The Asian American Bar Association of Houston (AABA Houston), the Austin Asian American Bar Association (Austin AABA), and the Dallas Asian American Bar Association (DAABA), and the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), 共同强烈反对德克萨斯州参议院147法案的规定,该法案禁止个人根据其家庭的移民国家在德克萨斯州拥有土地、购买房屋或建立企业。
The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA),代表了6万多名亚太裔法律专业人士和近90个国家、州和地方亚太裔律师协会的利益。NAPABA是解决亚太裔社区所面临的公民权利问题的领导者。通过其国家网络,NAPABA为增加联邦和州司法机构的多样性提供了强有力的声音,倡导工作场所的平等机会,努力消除仇恨犯罪和反移民情绪,并促进所有背景的人在法律界的职业发展。
Joint Statement in Opposition to Texas SB 147 
The Asian American Bar Association of Houston (AABA Houston), the Austin Asian American Bar Association (Austin AABA), and the Dallas Asian American Bar Association (DAABA), and the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) come together to strongly oppose the provisions of Texas Senate Bill 147 that prohibit individuals from owning land, buying homes, or establishing businesses in Texas based on their family's country of migration.
This ban targets Asian and other immigrants, including those from China, and prevents them from establishing roots in the state, making investments in their communities, and pursuing the American Dream. It continues the pervasive legacy of anti-Asian racism and stereotypes of Asians tracing back over a hundred years. It echoes the bigoted Alien Land Laws, which aimed to drive Asian immigrants from this country by stripping them of their ability to buy homes and start businesses in the United States.
The passage of SB 147, as written, would represent a dramatic step backwards. We call on elected officials in Texas to oppose this bill and ensure that Texas does not repeat a historic mistake rooted in fear and bigotry.
Our associations will continue to advocate on behalf of Asian communities in opposition to this bill, including by building coalitions and identifying ways to engage with the legislature. 
The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), represents the interests of over 60,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting APA communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession.