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GYP-Boston 组织的初级(英语)辩论技巧培训课将于2023年1月27日(北美时间)开始。该课程的培训对象是有熟练英语交流能力, 但有很少辩论经验的初中、高中生。该培训课程以基本辩论技巧为主,教学实践与案例侧重 World School Format  和 CNDF (加拿大全国辩论格式)。全部课程共8次,每次40分钟。
培训时间:美东时间: 周五晚 800
北京时间: 周六早 9:00
首次课程: (美东时间)2023年1月27日周五晚

Week 1: Basic Speaking Skills
Week 2: Making Contentions
Week 3: Refutation
Week 4: Setting Up The Round
Week 5: POIs and Weighing
Week 6: Preparing Impromptu
Week 7: Walking Through A Case
Week 8: Practice Debate

Tiffany is a Grade 10 student living in Calgary, Canada who goes to Webber Academy. She enjoys debate, dance, art, and music. Tiffany has done debate since she was in Grade 8, and since then, she has participated in provincial, national, and international competitions, receiving team and personal awards. Since she started debating, Tiffany has achieved first place in the 2021 Alberta Regionals, first place in the 2021 Alberta Provincials, first place in the 2021 Impact Debate Tournament, top 10 in the 2022 BP Nationals, second place in the 2021 Jack Howe World School Tournament, and top 12 in the Harvard World Schools Tournament. Tiffany additionally enjoys volunteering and participating in numerous volunteer activities, including teaching others debate. In the past, she has hosted multiple debate camps and taught over 200 students, and taught debate for over 100 hours. Due to her plentiful experience, Tiffany is able to keep the class atmosphere engaging and educational. Tiffany enjoys working with students and helping them reach their maximum potential, and she is looking forward to contributing to these classes to the best of her ability.
My name is David Qiao, I’m a Chinese Canadian grade 9 student living in Alberta, Canada, and I’m attending Christ the King school. I like many things, art, video games, movies, music, taekwondo, and, most importantly, debate. I love giving and creating things, especially in my community. One example is when I designed many artworks and symbols for my school. My designs have been used, from anti-bullying shirts to greeting cards. My interest in media and talking to others naturally evolved into an interest in debate and speech. I have had a decent win streak in debate tournaments since I started debating and public speaking two years ago. I have received around nine awards ranging from 1st Team in the 2021 Junior high Cougars Debate tournament to top Speaker in the Self-Authored category in the 2022 Edmonton speech tournament. I also have an experience in teaching and coaching new beginners, from hosting classes and helping in Debate Club. I look forward to working together with you.
本课程报名,及申请加入GYP -Boston Students' Clubs,请扫描下图二维码,选择第二部分课程名称。   已经参加GYP -Boston Students' Clubs的学生, 如要报名本课程,无需填写报名表,联系负责老师即可。
欢迎成为 GYP-Boston Students' Clubs Prime Members:
1,(一年内)至少三次GYP 全英文专业短课。 可选择的课程包括: 英语辩论技巧短课,英语公共演讲技巧短课,学生历史研究,英语写作,英语口语和公共讲演技巧,英语经典阅读等;

2, 优先参加GYP-Boston各项学生公益活动, 包括网上座谈会,学生艺术展,跨文化交流会,公益出版等;及获得与升学相关的学生公益活动指导。
参加条件:学生家长能为非盈利组织GYP-Boston捐助至少 100美元(每年度)
GYP-Boston 现有多个学生活动俱乐部,如英语辩论及公共演讲俱乐部,学生历史研究俱乐部,英语写作俱乐部,社会报道和小记者活动组等。所有俱乐部活动都是全英语,学生为主组织的活动。请参考官方网站,活动订阅英文Newsletter。  具体步骤请访问GYP-Boston 网站: https://globalyouthphilanthropy.org/
<[email protected]>
(波士顿环球有斯公益-Global Youth Philanthropy (GYP-Boston)是注册在美国麻州的教育非盈利组织,具有501C(3)美国联邦税免税资质,也美国“总统义工服务奖” (PVSA)的授权认证机构GYP是麻州非盈利网络协会(MNN)的机构会员, 也是波士顿市政府Department of Youth Engagement & Employment 2022 SuccessLink 夏季青少年就业项目的机构合作伙伴。GYP 的宗旨是以美国为基础,为青少年搭建公益创新平台。 
(美国)环球有斯公益网站: https://globalyouthphilanthropy.org/
(美国)环球有斯公益脸书主页:Facebook Page
活动预告 | 英语辩论技巧与学生成长座谈会 (美国)环球有斯公益联系电子邮件<[email protected]>