价格:330,000 美元+SAV(约 8000-10,000 美元)
· 餐厅位于布里斯班市中心繁忙的工业和办公零售区。
非常好的现金流。 并且有信心让任何买家进行尽职调查。
每周营业 5.1/2 天(周日休息,周一仅供应午餐)
               上午 10:30 - 下午 3:00
                下午 5:00 - 晚上 8:30
平均每周营业额为$ 12,500 ,租金为$ 1468 ,人工为 $3300 (含老板工资$1000)
   租约至 2024 年 6 月 + 5 年续约
· 现代化的管理系统(包括前台电脑点餐系统、店内音响系统)一切艰巨的工作已经完成,只等合适的买家到来。
· 昆士兰五星级食品安全评级
· 简化的菜单和标准化的生产手册,使培训更容易,采购商更容易掌握。
· 卖家愿意帮助买家直到他有信心,培训时间可以协商。
· 员工队伍友好、成熟、忠诚、稳定,所有员工都留在公司。
· 包括所有设备
· 这是自营买家的绝好商机:活泼外向的人管前台客户,爱做饭的人管厨房。
Japanese Restaurant /Asian restaurant for sale, 
Price:  $330,000+SAV (about $8000-$10,000)
· Restaurant in Brisbane downtown busy industrial and office retail area.
About 200m2 spacious area, with a professional kitchen and ample storage space.
Very good cash flow. and it is confident for any buyer to conduct due diligence.
Operates 5.1/2 days a week (Sunday is closed, Monday is only open for lunch)
              10:30 am - 3:00 pm
               5:00pm - 8:30pm
Staff only 2-3 people a day.
 With liquor license, it can accommodate 40-60 people.
The average weekly turnover is $12,500, rent is $1468, labor is $3300 ( inc owner wage $1000),
  Lease until June 2024 + 5-year renewal
Excellent reputation, Google score as high as 4.4, Brisbane online celebrity shop.
· Modern management system (including front computer ordering system, in-store sound system) all the hard work has been completed, just waiting for the right buyer to arrive.
· Five-star food safety rating in Queensland
· Simplified menu and standardized production manual, which make training easier and easy for buyers to grasp.
· The seller is willing to help the buyer until he is confident, and the training time can be negotiated.
· The workforce is friendly, mature, loyal and stable, and all employees remain in the business.
· All equipment included
· This is an excellent business opportunity for self-management buyers: the lively and outgoing person manages the front desk customers, and the person who loves cooking controls the kitchen.
澳洲购买生意 专业可靠的商业中介