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9 reasons why most men don’t want to marry these days In 1950, 22 percent of adults in America were single.
Today, the figure is about 50.2 percent or 124.6 million American adults.
For the first time, the numbers of singles adults has overtaken the numbers of married adults.
But why is this so? Few other reasons but mainly because more men don’t want to get married.
According to Pew Research Center, the share of women ages between eighteen to thirty-four years say that having a successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives rose nine percentage points since 1997--from 28 percent to 37%.
For men, the opposite occurred.
The share voicing this opinion dropped, from 35 percent to 29 percent." Why don’t men want to get married? In this video, we’ll share with you the 9 reasons why most men don’t want to get married these days.
You need to watch this video till the end because reason number 8 is actually very funny Some men feel that they will lose their space; You must have heard a lot about men retreating to their "man caves." Some men believe that they will lose their space when their life is occupied by a wife or children.
Most men find it difficult to share their space with anyone regardless of what it takes.
Because having a wife and raising kids can sometimes be space consuming, meaning losing your privacy, these men tends to shy away from marriage.
Men feel that single life is better than ever; While the value of marriage to men has declined, the quality of single life has improved.
Men who don’t want to marry can’t stop having the taste of being single.
They feel that when they are single, they can do whatever they want, live their life whichever way they feel like, comeback in whichever time they feel like without limitation from their family.
To them, being married steals this liberty from them.
(Pause) Some men feel that they will lose out on the random sex; Maybe this is one of the biggest reasons why many men don’t want to get married.
Married men have more sex than single men, on average - but much less than men who are cohabiting with their partners outside of marriage, especially as time goes on.
Men's Health article mentioned one study that followed 2,737 people for six years and found that cohabiters said they were happier and more confident than married couples and singles.
They feel that instead of having sex with just one person throughout their life time; not getting married gives them the liberty to have sex with different random people whenever they want.
But wait! Non of these men think so much of negative implications of multiple sex partners.
What about STD? hmmmm… A quick advice for single women out there.
If you want more men to take marriage serious, stop giving them sex outside marriage.
Hahahahaha… (Pause) Some men feel they could lose their wealth if divorce happens; The reason why some men don’t want to marry is because they are aware of the divorce rate which is almost half of the entire marriage in the modern world.
But wait! The divorce rate isn’t the only thing that’s half, the divorce law in many parts of the world was written to favour women and that could be as bad as you loosing half of your wealth to a woman.
So many systems in the world work in favor of men but the divorce law isn’t.
Maybe that’s why we men run away from marriage, for the fear you women could take away our wealth.
Many men hate to see their wife go fat; Dr.
Kirtly Parker Jones shared that women tend to have a body changes during pregnancy and after pregnancy as a result of a change in their body hormones, breastfeeding and a shift in lifestyle It is a known fact that married women are more likely to gain weight than women who are cohabiting without marriage and some men seems to hate seeing their wife gaining weight, hence, such men who don’t want to get married see this as one of the reasons why they want to avoid marriage because they can’t tend to see their partner getting fatter.
Many men feel that parenting is a hard business; Parenting is really not an easy job but it is also the best thing that would happen to those rearing the child because there is always joy in having a positive outcome after rearing the child.
To some men who don’t want to marry, they see parenting as the hardest job they will ever engage in.
The constant crying of baby, countless sleepless night, buying of the kid’s food, clothes, providing money for the kids up keeping which includes tuition fee; all this seems like a nightmare to these men.
But you see, marriage isn’t the same thing as child bearing.
If these men see parenting as hard work, can’t they get married and avoid having children? We’re just asking, anyway! Many men are products of broken homes; According to American Psychology Association, specifically about 74 percent of families with children in the lowest income quintile are headed by single parents.
And also as recorded in guinnessworldrecords.com, according to United Nation (UN), the country with the highest divorce rate in the world is the Maldives with 10.97 divorces per 1000 inhabitants per year.
This is followed by the Belarus with 4.63 and the United States with 4.34.
It is also known that of all children born this year, fifty percent will experience the divorce of their parents before they reach their 18th birthday.
Divorce significantly increases the risk of children to have major life challenges either psychologically, emotionally, and even physically.
Some men who made the decision not to marry are mostly products of broken homes; they took this decsion to prevent themselves from passing through the truma they see their divorced parents went through.
Aside being products of broken homes, if their married friends’ marriage didn’t work out, this will also give these guys the impression that marriage isn’t worth it after all.
Some men are afraid their marriage proposal will be rejected; This is a funny one, isn’t it? How do you call someone a man in the first place, if he’s afraid of being rejected? Hhmmm..
However, with the numerous rejected marriage proposal videos popularly viewed online, not every man can handle proposal rejection, because of the fear of being rejected by the opposite sex during proposal, some men decide to remain single.
Some have been in a failed relationship; Some men who are not interested in being married also do have records of past failed relationships.
This incident is what most times push them not to believe in the concept of marriage anymore.
To them, they can have many no- string attached relationship with the opposite sex without thinking of commitment.
But, does marriage actually worth it? In a world where two people genuinely love each other, willing to be honest all the time and make some sacrifices, we think marriage does worth it.
In a world where most people aren’t faithful non honest, in a world where most people are selfish and self-centered, marriage.


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