▸ 如何用英语表达“小饼小葱加小炉”?
▸ 为什么说火的猝不及防反倒是淄博能大火的原因?
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Inside the Barbecue City That Is China's Hottest Tourist Destination
Zibo has become a social media star for its distinctive barbecue style. Now the city is overrun with visitors.
The question of why, exactly, this ordinary place took off has absorbed seemingly all of China, with officials in other cities even sending research teams to Zibo to try and emulate its success. Most explanations attribute the craze's origins to college students, some of whom posted on social media about the joys of the local barbecue style. Diners grill their own skewers on tabletop charcoal stoves, which lends the meal a D.I.Y. feel, and wrap them in a local specialty of tortilla-like shells, alongside a sprig of raw green onion and a smear of hot sauce.
来源:The New York Times
这个普通的地方究竟为何突然大受欢迎,这个问题似乎吸引了整个中国,为了复制该市的成功,其他城市的官员甚至派调研组前往淄博实地考察。大多数的解释将这种疯狂的起源归因于大学生,一些学生在社交媒体上发帖,介绍当地烧烤风格的乐趣。要吃烧烤的话,得用餐桌上的木炭炉自己动手烤,然后将烤好的食物裹在与墨西哥薄饼类似的当地特色薄饼里,配上一小根生葱和一抹辣酱,给吃烧烤增添了一份 DIY 的感觉。
overrun /ˌəʊvəˈrʌn/ v. 挤满,塞满
○ (especially of sth. bad or not wanted) to fill or spread over an area quickly, especially in large numbers
○ e.g. The house was completely overrun with mice. 这房子简直成了老鼠的天下。
take off 突然成功,某人或事物迅速获得成功或受欢迎
○ (of an idea, a product, etc.) to become successful or popular very quickly or suddenly
○ e.g. The new magazine has really taken off. 这份新杂志真是大受欢迎。
emulate /ˈemjuleɪt/ v. 仿效,模仿,努力赶上
○ (formal) to try to do sth. as well as sb. else because you admire them
○ e.g. She hopes to emulate her sister's sporting achievements. 她希望在运动成绩方面赶上她姐姐。
charcoal /ˈtʃɑːkəʊl/ n. 木炭,炭笔
○ a black substance made by burning wood slowly in an oven with little air. Charcoal is used as a fuel or for drawing.
○ e.g. charcoal-grilled steaks 用木炭烤制的牛排
tortilla /tɔːˈtiːə/ n. 玉米粉薄烙饼,玉米粉圆饼
○ (from Spanish) a thin Mexican pancake made with corn flour or wheat flour, usually eaten hot and filled with meat, cheese, etc.
sprig /sprɪɡ/ n.(尤指烹饪或装饰用的)带叶小枝
○ a small stem with leaves on it from a plant or bush, used in cooking or as a decoration
○ e.g. a sprig of parsley 一小根欧芹
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