969 或 [email protected] 联系 Christina Gamota 进行回复。
September 30
Harmony on the Green
Harmony on the Green
本期嘉宾: Kemp Harris, Adam O.,和Lydia Harrell
地点:Hancock United Church Of Christ,1912 Massachusetts Ave,莱克星顿,马萨诸塞州,02421
Harmony on the Green的第二季将于9月20日星期六以Kemp Harris为主题拉开帷幕。
Kemp Harris是一位作曲家、音乐家、作家、演员和教师。Kemp出生在北卡罗来纳州,曾与塔吉·马哈尔、吉尔·斯科特-赫伦和科科·泰勒同台演出。
Adam Osgood是一位口琴演奏家和口头艺术家,他从布鲁斯传统和垮掉的诗歌中汲取灵感。他可以自如地运用从民谣到放克等各种音乐流派,自14岁起就开始演奏布鲁斯口琴。
Lydia Harrell是波士顿的音乐珍品之一。她沉郁、充满灵魂的嗓音和引人入胜的创作歌曲赢得了全国最优秀音乐家和场馆的关注和尊重。尽管她的心属于爵士和灵魂音乐,但Harrell表现出不可动摇的能力,能够在任何音乐环境中展示自己。
September 30
Porchfest is Coming to Lexington
Porchfest 即将来到莱克星顿!
他们还有10支乐队(或独奏表演者)的位置。请在Porchfest网页上注册您的乐队,或通过电子邮件联系我们,邮箱为[email protected],提供以下信息:
●     乐队名称/标题
●     风格(例如布鲁斯、古典、爵士、乡村、民谣、流行、摇滚、根源、世界音乐、R&B、创作歌手等)
●     乐队规模(1-2人、3-6人、7人及以上)
Scroll  to read the English Version
Highlight of the Month
Explore Live Storytelling Together - Adult Workshop
Date: Wednesday, Sep 13, 2023, 7-8:30 p.m.
Location: Large Meeting Room, Cary Memorial Library, 1874 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA 02420
People tell stories every day to educate, entertain, and connect with others. At its best, live storytelling reveals our shared humanity and gives residents a greater sense of community.
In this fun, interactive workshop, learn the essential elements for telling a great story, whether to a friend in a cafe or on stage for an audience. Expand your personal story library while meeting new neighbors.
Voices on the Green is a series of live storytelling and music events founded in 2017 as a community-building endeavor, whose primary goals are to develop new voices and new relationships in the community, and to create a sense of heartfelt connection between the performers and audience. Recordings of past shows can be seen at Voices on the Green, and on YouTube.
The workshop will be led by Cheryl Hamilton, Director of Stellar Story Company, which helps people and institutions develop extraordinary stories and unforgettable events that lead to meaningful change. It is also co-sponsored by CAAL (Chinese American Association of Lexington) and Voices on the Green.
For more information, email [email protected].
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Sep 1-Sep 30
Looney Lexington Scavenger Hunt
Looney Lexington Scavenger Hunt
Date: Sep 1 - Sep 30, 2023, 2 - 5 p.m.
Location: Peet's Coffee, 1749 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA, 02420
Your creative, nontraditional scavenger hunt begins at a local favorite scenic spot. You'll get your digital quest from your live and interactive remote host. Then you’ll take off on your own, walking or driving to various curated checkpoints to solve clues, accept wacky challenges, and get outside your comfort zone!
Both family and dog friendly, the game alternates between the indoors and outdoors, with plenty of bonus challenges too! You'll text photos to your remote host, who assists as you document your progress. You can even interact with the locals to solve clues. You won’t be able to avoid having fun, uncovering hidden gems and local secrets, making memories, laughing, and learning along the way!
You’ll be part of the rich culture of this dynamic city! Every turn is full of surprises, so questions in advance are welcomed.
Tickets are $18/person.
Scan QR Code for tickets:
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September 1
It's Grant Time
It's Grant Time
The 2023-2024 grant cycle will open on September 1, 2023. All applications must be submitted online through the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) website by October 17, 2023. Late applications will not be accepted.
Who can apply?
Individuals, agencies, schools, nonprofits, and other organizations may apply for grants that enhance the cultural vitality of the Lexington community. All applicants must reside or be located in Massachusetts.
What are the grant requirements?
1. The program must be related to the arts, humanities, or sciences in Massachusetts.
2. The grant must demonstrate a public benefit for the Lexington community.
3. The project may not discriminate on the basis of age, ability, ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, nationality, geographic origin, or immigration, military, or socio-economic status.
Because of limited resources and the LCA’s interest in supporting numerous and diverse programming, our grants typically range from $200 to $1,000 per applicant/organization.
For further information, contact LCA Chair Steve Poltorzycki at [email protected] or visit
Scan QR Code for more information
September 9
Grandparents' Day
Grandparents' Day!
Date: Sat, September 9, 2023, 10 - 11 a.m. and 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. (2 sessions)
Location: Lexington Munroe Center for the Arts, 1403 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA, 02420
Find a grandparent and join us for a special morning making art together (All ages welcome)!
Artist Alice DelDonno will lead us in a fun and simple book-making activity. Books can be created simply as artwork done together, or as a vehicle to capture generational memories of people, events, and more.
Space is limited.
Scan QR Code to register for the 10 a.m. session:
Scan QR Code to register for the 11 a.m. session: 
Scan QR Code to register
September 9
30th Annual Fine Arts & Crafts Festival
30th Annual Fine Arts & Crafts Festival
Date: Saturday, Sep 9, 2023, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Location: Lawn of the Lexington Visitors Center, 1875 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA, 02420
This popular event brings hundreds of people to Lexington Center. The fair features the work of premier artists and craftspeople specializing in paintings, photography, mixed media, pottery, wearable art, handbags, silk items, wood, and jewelry including hand-blown glass beadwork plus precious and semi-precious metals and stones. Join the Chamber of Commerce for their 30th annual Fine Arts and Crafts Festival!
September 12
Sing With Lexington Pops Chorus
Sing With Lexington Pops Chorus in Its 42nd Season
Date: Tuesday, Sep 12, 2023 and Sep 19 at 7:30 p.m.
Location: Hancock United Church Of Christ, 1912 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA, 02421
Lexington Pops Chorus, a member of the Boston Choral Consortium, is holding non-audition, open rehearsals for potential new members. Two free open rehearsals will be held Tuesdays, September 12th and 19th, at 7:30 pm in Clark Hall, Hancock Church, 1912 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington. Singers must be able to read music.
Now beginning its 42nd year, the chorus enjoys the enthusiasm of members from over 15 area towns. They sing a wide variety of music, including classical, Broadway, jazz, folk and gospel.
For more information, visit, or call Roseann at 781-365-0576 (leave a message).
Sep 12, 19, 26
LexFun! 6-Week Farm Friends Program
LexFun! 6-Week Farm Friends Program at LexFarm
Date: Tuesdays, Sep 12, Sep 19, Sep 26, Oct 3, Oct 10, Oct 17, 2023, 9:30 -10:15 am
Location: Lexington Community Farm, 52 Lowell St, Lexington, MA, 02420
Introduce your little one to the farm! In this 6-week class series, caregivers and young children (ages 2-4), explore and play together in the LexFarm learning garden. Each class will have a theme and guided hands-on activity. We'll sing circle-time songs, do some gardening chores (digging, planting, watering) and visit with the farm animals!
Please reach out to Rachel Curtin, Education Director, at [email protected] with any questions regarding the program.
*Please note: caregivers must stay and accompany children during the entire class. This is not a drop off event. You are registering for all four sessions; $90 per family.
Scan QR Code to sign up:
Scan QR Code to sign up
September 12
Bike Corral 
Bike Corral at Lexington Farmers' Market
Date: September 12, 2023, various time slots
Location: TBD
The Friends of Lexington Bikeways is hosting its monthly Bike Corral on September 12 to encourage people to bike to the Lexington Farmers Market. We need volunteers to staff our Community Tent: to park bikes, hand out $2 coupons, and to talk with visitors about bicycling and getting involved with bicycle advocacy in Lexington.
New volunteers welcome! No experience necessary!
Contact Omar Khudari at 339-223-2903 for more information.
Scan QR Code to register:
Scan QR Code to register
September 13
A Philosophy of Garden Design
A Philosophy of Garden Design for Drought, Pests, and Climate Change with Christie Dustman
Date: Wednesday, Sep 13, 2023
9:30 a.m. Social meeting, 10 a.m. Meeting
Location: Follen Church, 755 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA, 02420
Christie Dustman is a 25-year certified landscape designer with her own landscape-design company in the Boston area. She has won design awards and teaches at many venues, including the Garden Federation, local garden clubs, and on the national stage. Her passion for conifers and design is evocative and functional.
Christie will discuss her philosophy of designing gardens. She carefully considers where plants will make the most visual impact while being mindful of using water resources. She suggests pairing plants with non-plant objects to further enhance garden beauty and water conservation. She will also speak about her design for LFGC member Phyllis Kominz’s garden.
This event is open to all! Come and bring a friend.
September 14
Understanding Gender Identity
Understanding Gender Identity - LexPride
Date: Thurs, Sep 14, 2023, 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Check LexPride's website for updates
With the controversy that has arisen around the Lexington Public Schools Serious Talks curriculum, many people have expressed a desire to learn more about gender identity. In addition, several people have reported inaccurate statements being made and believe that a compassionate educational event would be useful. LexPride is organizing an Understanding Gender Identity session (similar to others we have held in previous years) to help interested community members understand this topic and answer questions respectfully and compassionately. LexPride hopes that this session will strengthen understanding and respect in our community.
For more information, email [email protected].
September 17
3rd Annual Herb Festival
The 3rd Annual Herb Fest
Date:Sunday, September 17 
12:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Location:Buckman Tavern
1 Bedford Street
Hancock-Clarke House
Lexington Historical Society has two beautiful herb gardens on its properties, and today we are celebrating them with our 3rd annual Herb Fest! 
Buckman Tavern, home to the Helen Noyes Webster and Mary Milligan Memorial Herb Garden, will host a variety of demonstrations and vendors selling wares that integrate herbs and spices into foods, soaps, teas, and more! The Hancock-Clarke House herb garden’s educational space will be open for tours and activities for the whole family to learn more about how plants have been used throughout history for food and medicine. 
Co-sponsored by the Lexington Field and Garden Club. Featured vendors include Lexington Bee Company, Provisions By Kat, The Queen of Spice, and Tasty Harvests Kitchen Gardens!
Scan QR Code to register:
September 19
Understanding the Minds of People with Alzheimer's
Understanding the Minds of People with Alzheimer's
Date: Tuesday, Sep 19, 2023, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Online
Please register by September 18th.
Why do people with Alzheimer’s say what they say and do what they do?
●      Why do they repeat the same things over and over?
●      Why do they get lost while driving familiar routes?
●      Why do they have trouble doing something one day, but can do it easily the next day?
Understanding the “why” can help with the “how.”
●      How can I respond?
● How can I create more moments of connection?
●      How can I keep doing this?
This is your chance to ask gerontologist Donna what goes on in the mind of someone with Alzheimer’s.
Scan QR Code to register:
Scan QR Code to register
September 20
All About Tomatoes Supper Club
All About Tomatoes Supper Club
Date: Wednesday, Sep 20, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Location: The Inn at Hastings Park, 2027 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA, 02421
Welcome to The Supper Club! Every month, the Inn at Hastings Park hosts an interactive, themed dinner party. Guided by the Inn’s culinary team, guests are instructed how to prepare the evening’s three-course meal. For the first fall feast, Wednesday, September 20th, the Inn's culinary experts will construct a menu with tomatoes as the featured ingredient.
Over the course of three hours, guests try new recipes, learn new culinary techniques, and enjoy delicious food. The evening begins at 6PM with festive refreshments while crafting hors d’oeuvres, before cooking and enjoying the three-course dinner, complete with wine pairings.
This is perfect for a girls’ night out, date night, or corporate team-building experience.
Tickets are $250/person.
Scan QR Code for tickets:
Scan QR Code for tickets
September 21
Farm to Vine Dinner
Farm to Vine Dinner, featuring Terrazas de los Andes and Lexington Community Farm
Date: Thursday, Sep 21, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Location: The Inn at Hastings Park, 2027 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA, 02421
This is an adults over 21-years-old only event.
In homage to Hispanic Heritage Month, Chef Alissa Tsukakoshi and her team present a unique 4 course menu, featuring the flavors of Latin America and paired with a selection of wines from Terrazas de los Andes. As part of its Relais & Châteaux commitment to sustainability, the Inn at Hastings Park’s culinary team is partnering with Lexington Community Farms to use locally-sourced produce for the evening’s menu.
Tickets are $135/person. No substitutions will be available for the dinner, the menu will be executed as is.
Scan QR Code for tickets:
Scan QR Code for tickets
September 24
LexArt and LexHAB 'Home' Exhibition
LexArt and LexHAB 'Home' Exhibition
Calling all artists! Deadline Sep 24, 2023.
We have an exciting fall lineup. Join us for the upcoming HOME exhibit with LexHab. HOME will focus on the theme of ‘home’ and the role of housing in our lives. Whether it is a physical place or an idea, ‘home’ can mean something different at each stage of life and varies by culture and geography. We invite you to reflect on this theme and to submit a work of art that shares your perspective on the notion of ‘home’.
Visit our website to learn more:
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Scan QR Code to register
September 29
5th Annual Golf Classic
Lexington Education Foundation's 5th Annual Golf Classic
Date: Fri, Sep 29, 2023, 8 a.m. check-in (golf players) or 1:30 p.m. (buffet lunch)
Location: Stow Acres Golf Course, 58 Randall Road, Stow, MA, 01775
Join us for a day of golf, friends, and fundraising for our LPS educators! All skill levels are encouraged. Kick off the day at 9am with a shotgun start on the South Course followed by a hot buffet lunch (included in the ticket price), excellent auction items, raffles, contests, a cash bar and more.
Scan QR Code for tickets:
Scan QR Code for tickets
September 30
Ukrainian Voices
Ukrainian Voices: Present and Past
Date: Sat, Sep 30, 2023, 3 - 5 p.m.
Location: 17 Solomon Pierce Rd., Lexington, MA, 02420
Join us in a Ukraine fundraiser for the Center for Civil Liberties (CCL), featuring CCL leaders, contralto singer Vira Slywotzky and a traveling photo exhibit showcasing traditional Ukrainian clothing!
Reach out to Christina Gamota at 781-863-8969 or [email protected] to RSVP.
September 30
Harmony on the Green
Harmony on the Green welcomes Kemp Harris, with Adam O. and Lydia Harrell opening
Date: Sat, Sep 30, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
Location: Hancock United Church Of Christ, 1912 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA, 02421
Harmony on the Green's second season launches Saturday, September 20th with Kemp Harris.
Kemp Harris is a composer, musician, author, actor, and teacher. Born in North Carolina, Kemp has shared the stage with Taj Mahal, Gil Scott-Heron, and Koko Taylor.
Adam Osgood is a harp player and spoken word artist who draws his influences from Blues tradition and Beat Poetry. He is comfortable in genres ranging from Folk to Funk and has been playing blues harp since he was 14 years old.
Kemp and Adam met on Star Island, NH in 1985 and have been making music together ever since. Their unique blend of piano, vocals and harmonica is a captivating mixture of seasoned blues, folk and roots influences.

Lydia Harrell is one of Boston’s musical treasures. Her sultry, soulful voice and evocative songwriting have garnered her the attention and respect of the nation’s finest musicians and venues. Jazz and soul is where her heart is; however, Harrell has shown an unbreakable ability to mold herself into any musical situation.
Tickets are $20/adult, $10/ages 18 and under, maximum of $50/family. If the cost of a ticket is a barrier to attending, please enter any amount in the payment box, and join us that evening.
Scan QR Code for tickets:
Scan QR Code for tickets
September 30
Porchfest is Coming to Lexington
Porchfest Is Coming to Lexington!
Date: Saturday, Sep 30, 2023
Rain date: Sunday, Oct 1, 2023
Location: Around Lexington
Lexington Council for the Arts is planning to hold Porchfest in Lexington on September 30.  Porchfest is a super-cool grassroots community music festival, where musicians jam on front porches, decks, lawns, or driveways (any space that faces the street and lets the audience enjoy the tunes without blocking the road). Visitors can wander around the neighborhood, soaking up free music and local vibes! It’s the perfect chance for talented folks to share their tunes with neighbors and for everyone to rediscover their neighborhood in a fun new way.
They have room for 10 more bands (or solo performers). Please register your band on the Porchfest webpage, or email us at [email protected] with your:
●   Band name/title
●   Genre (e.g., blues, classical, jazz, country,         folk, pop, rock, roots, world, R&B, singer-          songwriter, etc.)
●    Band size (1-2, 3-6, 7+)
We already have 50-60 porches in town. You are also welcome to sign up to host.
Scan QR Code to register your band:
Scan QR Code to host:
Scan QR Codes to register and host
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莱镇活动早知道 · 九月
文稿整理和编辑:Lily Zeng & Laura Yang
中文翻译: Angela Shi, Ziran Wang
 &  Zhangming Lv
翻译审核:Ziyun Wang
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