3/30 本周四


➜主讲人:Lucy Chen拥有超过20年的指导和教练经验,是一名人类潜能教练,也是心理适应能力资深教练。她是《Build Resilience: Believe, Rise, An Abundant Life》一书的作者,也曾经为数百名工程、风险管理和金融领域的专业人士提供过指导和培训。此外,她还是Catalyst Youth Network顾问委员会成员。
➜ 不错过该活动的好方法:通过此页面报名(event024.eventbrite.com)您将收到活动开场提醒
➜ 活动时间:本周四330日美西下午5美中晚7点美东晚8
Resilience refers to the ability to manage one’s emotions, cope with adversity, and adapt to change when facing setbacks and challenges. These skills are essential for maintaining mental health and are closely related to personal growth, academic success, and career development. In this youth resilience seminar, a seasoned psychologist will lead you to understand and improve your resilience, enabling you to become a powerful force in life.
About the Speaker
Lucy Chen is a risk executive in the financial industry, and the founder of GiftedCoaching.Info. She is a certified Human Potential Coach and Psychological Fitness Specialist with over 20 years of mentoring and coaching experiences. She is a first generation immigrant from China. She studied at UCLA where she received her MS in Environmental Engineering in 1996. She has mentored and coached over one hundred professionals in the fields of engineering, risk management, and finance.
Lucy believes that life is a gift and everyone has the inner strength to face life’s challenges. She has a passion for helping women and immigrants to pursue happiness in life and success in career.
Lucy is a Distinguished Toastmaster and a motivational speaker. She is also an active yogi and taekwondo martial artist. She chairs the Albany API Parent Engagement Group’s Stop Asian Hate Committee and co-chairs the Speaker Series. She serves the advisory board of Catalyst Youth Network, a nonprofit that uplifts underserved youths in Oakland. She is also a member of Chief, a private network of executive women leaders.
So join us for an enlightening and empowering evening and discover how you can unlock the power of resilience in your own life!
This event is co-hosted by Speak to Lead and Preplingo Chinese Class.
1) Speak to Lead (https://speaktolead.us/)
The mission of the Speak to Lead Youth Public Speaking and Leadership program is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every youth member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence, personal growth and social intelligence.
2) Preplingo (preplingo.com)
Preplingo is an international public benefit project launched by Tianjin International Chinese College. Our platform shares free education tips and resources with parents and students through monthly webinars and events.
Welcome everyone to follow our profile to get first-hand information on our upcoming events. We aim to help students to unlock their full potential and succeed in their educational pursuits.
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