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北京时间 2022年12月30日晚 9:00开始, GYP Debate Club-Boston 将组织本年度第三次活动, 与前两次的模拟辩论会不同,这次是由居住在阿曼的GYP Debate Club student's leader Angelina 和居住在上海的Emily 共同策划组织, GYP Debate Club-Boston和上海民办克勒外国语学校英语辩论社之间的一次友好交流活动。座谈会重点是讨论初高中学生如何学习辩论技巧,如何把辩论技巧培养与学生领导力培养结合等主题。
活动时间:北京时间 2022年12月30日晚 9:00-10:30

美东时间:2022年12月30日早 8:00-9:30

语言:   全英语活动

感兴趣参加这次网上活动的同学, 家长,请扫描本文下方GYP Students' Club 报名表登记获得zoom 链接。
Emily Li from Shanghai
Emily Li is a 9th-grader in Shanghai No.1 Experimental School Affiliated with SISU. She is described as a “warm-hearted and a straight shooter” by her friends. In the school, she is the Debate Club president and the 2021 Campus Captain of WSDA. Besides debating, she is passionate about Kpop dancing, fencing, and making short videos.
Angelina Li
Hi, my name is Angelina Li from Muscat, Oman. I’ve been living in the Middle East for 10 years now. My favorite subjects in school are chemistry and history. During my free time, I like to play the violin and dance (more specifically, ballet). I am also the only student editor to my school’s weekly newsletter. This helps me to provide my own student perspective contents toward the school’s community. I enjoy speech and debate as well and participated in multiple tournaments hosted by NSDA. To add on to that, I recently attended a summer camp called Victory Briefs Institute to further enhance my debate skills. With the help of GYP, I am currently enrolled in multiple programs such as journalism and tutoring. I also gave a speech on Omani culture hosted by GYP. The field that I am most interested in is social sciences which is why I’m currently writing a paper on how women are treated in Oman. I believe with my findings, I can write a research paper that can be published and read by everyone. 
Helen Hong from Shanghai
Hi guys, my name is Helen Hong and I'm currently a ninth grader in Shanghai. I am definitely an extrovert so I'm easy to get along with and please feel free to talk with me if you have any ideas.
Anna from Shanghai
My name is ANNA . I am a middle school student . I am outgoing and have many hobbies . My favorite author is Ms . Jane Austen , and I can almost recite all of her books . I also like playing the piano , the best is the Debussy Arabic style music .
Emma from Shanghai
Hi, I’m Emma from Shanghai, in debating for 3 years. I’m a mature team worker with caring, healing, sharing personalities. I am able to work well both in a team as well as using own initiative. I’m also a Pipa player, a guitar player, a singer, and a song composer. Welcome to visit my WeChat public account: Emma Is Y. 
申请加入GYP-Boston Student Clubs, 请扫描下边海报内的二维码,填表申请。
(波士顿环球有斯公益-Global Youth Philanthropy (GYP-Boston)是注册在美国麻州的教育非盈利组织,具有501C(3)美国联邦税免税资质,也美国“总统义工服务奖” (PVSA)的授权认证机构GYP是麻州非盈利网络协会(MNN)的机构会员, 也是波士顿市政府Department of Youth Engagement & Employment 2022 SuccessLink 夏季青少年就业项目的机构合作伙伴。GYP 的宗旨是以美国为基础,为青少年搭建公益创新平台。 
(美国)环球有斯公益网站: https://globalyouthphilanthropy.org/
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