2月份是“美国心脏月"(American Heart Month),俄州亚裔联盟AACO诚邀到本地资深心脏专家Dr. Lam在28号东岸晚上7⃣️点为社区大众在线分享相关专业保健知识。活动非常成功,100多人报名参加,在云端相聚,热烈交流,相互学习!
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Heart Health Seminar
Dr. Hong Qiu, youth program chair at AACO, Asian American Coalition of Ohio, kicked off the eventat 7:00 PM.
She opened by explaining why AACO organized the heart health event, though the core focus of AACO is voter education and civic engagement.
February is America heart health awareness month, a time when all people can focus on their cardiovascular health. Cardiovascular disease, commonly known as heart disease, cause every 1 in 5 death in the US. Statistics released In January of 2023 by American Heart Association, showed an increase of 54K death in 2020 due to heart disease, potentially related to covid-19, where the Asian, Black and Hispanic people are more vulnerable.
On a personally level, recently several acquaintances recently passed away very unexpectedly, though they were in their middle age, and good health.
AACO is grateful to Dr. Lam, for taking time out of his busy schedule to provide this excellent educational session to our community, to help us keep our hearts healthy and strong.
Dr. Lam received his Bachelors of Science degree at Yale University and his medical degree from the University of Rochester School of Medicine.
He performed his Internal Medicine residency and Cardiology fellowship at Duke University, with additional training at the Cleveland Clinic and Harvard’s Brigham and Woman’s Hospital. He has performed research fellowships at the National Institutes of Health and the Ohio State University Heart and Lung Research Institute. 
Dr. Lam is currently a cardiologist with OhioHealth in Columbus where he is the Medical Director for Cardiovascular Services in Circleville, and is the founder of the OhioHealth Cardiometabolic Clinic. 
He is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and Ohio University’s Heritage College of Medicine.   
The evening event started with some light-hearted questions:
  • What kind of pet do you have:  dogs or cats or other?
  • What do you like the most about Ohio in winter?
  • Dr. Lam, I learned that you just came back from a trip to Belize two weeks ago, as part of Partners for Medical Relief. tell us a little more about the trip
Dr. Lam explained that his most recent trip to Belize is to provide the much needed medical help to the locals. He is grateful to be able to use his medical expertise to help the people there.
Dr. Lam   gave us a captivating explanation of cardiovascular disease, main symptoms of heart disease, what are some  preventative strategies, and specifically appropriate testing for Asians. Please review the video recording for more details.
Several questions were asked during the Q&A portion of the event. Such as the various type of diet: keto diet, Mediterranean diet, vegan, Intermittent fasting, low-carb diet, low-fat diet, and many more. low-carb diet is quite fashionable, where one should limit carbohydrate. Rice and noodle, key staples of asian diet, are on the top of the carb lists. As Asian, if we do not eat rice and noodle, what do we eat?  Dr. Lam  provided some guidance on how to watch out for our diet to help reduce the risk of heart disease?
Another question is related to exercise. Since we know thattTo stay healthy, we need to exercise. Recently, a friend of Dr. Qiu suffered a heart attack during an exercise session and passed away. Dr. Lam explainedwhat we need to be mindful of during exercise, when do we know that we are overdoing it? How do we reduce our risk?
Other questions covered, such as “What supplements would you  recommend to prevent heart disease?” and many more.
Have fun watching the video recording. Please reach out to us if you have any questions.
Wish you good health.
