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欢迎参加我们为纪念亚太裔传统月而举行的文学讨论晚会。我们将与作家Grace Talusan、Rishi Reddi和Weina Dai Randel进行对话,探讨他们的作品—这些作品描写了有代表性的社会典型、并延伸至身份认同、文化以及亲身经历。作家们将分享他们的移民故事和写作之旅。
时间:7pm Monday, May 15, 2023
地点:Cary Library
主持人:作家 Anjali Mitter Duva
作家分享之后是问答环节。晚会还将提供点心,以使这一夜的文化体验更为圆满。座位有限,希望您尽早报名。我们希望见到你!感谢Cary Library Foundation 的慷慨捐赠,本次活动才得以举行。
Anjali Mitter Duva
Anjali Mitter Duva是一位在法国长大的印裔美国作家、编辑和项目经理。她是畅销历史小说《雨的微茫的承诺》的作者,该作品入围了威廉·萨罗扬国际写作奖。她也是Grub Street Writers的讲师,并担任多元声音杂志—Solstice 文学杂志的小说副编辑。她还是麻省文化委员会艺术家奖学金决赛选手。Anjali与其他作家共同创办并运营着阿灵顿作家沙龙(Arlington Author Salon)—一个带有创新元素的季度文学系列活动;她为青少年开办了一个读书俱乐部;她还是非营利组织Chhandika的创始人之一,该组织教授并演出印度古典说唱舞蹈kathak。Anjali是各种会议、节庆、图书馆、学校和其他文化机构的演讲常客。她在布朗大学和麻省理工学院接受教育,目前居住在波士顿地区,致力于成为一位优秀的文学工作者。
Grace Talusan
Grace Talusan是 The Body Papers 的作者,该书获得了针对新移民写作的昼夜不停图书奖以及麻省图书奖非虚构类奖项。她的写作得到了美国国家艺术基金会、富布赖特基金会、美国艺术家基金会、布鲁斯·托马斯基金会和马萨诸塞州文化委员会的支持。她的作品发表在《创意非虚构》、《纽约时报》、《波士顿杂志》、《波士顿环球报》以及其他出版物和选集中,包括《某些地方我们是人类》。她在布朗大学的非虚构写作项目中任教。Talusan出生于菲律宾,成长与新英格兰,目前居住在波士顿市郊。
格蕾丝·塔卢桑 (Grace Talusan) 是《身体论文》(The Body Papers) 的作者,该书获得了新移民写作不安分图书奖和马萨诸塞州非小说类图书奖。她的写作得到了 NEA、富布赖特、美国艺术家、托马斯兄弟基金会和马萨诸塞州文化委员会的支持。她曾在 Creative Nonfiction、纽约时报、波士顿杂志、波士顿环球报以及其他媒体和选集中发表过文章,包括《我们是人类的某个地方》。她在布朗大学的非虚构写作课程中任教。Talusan 出生于菲律宾,在新英格兰长大,目前住在波士顿郊外。
Rishi Reddi
Rishi Reddi是《西游记》一书的作者,该书被《洛杉矶时报》评为“2020年最佳加利福尼亚图书”。她还著有《因果报应》,该书获得了2008年L.L.  Winship/PEN新英格兰小说奖。她的短篇小说曾出现在《最佳美国短篇小说》中,还在NPR广播中播放过,并获得了手推车(Pushcart)奖的荣誉提名。她的评论、文章和翻译作品曾 发表于《纽约时报》、《洛杉矶书评》、《柯克斯书评》、《LitHub》、《Partisan Review》、《Alta Journal》和《Air/Light》等刊物上。Rishi曾获得过国家图书评论协会 、麦克道尔殖民地、面包坊、麻省文化委员会和美国国务院的奖学金和资助。她住在马萨诸塞州的剑桥。
Rishi Reddi 是小说 Passage West 的作者,该小说被洛杉矶时报评为“2020 年加州最佳图书”,以及 Karma 和其他故事,后者获得了 2008 年 L.L. Winship /PEN 新英格兰小说奖。她的短篇小说出现在最佳美国短篇小说中,在 NPR 上播出,并在 Pushcart 奖中获得荣誉奖。她的评论、散文和译文发表在《纽约时报》、《洛杉矶书评》、《柯克斯书评》、LitHub、《党派评论》、《阿尔塔杂志》和《Air/Light》等杂志上。Rishi 获得了国家图书评论家协会、MacDowell Colony、Bread Loaf、马萨诸塞州文化委员会和美国国务院的奖学金和资助。她住在马萨诸塞州剑桥市。
Weina Dai Randel
戴微娜·兰德尔是屡获殊荣的作家,她著有四部小说,《夜之天使》、《上海最后的玫瑰》、《宫廷月亮》和《明月皇后》。她是 RWA RITA 奖的获得者、国家犹太图书奖决赛入围者和两次Goodreads Choice Award 决赛入围者。她的书已被翻译成十二种语言,包括俄语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语和希伯来语。
Celebrating AAPI Writers & Their Journeys
Join us for an evening of literary discussions in honor of AAPI Heritage Month. We will be in conversation with authors Grace Talusan, Rishi Reddi, and Weina Dai Randel to talk about their work as it relates to representation, identity, culture and lived experiences. They will share their immigrant stories and their writing journey. Author Anjali Mitter Duva will moderate this event.

Time:7pm Monday, May 15, 2023
Location:Living Room
Cary Library 
A Q&A will follow. Light snacks will be available to complete the evening's cultural experience. Supplies are limited. We hope to see you!

In-person attendance is on a first-come basis.

This program is made possible by the generous donors to the Cary Library Foundation.
Anjali Mitter Duva is an Indian American writer, editor, and project manager raised in France. She is the author of the bestselling historical novel Faint Promise of Rain which was shortlisted for a William Saroyan International Prize for Writing. She is an instructor at Grub Street Writers and Fiction Co-Editor at Solstice: A Magazine of Diverse Voices. She was a Finalist for a Massachusetts Cultural Council Artist Fellowship. Anjali co-founded and runs the Arlington Author Salon, a quarterly literary series with a twist; runs a book club for teens; and was a co-founder of Chhandika, a non-profit organization that teaches and presents India's classical storytelling kathak dance. Anjali is a frequent speaker at conferences, festivals, libraries, schools and other cultural institutions. Educated at Brown University and MIT, she lives in the Boston area where she strives to be a good literary citizen.

Grace Talusan is the author of The Body Papers, which won the Restless Books Prize for New Immigrant Writing and the Massachusetts Book Award in Nonfiction. Her writing has been supported by the NEA, the Fulbright, US Artists, the Brother Thomas Fund, and the Massachusetts Cultural Council. She has published in Creative Nonfiction, The New York Times, Boston magazine, The Boston Globe, and other outlets and anthologies, including Somewhere We Are Human. She teaches in the Nonfiction Writing Program at Brown University. Born in the Philippines and raised in New England, Talusan currently lives outside of Boston.

Rishi Reddi is the author of the novel Passage West, a Los Angeles Times “Best California Book of 2020” and Karma and Other Stories, which received the 2008 L.L. Winship /PEN New England Award for Fiction. Her short stories have appeared in Best American Short Stories, been broadcast on NPR, and earned honorable mention in the Pushcart Prize.  Her reviews, essays and translations have appeared in the New York Times, Los Angeles Review of Books, Kirkus Reviews, LitHub, Partisan Review, Alta Journal, and Air/Light, among others. Rishi has received fellowships and grants from the National Book Critics Circle, MacDowell Colony, Bread Loaf, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and the U.S. Department of State. She lives in Cambridge, MA.

Weina Dai Randel is the award-winning author of four novels, Night Angels, The Last Rose of Shanghai, The Moon in the Palace and The Empress of Bright Moon. Weina is the winner of the RWA  RITA® Award, a National Jewish Book Awards finalist, and a two-time Goodreads Choice Awards Best Historical Fiction nominee. Her novels have been translated into thirteen foreign languages. Weina is also the recipient of the Mass Cultural Council’s art grant in 2023. She lives in Lexington with her family.
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Celebrating AAPI Writers

翻译:Elizabeth Xu
 Ziyun Wang
Website: caal-ma.org
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Twitter: CAALsince1983
Youtube: CAAL