During China’s lunar-new-year holiday, which ran from January 21st to 27th, tourists flocked to the sprawling Taihao mausoleum in Henan province. Many enjoyed slapping a statue of Qin Hui, a scheming official in the Song dynasty who is notorious for having framed a military hero. One visitor got carried away, striking the statue with the lid of an incense burner. Feelings are running high after Qin’s villainy featured in a new film, “Full River Red”, which topped the box-office charts during the holiday.

During China’s lunar-new-year holiday, which ran from January 21st to 27th, tourists flocked to the sprawling Taihao mausoleum in Henan province.
本句以状语开头,点明时间:During China’s lunar-new-year holiday,在春节假期期间,随后跟了一个定语从句,补充了春节假期的起止日期:which ran from January 21st to 27th.
这里的 run from...to...表示时间“从...持续到...”,看一个《经济学人》里的例句:
For muslims making the haj pilgrimage, which this year runs from July 7th to July 12th, the first leg is easy enough: hop on a plane to the dedicated terminal in Jeddah.
haj 指伊斯兰教徒去麦加的“朝觐”。
pilgrimage 指 a journey to a holy place “朝圣之旅”。
the first leg 可不是“第一腿”,leg 在这里是熟词僻义,表示 one part of a journey “一段路程”,这个词经常用在各国领导人出访,第一程去哪、第二程去哪……看个外刊例句:
Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio has left for France on the first leg of his tour of five Group of Seven nations.
接下来在主干部分,作者交代了出行游客之多:tourists flocked to the sprawling Taihao mausoleum in Henan province.
flock 这个词表示 to go or gather together somewhere in large numbers “蜂拥、涌入”,《鱼翅与花椒》中就出现过这个词:
These days tourists flock to Suzhou, for its gardens, and Hangzhou, for its pretty West Lake.
2021 年的《经济学人》中有篇文章讲到了中国打造“海绵城市”,里面也出现了这个表达:
Tourists are flocking once again to Leshan’s Buddha, some to seek peace and protection at its feet.
要理解 sprawling 我们还要回归它的动词形式 sprawl,它表示 to cover a large area 或 to spread in an untidy way “占地很大、杂乱地延伸、蔓延”,如:
The town seemed to sprawl for miles.
The area sprawls over 900 acres.
这个地区占地 900 多英亩。
因此,sprawling 可以理解成“占地大的、四处蔓延的”,比如 2017 年 6 月英语六级真题中就出现了这个词:
Massive rubbish dumps and sprawling landfills constitute one of the more unconfortable impacts that humans have on wildlife.
Starting in the 1960s, sleepy fishing ports and trading posts turned into sprawling industrial centres, filled with shipyards, car factories, steel mills, oil refineries and container terminals.
文中 sprawling Taihao mausoleum 就可以理解成:庞大的太昊陵。

Many enjoyed slapping a statue of Qin Hui, a scheming official in the Song dynasty who is notorious for having framed a military hero.
slap 就是“扇巴掌”的意思:
scheming 表示 often planning secretly to do sth for your own advantage, especially by cheating other people “惯搞阴谋的;诡计多端的;狡诈的”:
frame 此处作动词,表示 to deliberately make someone seem guilty of a crime when they are not guilty, by lying to the police or in a court of law “陷害,诬告”,同 set up: 

One visitor got carried away, striking the statue with the lid of an incense burner.
get/be carried away 表示 to be so excited about something that you do not control what you say or do and you forget about everything else “失去理智,冲昏头脑”,有点网络用语“上头”的那种感觉,看几个例句:
striking the statue with the lid of an incense burner,看图说话:

Feelings are running high after Qin’s villainy featured in a new film, “Full River Red”, which topped the box-office charts during the holiday.
feelings are running highget carried away 有点相似,可以翻译成“情绪高涨;激愤;激昂”,造个句子:
Feelings are running high on the issue of delaying retirement.
补充一个类似的表达:run deep,英文解释:if a feeling runs or goes deep, it is very strong and difficult to change. 可以表示某一感情的强烈,比如谈到沉迷电子设备的危害时,我们可以说:
The near-universal access to smartphones, starting at ever younger ages, is transforming modern society in ways that can have negative effects on physical and mental health, neurological development and personal relationships, not to mention safety on our roads and sidewalks. With men, women and even children spending their days glued to their screens, public concerns run deeper.
feature 这个词最基本的意思名词“特点、特征”,作动词时它的英文解释是:to include something as an important part, or to be included as an important part,即,包括某个主要部分,或,某个主要部分被包括在里面。
Violence features in the book.
The book features violence.
文中 Qin’s villainy featured in a new film 的字面意思是:秦桧的恶行是这部电影的主要部分、这部电影讲述了秦桧的恶行,也可以反过来写:
A new film featured Qin's villainy.
which topped the box-office charts during the holiday
表示“第一名排名第一”,我们习惯性地使用形容词或名词,如 first, the first place,而地道英文中更多用的是动词,比如 top, lead, dominate
top 后面可以直接加 list/chart,如文中用法;
lead 后面加 the world in 或 the way in,如:
We lead the way in space technology.
《经济学人》关于“核能”的报道中出现了 lead the world in 的说法:
John Barrasso wants America to lead the world in nuclear energy.
dominate 后面可以直接加 list/chart 或领域,如:
The book is expected to dominate the best-seller lists.
Avatar: The Way of Water continues to dominate box office.

During China’s lunar-new-year holiday, which ran from January 21st to 27th, tourists flocked to the sprawling Taihao mausoleum in Henan province. Many enjoyed slapping a statue of Qin Hui, a scheming official in the Song dynasty who is notorious for having framed a military hero. One visitor got carried away, striking the statue with the lid of an incense burner. Feelings are running high after Qin’s villainy featured in a new film, “Full River Red”, which topped the box-office charts during the holiday.

