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Improving Air Quality in Africa
因为非洲大多数地区几乎没有关于空气质量的数据,专家们不知道有多少人究竟因为空气污染而受苦。然而,发表在《地球物理研究杂志》上的估计表明,与空气质量相关的死亡是整个非洲大陆最主要的死亡原因之一。来自非洲卡耐基梅隆大学的工程师和 CMU 工程学院希望能借助清洁空气基金的新赠款来填补这一知识空白。这笔资金将用在加纳共和国首都阿克拉建立一个中心,以测试和评估低成本空气质量传感器的准确性,并培训人们收集和分析已部署技术的数据。

该项目将建立在 AfriqAir 之前的工作之上,一个隶属于卡耐基梅隆大学非洲的小组,致力于汇集全球研究人员,以提高对非洲空气质量的了解。该小组由来自世界各地的合作者组成,包括来自 CMU 的许多面孔:机械工程研究教授 Albert Presto,工程与公共政策教授 Paulina Jaramillo,和电气与计算机工程和工程公共政策教授兼 CMU-Africa 的研究主任 Tim Brown。
Experts do not know how many Africans suffer due to air pollution because there is little to no data about air quality in most areas. Yet estimates published in the Journal of Geophysical Research say that air quality-related deaths rank within the top leading causes of death across the continent. 
Engineers from Carnegie Mellon University in Africa and CMU’s College of Engineering are hoping to fill this knowledge gap with the help of a new grant from the Clean Air Fund. The funding will create a center in Accra, Ghana to test and evaluate the accuracy of low-cost air quality sensors as well as train people to gather and analyze the data of the deployed technology.
The project will build on the previous work of AfriqAir, a Carnegie Mellon Africa-affiliated group focused on bringing together global researchers to improve knowledge about air quality in Africa. The group, made up of collaborators from across the world, includes many faces from CMU: Albert Presto, a research professor of mechanical engineering; Paulina Jaramillo, a professor of engineering and public policy; and Tim Brown, a professor of electrical and computer engineering and engineering public policy, who is also the director of research at CMU-Africa.
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CMU 神经科学专业学生研究正念冥想
CMU Neuroscience Major Researches Mindfulness Meditation
Aiwen Chen 是卡耐基梅隆大学神经科学专业的大三学生,并同时在修 Dietrich 人文社会科学学院的哲学双专业。她在暑假获得了本科生研究奖学金(SURF),使她能够对正念冥想对压力水平的影响进行研究。她所在的团队致力于确定一个人为获得最佳效果所需的正确冥想剂量。她的研究基于正念训练的“监测与接受”理论。该理论认为,人们可以通过学习如何以接受的态度体验和更好地监测当下,从而在冥想中达到正念状态。研究参与者们在 14 天内每天会上 20 分钟的课。
Chen, a Carnegie Mellon University junior with a major in neuroscience and an additional major in philosophy in the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, was the recipient of a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) award that allowed her to conduct research on the effects of mindfulness meditation on stress levels. She was part of a team working to determine the correct dosage of meditation a person needs for optimal results. 
Her research was based on the “Monitor and Acceptance” theory of mindfulness training, which posits that people can be trained to achieve a state of mindfulness in meditation by learning how to experience and better monitor the present moment, with an attitude of acceptance. Participants in the research took 20-minute lessons daily for 14 days. 
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翻译 / 编辑 / 排版:方楠 Christine Fang
