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A sultry swimsuit photoshoot netted Martha Stewart  a brand new Sports Illustrated record. What went    into that history-making moment? And what does  it have to do with Instagram thirst traps?  Fans of Martha Stewart are used to seeing  the Queen of Domestic Arts in her natural    habitat on the cover of her magazine, Martha  Stewart Living. But fans have never seen her    as she appears on her historical cover of  the 2023 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue. 
At age 81, Martha Stewart became the Sports  Illustrated Swimsuit issue's oldest cover    model. The title was previously held by  Tesla CEO Elon Musk's mother, Maye Musk,    who appeared on the cover in 2022 at age 74. 
The fabulously photogenic cookbook author    traded her apron for swimwear to pose for  her cover shoot, rocking a white one-piece    with a plunging neckline and billowing  orange robe. Her usually sleek blond hair    was tousled — and there was nary a kitchen  utensil or pair of pruning shears in sight. 
Stewart was one of four cover models chosen for  this year's special edition of the magazine,    joining actress Megan Fox, seasoned SI  model Brooks Nader, and singer Kim Petras,    who made history as the first  transgender woman to win a Grammy. 
Speaking to SI, Stewart was cool and  composed about her historical photoshoot,    which took place in the Dominican Republic. "I thought, Oh, that's pretty good,  I'm going to be the oldest person I think  ever on a cover of Sports Illustrated."  However, she also made it clear that age is just  a number to her and not something she dwells on. 
When you can cook like Stewart can,  obviously you aren't going to want    to deprive yourself of all that  deliciousness just for a magazine,    but the kitchen virtuoso did admit to  tweaking her diet a bit. She told Today:  "I didn't starve myself, but I  didn't eat any bread or pasta    for a couple of months. I went  to pilates every other day."  The mogul added that she enjoyed the pilates so    much that she kept going every  other day even after the shoot. 
This is far from Stewart's first rodeo on a  photoshoot. In fact, before Martha Stewart    became a homemaking mogul, she made a living as  a model. In the PBS documentary "Makers," she    revealed that she started modeling when she was  a student at Barnard College in New York, saying:  "I got enough modeling jobs at $50 an hour  — which was a lot of money at that time."  In a 2020 interview with People, she revealed  that she decided to give modeling a shot at the    recommendation of the parents of a friend whose  daughter was a model. But her success didn't make    her feel like there was anything special  about the way she looked. She explained:  "I was so skinny and so perfect for modeling,  but I didn't know that I was beautiful. I was    not sexy, and I was not provocative. That  feeling never came. It still hasn't come."  However, she did say that posing  for photos came naturally to her,    a talent that's evident in those  Martha Stewart Living cover shots,    her Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue  photos — and her thirst traps on Instagram. 
We can't help but wonder whether Martha  Stewart's mastery of the thirst trap helped    her earn that coveted spot on the cover of the  Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue. In 2020,    she shared a photo of herself puckering up  poolside on Instagram, and her followers    absolutely loved the shot. But when Entertainment  Tonight asked her about it being a thirst trap,    Stewart hilariously responded  that she'd never heard of that    term. After it was explained to her,  though, she was in full agreement. 
"That's definitely a thirst trap."  Stewart nearly broke the internet  again in September 2022 by filming    a Green Mountain Coffee ad  wearing nothing but an apron,    and on "Today," she revealed that she was  invited to shoot with SI two months later. 
While Stewart's pool selfie looked pretty  effortless, a lot of work went into her Sports    Illustrated pictorial. According to the magazine,  she posed in 10 different bathing suits while    shooting. She also rocked a huge straw hat with an  extra-shady brim that could come in really handy    while gardening. She shared the cover on Instagram  with an inspirational message that read in part:  "I hope this cover inspires you to  challenge yourself to try new things,    no matter what stage of life you are in. Changing,    evolving, and being fearless — those  are all very good things, indeed."  
《纽约时报》认为,为《体育画报》泳装特刊拍摄封面,是斯图尔特试图撕下自己过去标签的方式,“把她的 ‘家政女神’(domestic goddess)形象换成一些更辣的东西:‘坏蛋’玛莎,一个看起来能够像玉米穗一样轻飘飘就摆脱束缚的辣妹”。

但实际上,对于已经80多岁的斯图尔特而言,仅仅一个“家政女神”的标签也不足以概括她的全部精彩纷呈的人生。1941年出生于美国新泽西州的一个波兰裔家庭,斯图尔特在就读于哥伦比亚大学巴纳德学院期间,便做过香奈儿的时装模特,以支付自己的大学学费。1967年,她又成为一名股票经纪人,是美国最早的女性股票经纪人之一。后来股市低迷,她便回归家庭,与当时的丈夫安德鲁·斯图尔特(Andrew Stewart)在康涅狄格州购买了一处安静的庭院,开始居家生活。
正是在这里,斯图尔特在烹调和家庭装饰方面的天赋开始显现,她一度与模特朋友诺玛·科利尔(Norma Collier)在自己家的地下室合办了一家餐饮企业。后来,她将这些经验总结起来,并在彼时已是一名成功出版商的安德鲁帮助下,进入媒体行业。1982年,斯图尔特出版了第一本专业家居顾问指南《娱乐》(Entertaining)。接踵而来的是《玛莎·斯图尔特的快速烹饪》(1983 年)、《玛莎·斯图尔特的开胃小菜》(1984 年)、《玛莎·斯图尔特的馅饼和蛋挞》(1985 年)等等。她还多次出现在了《奥普拉·温弗瑞脱口秀》和《拉里·金现场》等电视节目中。
1991年,斯图尔特与时代出版集团合作,以主编身份推出了著名的家居顾问杂志《玛莎·斯图尔特生活》(Martha Stewart Living),杂志固定读者达210万。1993年,她又推出了同名周播电视节目《玛莎·斯图尔特生活》。《纽约杂志》在1995年5月刊的封面上将斯图尔特称为“我们这个时代的终极美国女性”
1997年9月,斯图尔特成立了一家名为“玛莎·斯图尔特生活全媒体”(Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia,简称MSLO)的公司,亲自出任公司董事长、总裁和首席执行官。1999年,这家公司在纽约证券交易所上市。这使斯图尔特成为实际意义上的亿万富翁,也是美国第一个白手起家的女性亿万富翁。2001年,MSLO的年收入达到近3亿美元。
但斯图尔特的人生急转弯就在不远处等着她。2003年6月,她被指涉嫌曾于2001年12月,通过美林证券的经纪人彼得·巴坎诺维奇(Peter Bacanovic)提供的重大非公开信息,抛售了她所持有的全部3928股ImClone Systems股票,从而避免了45673美元的损失。经过为期六周的审判后,她在2004年3月被判犯有证券欺诈、妨碍机关程序等罪名,入狱服刑5个月
不过,即便在服刑期间,斯图亚特的天赋与魅力也难以遮掩。60岁的她在监狱里教会了狱友们如何自制野苹果果冻,并且只要是她负责清扫的地界就一尘不染,她还给狱友们讲述如何利用自己的特长创业的思想。出狱后,她也没有放弃自己的事业,或是躲进公共生活的阴影里。她卷土重来,出版了一本商业手册《玛莎规则》(The Martha Rules),并于2005年至2012年间在NBC主持了一档脱口秀节目。2015年,已经74岁的斯图亚特以3.53亿美元的价格将MSLO卖给了Sequential Brands。一年之后,她的全新节目《玛莎和史努比的家宴》(Martha and Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party)在VH1播出——这是由斯图尔特与美国知名说唱歌手史努比·狗狗(Snoop Dogg)联合主持的电视烹饪主题节目。
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