英语好 能带来边际效应


英语好 不仅仅在我所在的公司,不仅仅在我所在的行业,我看到无数销售经理或总监做到那个位置,結果英语不好成为阻碍。而能做到那个位置英语又不错的基本都升总经理。原因很简单,总部希望能够知道中国的上层在想什么,而这取决于你说什么和怎么说,有的时候这比你做什么还重要,虽然英语好并不能帮你搞定中国的客户。不过在区域经理和以下,英语的价值有限。




其实绝大多数总部的老外对中国都是一知半解,一年来一两趟。试想这个时候有个英文好,还能按照老外思维方式沟通的人,比一个据说很有能力,但是说话颠三倒四、语病连篇、而且说话不那么自信的人要可信多少倍。 假设让我去埃塞俄比亚管理一个企业,我肯定也喜欢和中文好的当地员工沟通。大企业里,一个人的作用本来就有限,所以能力不总是第一位的;于是上级对下级的评价就往往要基于印象;而总部老外对中国管理层的印象往往来自于大量的邮件,电话会,和少量的面对面;基本上这几个场景的印象建立全都是基于语言的。

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Founded in 2007, Indeed Education offers complete end to end consulting services to Chinese students attending U.S. universities. We are passionate about education and committed to serving as a link between Chinese students and their universities in the U.S. Our team consists of consultants who graduated from top universities in the U.S. with Bachelor or Master degrees. We pride ourselves with being able to provide customized services to each of our customers regarding their education and career planning, as well as daily life in their host country. Our mission is to help our students to obtain excellent learning experience in the United States and to launch successful career after graduation.