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元宵灯会 - 2023 莱镇华协新春庆典
时间: 2月05日
7:45pm-8:00pm Lantern Parade
地点: 13 Depot Square, Lexington
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Feb 01
Cary Libary
Time:  Wednesday, Feb 01
7:00- 8:00PM
Large Meeting Rm Cary Library
欢庆农历兔年, 和Zhonghe(Elena)Li 一起学习中国古老的剪纸艺术。她会给大家简要介绍这种艺术形式,并在交流中让你创作自己的作品。
Zhonghe (Elena) Li 是一位多媒体艺术家,在马萨诸塞州剑桥市生活和工作。 她的工作源于她对自然多样性的热爱以及她对环境、物种灭绝以及人类角色和未来的关注。 她深受道家“天人合一”哲学的影响,力求通过艺术弘扬和谐共处的理念。这个工作坊适合成年人,请注册参加。
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Feb 01- Mar 15 
Lexington Community Center
 Raising a Reader 
for Ages 2 – 5 years old
Time: Every Wed, 2/1 to 3/15 
Location: Lexington Community Center #108
39 Marrett Road, Lexington 
每周我们在分享书籍的同时,通过提出各种各样问题来逐步提高孩子们的阅读水平, 我们还将一起唱歌、运动、积累词汇并教授一些早期识字的技能。
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Feb 02
Cary Memorial Library
时间: 星期四 7:00-8:00pm, 2月2日 
地点:Cary Memorial Library
与作家维娜·戴·兰德尔一起谈论她的新书《夜天使》,这是一部根据Ho Fengshan博士真实经历改编的小说。该活动将由小说《巴黎书商》(The Paris Bookseller) 的作者 Kerri Maher 主持。
戴微娜·兰德尔目前已出版了四部历史小说,分别是《夜天使》、《上海最后的玫瑰》、《宫中之月》和《明月皇后》。她是 RWA RITA 奖的获得者、国家犹太图书奖决赛入围者和两次Goodreads Choice Award 决赛入围者。她的书已被翻译成十二种语言,包括俄语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语和希伯来语。戴微娜是第一位写二战期间华人和犹太人在中国经历的美国作家
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 Feb 03
First Parish in Lexington
《失而复得》- 故事会和音乐剧
Time: Friday, 2/03, 7:00 pm
Location: First Parish in Lexington
7 Harrington Road, Lexington

莱克星顿首屈一指的现场讲故事和音乐活动 Voices on the Green 重返舞台!活动将在莱镇First Parish 举行。
故事引人入胜且多种多样:一位女士在一次工作活动中发现了令人惊讶的联系。 一对父子比较他们找回丢失物品的感受。 想家的移民必须在她的新国家找到新的方向。 一个年轻人因痛失一次良机而被困扰多年。 一名肯尼亚妇女在一件普通物品中找到了摆脱贫困的灵感。 一个小男孩的游戏强调了人类需求一次又一次地被发现。
欢迎儿童和青少年。 音乐将由 Jamie Willis 和 Kelly Rice 出演,他们是现实生活中喜欢一起唱歌的搭档。 演出前和中场休息时将提供饮料。 门票价格为 10 美元和 20 美元,现在可在 VOTG 网站上购买。
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Feb 03
Lexington Community Center
Helping our friends and neighbors!
Time: 9:30am, 2/03, 2023
 · Food Link 是一个社区组织,它“致力于建设一个系统,使每个人都能拥有丰富的食物,同时还不会浪费食物”。
 · Lex Eat Together 是一家位于莱克星顿的非营利组织,旨在解决莱克星顿及其周边地区的饥饿和粮食安全问题。
 · LexRAP(莱克星顿难民援助计划)是一个欢迎、支持和协助难民和寻求庇护者的社区组织,包括提供住房、食品、衣服、医疗保健、就业和教育(包括学习英语)方面的支持。
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Feb 4
Cary Hall 
Serious Romance 
Time: Sat, 7:30pm, 2/04
Location: Cary Memorial Hall 
1605 Mass Ave, Lexington, MA
恰逢情人节,正是体验钢琴家兰德尔·霍奇金森 (Randall Hodgkinson) 演奏的最浪漫钢琴协奏曲的好时机。 下半场由约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯 (Johannes Brahms) 给您带来超凡脱俗的第四交响曲,这是他最精彩的作品之一。
下午 6:30 在音乐会前安排了与 Jonatha McPhee 的交流会。
This concert is sponsored by
Bin Wu and Family in Recognition of the Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL)
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Feb 4,18
Cary Library
 时间:2 月 4 日至 18 日,星期六
          上午 11:00 – 下午 2:00
 地点:The Waldorf School Gymnasium 
请大家来支持当地农民,为您的家人购买当地种植和生产的新鲜食品! 2023 年冬季市场日期:3 月 4 日至 18 日,4 月 1 日至 15 日.
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Feb 5 - 26
“Putting Black Women on the Map: Then & Now”
"Tied to Her Apron Strings"
Opening reception: Sun, 2/5            2:00 PM – 4:00 PM 
Exhibition open February 5 - 26
Virtual Lecture February 15 at 7 pm
Location: LexArt
130 Waltham St, Lexington
在庆祝黑人历史月期间,LexSeeHer 和 LexArt 邀请您参加一个以插图、绘画和纺织品为特色的多媒体展览。 探索 18 世纪以来黑人女性的经历,讲述非裔美国女性的故事,她们的经历与莱克星顿和美国的历史息息相关。 还可以更进一步了解赢得自由诉讼的Margaret Tulip、美国革命之母 Phebe Burdoo、有色人种自由女性、废奴主义者、教育家和记者Mary·Elizabeth·Miles·Bibb的事迹!
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Feb 05
Munroe Center for the Arts
Time: Sunday, 2/5
1- 2pm, 2-3pm, 3-4pm
Location: Munroe Center for the Arts 
1403 Massachusetts Avenue  
今年2 月假期计划于 2 月 20 日至 24 日举行,6 年级以上青少年可以参加视觉艺术和/或陶艺的全日制或部分日制课程。
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Feb 05
Time: Sunday, Feb 05
10:00am to 5:00 pm
多么激动人心!镇上有超过40家商店参与了这次灯笼寻宝活动。这次分了三个短语:A、B 和 C。短语 A 有 16 个字母,短语 B 有 13 个字母,短语 C 有 14 个字母。
1. 在列出的地点寻找挂在灯笼下的寻宝标签.
2. 记下你找出的灯笼的所有字母,然后猜谜寻宝,请不要将标签从灯笼上取下。
3. 2 月 5 日上午 10 点至下午 6 点之间的任何时间在莱克星顿历史协会(13 Depot Square, 莱克星顿)兑换您的奖品
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Feb 08
Lexington Community Center
时间: Wed, 9:30am, 2/8
Lexington Community Center
39 Marrett Road
由 Lexington Field & Garden Club 邀请三位嘉宾和大家分享植物园和感官花园的信息。 
Scott Stanley 拥有明尼苏达大学双城分校的园艺科学学士学位。他拥有超过 35 年的园艺和景观经验,其中包括在科莫公园音乐学院和明尼苏达大学超过 25 年的公共部门工作。他的演讲将为我们简要介绍植物园的历史和背景、感官花园安装日期、花园的设计意图、利用该空间的合作伙伴,以及它与其他感官花园的不同之处。
LFGC 成员 Rita Pandey 和 Barbara Tarrh 是莱克星顿区中心感官花园的联合主席。Rita 将概述花园从最初的概念到完成的过程。我们将了解各种植物,以及为什么感官花园很重要。

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Feb 13
Lexington Council for the Arts
The World’s Deadliest Weapon
the Submarine, from Pigboat to Planet Killer
Time: Mon, 2/13 
1:15 PM – 3:00 PM 
Location: Large Meeting Room
Cary Memorial Library 
潜艇于 1900 年代初作为海军武器系统首次引入,在过去一个世纪中取得了显着发展。这艘潜艇曾经受到高级海军军官的辱骂和公开嘲笑,他们更喜欢能携带大炮的闪亮的水面舰艇,而不是小巧、缓慢、臭气熏天的潜水器(被戏称为“猪船”),但在过去的几十年里,这艘潜艇已经跃居成为海战火力和战斗力的尖端武林。
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Feb 17
Cary Memorial Library 
Build Your Own Mars Helicopter
Fri, 2/17, 3:30 – 4:30 PM 
Large Meeting Room
Cary Memorial Library 
美国宇航局派直升机去火星!这架直升机被称为 Ingenuity,目的是测试飞行器是否是研究太空中遥远物体的好方法。我们已经向其他星球发射了航天飞行器,但这是第一架飞到另一个星球上的飞机。在本次活动中,您将在当地 NASA 大使 Sangeeta Gautam 的帮助下,使用纸、木棍和棉花糖制作您自己的火星直升机模型。快来了解这一惊人的工程壮举。
该活动适合3 - 5 年级的学生、
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Feb 21 -24
Town of Lexington
February Break Vacation Camp
Time: Tue, 2/21 – Fri, 2/24 
Location: To be advised upon sign up
Price: $300 per children for 7 to 11 years old 

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Feb 24
Lexington Historical Society
Lexington Annual Town Election
时间:周一,3 月 6 日
投票登记截止日期:周五,2 月 24 日下午 5:00
莱克星顿年度城镇选举将于 2023 年 3 月 6 日星期一举行。2023 年度城镇选举的投票登记截止日期为 周五,2 月 24 日下午 5 点。
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Highlight of the Month
Light up your night at the Lantern Festival!
Time: Sun, 2/5
From 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Location:13 Depot Square, Lexington 
The Lantern Festival is on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar on the full moon.
Come with your families and friends to experience lantern making, fashion show, written wishes making, family portraits, treasure hunts and more! 
To know more about the event, please click this link :
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Feb 1
The Ancient Art of Chinese Paper Cutting - Adult Workshop
Time: Wed, 2/1  
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: Large Meeting Room Cary Memorial Library1874
Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington
To celebrate the Lunar New Year, the Year of the Rabbit, come and learn the ancient art of Chinese paper cutting with Zhonghe (Elena) Li.  She will give a brief introduction of the art form and you will create your own pieces as she walks you through the basic techniques.
Zhonghe (Elena) Li is a multimedia artist who lives and works in Cambridge, MA. The motivation behind her work has consistently been her love for nature’s diversity and her concern for the environment, species extinction, and humanity’s role and future. She is deeply influenced by the Taoist philosophy of “being one with nature” and seeks to promote the principle of living together with balance through art.
This workshop is intended for adults. Each person attending must register separately for head count accuracy.
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Feb 1
Raising a Reader for Ages 2 – 5 years old 
Time: Every Wed, 2/1 to 3/15 
Location: Lexington Community Center Room 108
 39 Marrett Road, Lexington 
Welcome Raising a Reader come to Lexington Community. Raising a Reader is an evidence-based early literacy program employing interactive, dialogic reading strategies that engage children while sharing books. 
Each week we will focus on new strategies by asking good questions as we share books together. We will also sing, move, build vocabulary, early literacy skills, and a love of books. 
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Feb 2
Lexington Historical Society
Meet the Author: Weina Dai Randel
Time:: Thur, 2/2 
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM 
Location: Large Meeting Room, Cary Memorial Library 1874
Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington
Join author Weina Dai Randel as she talks about her newly released book, "Night Angels,"a profoundly moving novel based on the true story of Dr. Ho Fengshan. Author Kerri Maher, "The Paris Bookseller" will moderate the discussion. A Q & A will follow.
Weina Dai Randel is the award-winning author of four novels, Night Angels, The Last Rose of Shanghai, The Moon in the Palace and The Empress of Bright Moon, a historical duology about Wu Zetian, China’s only female emperor. Weina is the winner of the RWA RITA Award, a National Jewish Book Awards finalist, and a two-time Goodreads Choice Award nominee. Her books have been translated into twelve languages.
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 Feb 3
Lexington Farmer's Market
"Lost and Found" - a storytelling and musical event
Time: Fri, 2/3 7:00 PM 
Location: First Parish in Lexington
7 Harrington Road
Voices on the Green, Lexington’s premier live storytelling and music event at First Parish in Lexington, returns to the stage!

The stories offered are compelling and varied: a woman discovers a surprising connection at a work event. A father and son compare their feelings on retrieving a lost item. A homesick immigrant must find a new direction in her new country. A young man's lost opportunity haunts him for years. A Kenyan woman finds the inspiration to escape poverty in a common object. A young boy's game underscores the human need to be found again and again. 
Kids and teens are welcome. Music will be provided by Jamie Willis and Kelly Rice, real-life partners who love to sing together. Beverages and conversation are available before the show and at intermission. Tickets are $10 and $20 and are available NOW on the VOTG website.
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Feb 3
Helping our friends and neighbors
Time: Fri, 2/3 9:30 AM 
Lexington Community Center
39 Marrett Road,Lexington 
The League of Women Voters of Lexington invites you to learn more about local groups that work in different ways to help our friends and neighbors. 
Food Link is a community organization that "envisions a world in which everyone has abundant nourishing food and a food system in which no edible food goes to waste". 
Lex Eat Together is a Lexington-based non-profit that seeks to address hunger and food insecurity in and around Lexington. 
LexRAP (Lexington Refugee Assistance Program) is a community organization which welcomes, supports, and assists refugees and asylum seekers, including providing a support network for housing, food, clothing, health care, employment, and education (including learning English). 
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Feb 4
WeStar Academy
Serious Romance 
Time: Sat, 2/4 
Concert at 7:30 PM 
Pre-Concert Talk with Jonatha McPhee at 6:30 PM
Location: Cary Hall 
1605 Massachusetts Avenue 
Lexington, MA
Tarrh | Diptych Fantasy (world premiere)

Rachmaninoff | Piano Concerto No. 2 in C

- Randall Hodgkinson, Piano

Brahms | Symphony No. 4 in E minor

Experience the distinguished artistry of pianist Randall Hodgkinson performing the most romantic of all piano concerti, just in time for Valentine’s Day. The second half features Johannes Brahms’ transcendent Fourth Symphony, his most profound work.
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Feb 4,16
Cary Library
Small yet mightily winter market 
Time: Sat, Feb 4 & 18
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Location: The Waldorf School Gymnasium 
739 Massachusetts Ave Lexington, MA
Come to support local farmers,  shop fresh, locally-grown and -produced food for your family! 
2023 Winter Market Dates: March 4 & 18, April 1 & 15
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Feb 5
“Putting Black Women on the Map: Then & Now” "Tied to Her Apron Strings"
Tiime: Sun, 2/5 
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Opening reception 
Exhibition open February 5 - 26
Virtual Lecture February 15 at 7 pm
Location: LexArt

130 Waltham Street, Lexington, MA 02421

In Celebration of Black History Month, LexSeeHer and LexArt invite you to a multimedia exhibition featuring illustrations, painting and textiles. Explore the contradictions and continuities of Black women's experiences from the 18th century forward, featuring the stories of African American women whose lives are tied to Lexington's history and the founding of the country. Learn about Margaret Tulip, who won her Freedom Suit, Phebe Burdoo, A Mother of the American Revolution, Mary Elizabeth Miles Bibb, a free woman of color, abolitionist, educator & journalist.

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Feb 5
Revolution Hall
VALENTINE’S DAY - free, all-ages valentines-making event
Time: Sun, 2/5 
1:00 – 2:00 PM,  2:00 -3:00 PM or 3:00 -4:00 PM
Location: Munroe Center for the Arts 1403 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington 
Join us to create valentines for your friends and loved ones.  Paper supplies will be on hand, as well as lots of creative ideas and collage materials.  You supply the love, and we will supply the messy bits!
Spring will soon be upon us! Sign up for our class & camp newsletter for SPRING SEMESTER dates, including class announcements and registration opening in March -
Plan your family’s school vacation schedules with our vacation camp programming at
FEBRUARY VACATION PROGRAM runs February 20 - 24, with remaining spots for teens grade 6+ in full or partial day options of visual arts and/or ceramics.
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Cary Library
Lantern Festival Treasure Hunt 
How exciting! More than 40 shops in town are participating in this Lantern Treasure Hunt. Here are three phrases: A, B and C. Phrase A has 16 letters, Phrase B has 13 letters and Phrase C has 14 letters. How to play this Treasure Hunt? Very simple! 
Seek for treasure hunt tag hung under the lanterns within the listed locations
Note down all the letters for the phrase you are trying to figure out. Please DO NOT take the tag away from the lantern.
Redeem your prize on Feb 5th after you figure out what phrase it is, anytime between 10am – 6pm at the Lexington Historical Society (13 Depot Square, Lexington, MA)
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Feb 8
Lexington Community Center
Conversation about Arboretum, Sensory Garden with experts!
Time:  Wed, 2/8/2023  9:30 AM
Location: Lexington Community Center 39 Marrett Road 
First part speaker Scott will share via zoom 
Second part in-person 
Brought by Lexington Field & Garden Club, The Arboretum Sensory Garden with Scott Stanley and the Sensory Garden at the Lexington Community Center with Rita Pandey and Barbara Tarrh
Scott Stanley has a BS in Horticulture Science from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. He has over 35 years of Horticulture and Landscape experience which includes over 25 years of public sector work at Como Park Conservatory and the University of Minnesota. His talk will give us a brief history and background of the Arboretum, Sensory Garden installment date, design intent for the garden, partners that utilize the space, and how this differs from other sensory gardens.
Rita Pandey and Barbara Tarrh, both LFGC members, are the Co-Chairs for the Sensory Garden at the Lexington Community Center. Rita will give an overview of the garden from the initial concept to the finished garden. We will learn about the plantings and why a sensory garden is important.
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Feb 13
Lexington Council for the Arts
The World’s Deadliest Weapon: the Submarine, from Pigboat to Planet Killer
Time: Mon, 2/13 
1:15 PM – 3:00 PM 
Location: Large Meeting Room, Cary Memorial Library 
1874 Massachusetts Avenue,
This is a Hybrid program, you can join via Zoom too. 
The submarine, first introduced as a naval weapons system in the early 1900s, has gone through remarkable developments over the past century. Once reviled and openly ridiculed by senior naval officers who favored gleaming surface ships carrying big guns over the small, slow, and smelly submersibles (mockingly called “pigboats”), the submarine has over the past decades vaulted to the forefront of naval combat firepower and lethality. 
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Feb 17
Resolution Run 5K
Build Your Own Mars Helicopter (Grades 3 - 5)
Time: Fri, 2/17  3:30 PM – 4:30 PM 
Location: Large Meeting Room, Cary Memorial Library 
1874 Massachusetts Avenue,
NASA sent a helicopter to Mars! This helicopter is called Ingenuity and is designed to test whether the flight is a good way to study distant bodies in space. We have sent a spacecraft to other planets, but this is the first aircraft that flew on another world. In this activity, you will learn about this amazing feat of engineering as you build your own Mars helicopter model using paper, sticks and marshmallows with the help of local NASA Ambassador Sangeeta Gautam.
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Feb 21-24
Cary Library
February Break Vacation Camp
Time: Tue, 2/21 – Fri, 2/24 
Location: To be advised upon signing up
Price: $300 per children for 7 to 11 years old 
February Break Vacation Camp is an all-inclusive camp that will be a week filled with arts & crafts, outdoor games, and team-building games that will engage everyone! Make sure to dress for the weather. We can't wait to see you. All participants must provide a physical/immunization record at the time of registration to be able to participate in camp. The camp must comply with the regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and be licensed by the local Board of Health.
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Lexington Historical Society
The Lexington Annual Town Election will take place on Monday, March 6, 2023
The deadline to register to vote in the 2023 Annual Town Election is Friday, February 24, 5 PM.  
Let’s make plans to vote! We can use link below to apply for our mail-in ballots, register to vote, check our voter registration, see the current list of candidates, and more.
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Lexington Historical Society
For New Residents
Welcome to Lexington! To find out more about: 
Getting Signed up, Registered & Licensed
For You & Your Family
House & Yard
Getting Around
About Lexington & the Area
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莱镇人文 - 往期精彩
莱镇活动早知道 · 二月
活动整理 & 编辑:Lily Zeng 
排版 & 编辑:Zeno Wang & 鱼儿
中文翻译:Luara Ranran Yang & Clover Tian
翻译审核: Ziyun Wang
摄影师:Minmin Yang & Weidong Wang