一年一度的Minuteman Bikeway 清理美化活动将于五月七日进行,早上九点开始,大约持续2个小时。请大家踊跃参与。

Minutemen是美国殖民地民兵组织的一部分,顾名思义,他们可以在一分钟内做好战斗的准备。独立战争时期,他们是保护社区与英军作战的重要力量,最著名的Minuteman就是1775年4月19在绿野战原(Battle Green)以及北桥(North Bridge)打响独立战争第一枪的莱镇与康镇民兵。

1990年麻省保护与娱乐部买下了横穿贝德福、莱镇、阿灵顿与剑桥的废弃铁道,将之改建成自行车道,并冠名Minuteman Bike Path以致敬先烈。此后这条十英里长的自行车道成为步行者、慢跑者、自行车手以及轮滑爱好者的天堂,供人们户外休闲与通勤使用,也为人们探索沿途自然景观与当地历史文化提供了方便,成为人们最受欢迎的活动去处之一。

这次活动由Friends of Lexington Bikeways和莱镇华协(CAAL)联合组织,莱镇跑群(Hey Runers)和莱镇骑车群(LexRide) 协力参与。此次清理美化活动将会覆盖Minutemen Bikeway穿过莱镇的自行车道,具体工作包括捡路边的垃圾,拔杂草(garlic mustard)。请大家踊跃报名参加,共建社区
时间:9am, 星期天,05/07/2023
四个集合地点,报名时请自行选择. 志愿者到集合点向Leader 和Co-leader 报到:
  • DPW
  • Waldorf School
  • Seasons Four
  • Bow Stree
活动扫描二维码  报名参与义工活动
路段 1.  领队Sarah Hews
集合和停车地点:DPW Parking Lot
201 Bedford Street
从Bedford St出发, 负责清理到Bedford Town line 路段.
路段 2.  领队 Peggy Enders
集合和停车地点:DPW Parking Lot
201 Bedford Street
从Bedford St出发, 负责清理到 Handcock St 路段.
3.  领队 David Armstrong
集合和停车地点:Seasons Four
1265 Massachusetts Avenue
从Seasons Four 往西出发,负责清理到Fletcher Avenue 路段。
4.  领队 George Gagliard
集合和停车地点:Seasons Four
1265 Massachusetts Avenue
从Seasons Four 往东出发,负责清理到Maple Street 路段
段 5.  领队 Bob Hausslein
集合和停车地点:Waldorf School
739 Massachusetts Avenue
往自行车道行进, 往西清理到MapleStreet 路段.
6.  领队 Susan Barrett
集合地点:Bow Street
从Bow Street往西出发,负责清理到Arlington Town line
Bob Hausslein
2022 年参加清理自行车道的部分义工们
Call for Volunteers!
Minuteman Bikeway Cleanup and Beautification
The Chinese American Association of Lexington is pleased to join with the Friends of Lexington Bikeways in the annual Minuteman Bikeway Cleanup and Beautification.  Volunteers for  this event pick up litter and pull out small patches of invasive garlic mustard along the entire Lexington portion of the Bikeway.
Volunteers should be at the starting location of their choice by 9 AM sharp. Section Leaders wearing yellow vests will provide plasric trash bags. Bring your own garden gloves, drinking water and snacks. The cleanup walk usually lasts about two hours. 
Helping with the cleanup is a great way to show pride in the Bikeway and in Lexington. This activity is acceptable for community service credit!
Time:9 -11am, Sun,May 07, 2023
Scan QR Code to join us
Choose one of five sections with easy parking,
Section 1.  Leader: Sarah Hews 
Meet at the DPW parking lot at 201 Bedford Street. Walk along the Bikeway west to the Bedford town line and back.
Section 2.  Leader: Peggy Enders 
Meet at the DPW parking at 201 Bedford Street.  Walk along the Bikeway east to Hancock Street and back. 
Section 3.  Leader: David Armstrong 
Meet at the Seasons Four parking lot at 1265 Massachusetts Avenue. Walk along the Bikeway west to Fletcher Avenue and back. 
Section 4.  Leader: George Gagliardi 
Meet at the Seasons Four parking lot at 1265 Massachusetts Avenue. Walk along the Bikeway east to the Maple Street overpass and back. 
Section 5.  Leader: Bob Hausslein
Meet at the Waldorf School parking lot at 739 Massachusetts Avenue. Walk to the Bikeway, then west to the Maple Street overpass and back.
Section 6.  Leader: Susan Barret
Meet at the Bow Street parking lot next to the Bikeway.  Walk east to the Arlington town line, then west to the Waldorf School and back.
Leaders with plastic trash bags will be at each starting location.
Volunteers should be at the starting location of their choice by 9 AM sharp. Cleanup usually lasts about two hours. Garden or work gloves are advised, as are drinking water and snacks. 
Questions?  Contact Bob Hausslein at 781-862-9102 or [email protected].
2022 年参加清理自行车道的部分义工们
Organizer & Volunteer Group
 Friends of Lexington Bikeways 
Chinese American Association of Lexington
Lexington Hey Runners Club 
LexRide - Lexington Cycling Group
“莱镇华协公众号” 立足于莱镇,面向整个华人社区,记录华协参与和服务社区的事务和活动,包括社会公正、 公民参与、 文化活动、 社区服务、 教育、 宣传联络等方面的工作。请关注我们, 了解华协更多信息。
清理美化自行车道 人人有责
文稿:Elizabeth Xu
封面设计 & 编辑 :鱼儿
Website: caal-ma.org
Facebook: caal1983
Twitter: CAALsince1983
Youtube: CAAL
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报名链接:Minuteman Bikeway Cleanup and Beautification 义工活动