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卡耐基梅隆大学与 24M 合作获得 ARPA-E 320 万美元电动汽车奖
Carnegie Mellon University Partners with 24M for ARPA-E $3.2M EV Award
能源研究员 Venkat Viswanathan 所在的卡耐基梅隆大学的团队将与麻省理工学院(MIT)和 24M 合作,共同利用美国能源部能源高级研究计划署(ARPA-E)颁发的 320 万美元的 EVs4ALL 奖。计划将专注于开发快速充电和低成本的电动汽车(EV)电池。
电池的设计将包括超厚半固态、先进的宽温、快速充电的电解质和钠超离子导体。该设计将使用由钠制成的超厚 SemiSolid 阴极和先进的宽温、快速充电的电解质(由机器学习开发),以及基于固体电解质的隔膜。
Viswanathan 在 Twitter 上谈到该奖项时说:“很高兴开始使用 IONICS2.0 来推进快速充电的研究前沿。低熔点的钠可以提供根本优势;而将 24M Tech 的超厚电极与 Clio 的电解质能力相结合将解锁这一点。
A Carnegie Mellon University team including Energy Fellow Venkat Viswanathan will partner with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and 24M for a $3.2 million EVs4ALL award from the U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). The initiative will be focused on developing fast-charging and low-cost electric vehicle (EV) batteries.
The design of the batteries will consist of an ultra-thick SemiSolid cathode, an advanced wide-temperature, fast-charging electrolyte and a sodium super ionic conductor. The design will use an ultra-thick SemiSolid cathode made of sodium, and advanced wide-temperature, fast-charging electrolyte (developed through machine learning), and a solid electrolyte-based separator.
Viswanathan said about the award on Twitter, "Excited to embark on IONICS2.0 to advance [the] fast-charging frontier! Sodium being lower melting offers fundamental advantage; pairing 24M Tech's ultra-thick electrodes with Clio's electrolyte capability will unlock this."
Producing these low-cost, high energy density, fast-charging batteries will grow accessibility to EVs as the U.S. expands its adoption of electric vehicles. 
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校友 Shauna Quill 赢得历史性格莱美奖

Alumna Shauna Quill Part of Historic Grammy Win
尽管 COVID-19 疫情导致了原定于 2020 纽约青年交响乐团(NNYS)在卡耐基音乐厅的演出被取消,但他们仍在继续创作音乐。Shauna Quill 是 NYYS 的执行负责人,也是卡耐基梅隆大学音乐学院 1997 年毕业生。回忆起 2020 年的一个录音项目,她如下说道。
“录音是在无法进行表演的时候进行的——在同一个房间与 100 人的管弦乐队在一起也是不可能的。“ Quill 回忆道,她当时在 CMU 主修的是长笛表演。“任何在 CMU 跟 Riccardo Schulz 学习音乐录音和工程课的人都会知道,要完成这段录音是一项了不起的壮举。“
青年交响乐团由 12 岁到 22 岁的音乐家组成,仅仅是在格莱美最佳管弦乐表演类别中被提名便已经是一项重大成就,对手都强劲如柏林交响乐团和洛杉矶交响乐团。
周日晚上,交响乐团的年轻音乐家们聚集在排练室,期待地观看着格莱美现场直播。当他们的类别出现时,“格莱美奖将颁给……‘The Works of……’“ 公告的其余部分在狂喜的年轻人的欢呼和尖叫声中逐渐被掩盖。
Though the COVID-19 pandemic caused the cancellation of the New York Youth Symphony's scheduled Carnegie Hall performance in 2020, the NYYS kept making music.
Shauna Quill, the executive director of the NYYS and a 1997 graduate of the Carnegie Mellon University School of Music, remembers the start of a recording project back in 2020.
"The recording was made when performance wasn't possible — even being in the same room with the 100-person orchestra wasn't possible," recalled Quill, who majored in flute performance at CMU. "Anyone who took courses in music recording and engineering with Riccardo Schulz at CMU will know it took quite a feat to make this recording work."
The Youth Symphony, comprising musicians ranging in age from 12 to 22, notched a major achievement simply by being nominated for a Grammy in the Best Orchestral Performance category against the likes of the Berlin Philharmonic and L.A. Philharmonic.
On Sunday night, the symphony's young musicians waited expectantly as they watched the live Grammy broadcast, gathered in their rehearsal room. As their category came up, "The Grammy goes to... 'The Works of...'"
The remainder of the announcement was inaudible over the cheers and shrieks of the ecstatic youths.
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翻译 / 编辑 / 排版:方楠 Christine Fang
