我最近在看一本书,作家 Amin Maalouf 的(英译 In the Name of Identity: Violence and the Need to Belong & 法语 Les Identités meurtrières)。Amin Maalouf 出生于黎巴嫩,讲阿拉伯语,直到27岁时搬到了法国生活(至今22年),后来用法语写作。
这本书吸引我也是因为最近在想这个问题:一个人的身份究竟是怎么定义的?当他的经历让他无法处于单一的国籍、语言、工作、宗教信仰、种族、肤色、社区,并呈现这些元素间的任意组合时,Identity 是什么?


他用到了几个词我觉得很有意思:allegiances(忠诚)、wary(警惕)、treacherous(背离)、special cases(特殊经历), ingredients of identity(身份构成)
人的身份是由特殊经历(special cases)构成的。这个身份的构成会越来越复杂,你使用的语言,读过的书,看过的风景,喝过的酒(咖啡),自然习得的脏话,遇到的人,打过的工,被震汗过的文化习俗等等。反过来,人的行为会越来越复杂,越来越难以解释。
My identity is what prevents me from being identical to anybody else. 

I don't deny any of them

[18] Every one of my allegiances links me to a large number of people. But the more ties I have the rarer and more partic­ular my own identity becomes.
[19] I'll merely ask: how many of my fellow men share with me all the different elements that have shaped my identity and determined the main out­ lines of my life? Very few. Perhaps none at all. And that is what I want to emphasize: through each one of my affilia­tions, taken separately, I possess a certain kinship with a large number of my fellow human beings; but because of all these allegiances, taken together, I possess my own identity, com­pletely different from any other. 
[16] I SOMETIMES FIND MYSELF "examining my identity" as other people examine their conscience. As you may imagine, my object is not to discover within myself some "essential" alle­ glance in which I may recognize myself. Rather the opposite: I scour my memory to find as many ingredients of my iden­tity as I can. I then assemble and arrange them. I don't deny any of them.
[26] It is these wounds that at every stage in life determine not only men's attitudes toward their affiliations but also the hierarchy that decides the relative importance of these ties...A person's identity is not an assemblage of separate affiliations, nor a kind of loose patchwork; it is like a pattern drawn on a tightly stretched parchment. Touch just one part of it, just one allegiance, and the whole person will react, the whole drum will sound. 