William Hou
今天我非常兴奋被评为2022年总统志愿者服务金奖,之前我从未有过如此殊荣!我很骄傲自己能够成为一名充满爱心和热情的志愿者,支持和帮助社区和国家建设,为社会公益事业贡献一份力量。这里简要概述我做志愿者的经历:我帮助FBE Spelling Bee委员会在拼写竞赛中组织分组,维持秩序;在2022年Belmont Chenery Middle School夏令营做支教;在高中生自创的Belmont Free Lesson Program 里教授中文课;我还在波士顿贫困家庭食品派送中心准备了1000多份食品,以提供给需要的贫困家庭。我很开心做一名志愿者,愿意在2023年继续我的志愿者之旅!
I am very excited to be recognized with the President's Gold Volunteer Service Award. It is such a great honor that I have never had in the past! I am so proud to be one of the volunteers with love and passion to contribute to the public good— help and support our community and country. To brief my volunteer experience in 2022, I helped FBE Spelling Bee committee to organize the kids groups during the competition; assisted the English teaching in ELE summer camp of Year 2022 in Chenery Middle School; taught Chinese classes in Belmont Free Lesson organization sponsored by Belmont high school students; helped to pack over 1000 meals for members of community that are food insecure etc. I am very happy to do so and would like to continue my volunteer journey in 2023!
Kevin Xiang
Kevin Xiang, 13 year old, is a G7 student in Belmont Chenery Middle School. He loves Chinese diabolo, and has devoted himself learning diabolo for more than 7 years. He is a regular performer around Boston communities and colleges. He started teaching diabolo for free open to all Belmont kids on Sunday and at WSCC Chinese  afterschool (Belmont site) on Monday. He has formed his own team composed of 100% Belmont kids and has led his team to perform successfully at the BCAA Chinese New Year Gala in 2021 and 2022, and won the most popular performance in 2021.
Peter Zhang
Peter Zhang是Belmont高中十年级的学生。他辅导中国蒲公英中学的学生英语学习。他还在Belmont 夏令营做助教工作。
Peter Zhang is a 10th grader in Belmont High School. He teaches children at Dandelion, an organization that gives English lessons to under-privileged students from China. He also worked as a class assistant in the Belmont Summer Enrichment Program.
Richard Deng
Richard 是贝尔蒙特高中十一年级的学生。在过去的两年里,他一直在 Chenery 初中组织和指导数学队,每周准备课程和训练题,并帮助解答学生的提问。为了给更多学生提供学习数学的机会,他与几位同学合作开启了一项名为 Belmont Math Hunt 的数学竞赛,共有70 多名学生报名参加了这项比赛。他还负责Belmont Free Lessons的组织工作并担任了几门课程教学。2022年夏天,他们成功地开设了 30 多门免费课程,共有数百名学生参加并受益于这些课程的学习。Richard想借此机会感谢 BCAA 和 Belmont 社区的大力支持,并期待今后继续为社区提供帮助和服务!

Richard Deng is a junior in Belmont High School. During the past two years, Richard has been coaching the math team at Chenery Middle School, preparing lessons and problem sets every week and helping students as they worked on problems. This inspired him to bring mathematical opportunities to more students by working with his classmates to start a math competition called Belmont Math Hunt, which gathered over 70 signups. He also continued teaching classes and performing administrative work with Belmont Free Lessons, and in the summer of 2022, they successfully ran over 30 classes and reached hundreds of students. He would like to express his thanks to BCAA and the Belmont community for the amazing support, and is looking forward to continuing to help the community!
Zhonghui Jenny Ou
区中惠, Zhonghui Jenny Ou,于2020-2022担任贝镇公校英语学习家长指导委员会董事。她是2021年首届贝镇庆祝亚太裔传统月总负责人和2022年第二届的共同总负责人。在她的领导和参与下,贝镇亚裔家长志愿者小组组织了一系列丰富多彩的活动纪念亚太裔美国人做出的历史性贡献,增进了社区多族裔之间的包容和团结。
Jenny Ou is a board member of the English Learner Parent Advisory Council (ELPAC) at Belmont Public School (BPS) from 2020- 2022. She is the lead of Belmont Celebrates AAPI Heritage Month in 2021 and the co-lead in 2022. Under her leadership and the co-leading and support from other AAPI parents, the “AAPI parent volunteer group” has organized a series of activities in Belmont honoring the AAPI contributions to our country and reaffirming communal solidarity during the AAPI Heritage Month. The group has curated an essential AAPI book list at different grade levels, donated hundreds of AAPI books to BPS, initiated AAPI book guest reader activities at elementary schools, hosted AAPI poster contest and exhibition, and organized AAPI film screening, as well as the AAPI bookmark fundraising. In 2022, the group quickly expanded its impact in and outside Belmont, and was identified as “Belmont Celebrates AAPI Heritage”.
Sophie Wang
王亦菲是Chenery Middle School六年级学生。2022年她的主要社区服务是为贝尔蒙特5千米跑步和健走活动进行平面设计,其中包括设计活动标识,一朵白色的栀子花。她设计的比赛活动标识深受贝镇居民们的喜爱。她也为去年的比赛活动设计了比赛T恤,各种比赛海报,以及其他的图案作品来满足比赛需求。
Sophie Wang is a 6 grader at Chenery Middle School in Belmont, MA. In 2022, she was the graphic designer for the Belmont AAPI 5K Run ’n’ Walk. She designed the event logo, a white stylized seven-petal gardenia flower in the center of a golden circle, which received great popularity among Belmont community. She also designed the race T shirt, race posters, banners and many other graphic images for this event.
Isabella Fan
Isabella Fan 范雅蘭, 9岁,每月有三个周末在Belmont Food Pantry做义工,为有需要的贝尔蒙特居民分发食物。
I’m Isabella Fan from Belmont.  I’m 9 year old and in 4th grade at Jackson School in Newton. I volunteer at the Belmont Food Pantry where we distribute food. My favorite thing is restocking, but I also like disassembling boxes. Volunteering is a peaceful time that energizes me. Volunteering makes me feel relaxed, calm, and happy. I like volunteering because it’s giving, also because it is helping those in need. I especially feel sad for our customers when they have to wait outside during bad weather like snow and rain.
Zixiang Zhang
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