唐纳德·霍尔(唐纳德·豪尔、Donald Hall,1928.9.20—2018.6.23),1928年生于美国康州纽海文,1951年毕业于哈佛大学(B.A.),1953年毕业于牛津大学(B.Litt.);曾任《帕里斯评论》等多家刊物编辑,长期在哈佛、斯坦福、密歇根等多所大学教书,1972年与女诗人简·肯庸(Jane Kenyon, 1947-1995)结婚。霍尔著有15本诗集,另著有戏剧、儿童文学等作品若干,2006年美国桂冠诗人。
To grow old is to lose everything. 
Aging, everybody knows it. 
Even when we are young, 
we glimpse it sometimes, and nod our heads 
when a grandfather dies.
Then we row for years on the midsummer 
pond, ignorant and content. But a marriage,
that began without harm, scatters 
into debris on the shore, 
and a friend from school drops 
cold on a rocky strand.
If a new love carries us 
past middle age, our wife will die 
at her strongest and most beautiful. 
New women come and go. All go. 
The pretty lover who announces 
that she is temporary
is temporary. The bold woman,
middle-aged against our old age,
sinks under an anxiety she cannot withstand. 
Another friend of decades estranges himself 
in words that pollute thirty years. 
Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge 
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything.
Weeds and Peonies
Donald Hall
Your peonies burst out, white as snow squalls,
with red flecks at their shaggy centers
in your border of prodigies by the porch.
I carry one magnanimous blossom indoors
and float it in a glass bowl, as you used to do.
Ordinary pleasures, contentment recollected,
blow like snow into the abandoned garden,
overcoming the daisies. Your blue coat
vanishes down Pond Road into imagined snowflakes 
with Gus at your side, his great tail swinging,
but you will not reappear, tired and satisfied,
and grief's repeated particles suffuse the air —
like the dog yipping through the entire night,
or the cat stretching awake, then curling
as if to dream of her mother's milky nipples.
A raccoon dislodged a geranium from its pot.
Flowers, roots, and dirt lay upended
in the back garden where lilies begin
their daily excursion above stone walls
in the season of old roses. I pace beside weeds
and snowy peonies, staring at Mount Kearsarge 
where you climbed wearing purple hiking boots.
"Hurry back. Be careful, climbing down."
Your peonies lean their vast heads westward
as if they might topple. Some topple.
相比詹姆斯·赖特,另一主将罗伯特·勃莱更为当代中国诗人熟知。罗伯特·勃莱(Robert Bly, 1926- ),当代美国最著名诗人,“新超现实主义诗派”(又称“深度意象诗派”)领袖人物之一。他早年就读于哈佛大学,二战中在海军服役,后长期生活在明尼苏达州的乡村小镇,在朴素和宁静中从事写作、翻译、讲学和编辑工作。1958年与詹姆斯·赖特等人创办了旨在反对学院派诗歌的诗刊《五十年代》《六十年代》《七十年代》《八十年代》杂志,领导和培养了美国当代最负盛名的松散性诗歌流派——新超现实主义诗派,在诗歌观念和语言等方面扭转了以T·S艾略特为代表的现代主义传统诗潮,使美国诗歌从现代走向当代(亦称后现代),从力主智性的学院走向感性体验的民众,从反浪漫主义的“逃避个性”走向新超现实主义的“天人合一”。他最向往的是中国古代诗人,尤其是陶渊明先生。
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